I am quite frustrated today because of the way I interact with people. I am sensitive and so whichever direction I look, I get offended. I get offended in a forum, riding a cab, talking to my dad, talking to my mom, interacting with a woman I like, with my boss, with my colleagues, if an unknown person looks at me... I get offended several times a day. And I hold a grudge about every little offense for days and days. With my dad, I hold my grudges for decades about things he told me.
After getting up I didn't go back to sleep but went to work, and sure enough my boss instead of thanking me for showing up, was probably resented because I went late. Which is not intelligent, because next time instead of going late, I'll be encouraged to call in sick. He's a negative asshole like my dad and these people cause misfortunes simply by interpreting events in a negative way. Simply by putting people down.
Next year I'll have part-time hours from 9 to 3.30 PM. I had asked until 2.30 PM, but they said it was too much. However, the good thing about part-time is that helps me get along better with my colleagues, especially after 3.30.
Today I traded. The gold trade went well (it was almost 50 points down and I expected an overnight bounce of at least 20%, which happened). But as I came home, on the EUR, even though I ended up making 200, and bring my capital to 7500 dollars, I resumed gambling, and that is bad because today I made 200 but I could have lost 2000, as usual when I gamble. And these gambles are usually profitable by a few hundreds, but definitely they don't work because before my tenth trade, I will make that -2000 dollars trade.
I pinned it down to this: I make a trade and I am in control, and confident the market will go a given way. Then - having allowed early exits - I see price hesitate, and I exit early, and lose 50. Then I enter the other way: it hesitates again, and I say "ok, after all I knew it was going the other way to begin with". Then I get in the other way and it hesitates again. After getting in and out 4 times, each time in opposite directions, each time losing 50 dollars, I am so upset that I am ready to bet the farm on my fifth trade, no matter what it will do.
So I've got to limit my trades. The sniper shot was meant to keep me calm and make me ponder very very carefully a trade, like a sniper with his shot. I abolished it, and I am leaning towards gambling again.
The journal was meant to put thinking and time between trades, but I abolished it because it was tiring, and now making a trade is so easy that I make too many of them again.
The only good thing in all my recent changes is the early exit. If you see your move fail, you should exit early. However, you should not re-enter in the opposite direction a second later. That usually happens because gambling got into you. The early exit is a good thing in itself, but it injects a gambling fever into your system, because it gives you the chance to pull that trigger repeatedly, and that gets addictive, and a lot of other negative consequences, due basically to costs of slippage and commissions, because otherwise gambling would not exist: we'd be entering and exiting every few seconds and rightly so, if we didn't have to worry about spread and commission costs.
Trading the way I trade is like continuously flpping channels with your remote control, trying to find a program you like, but never allowing any programs to show their potential. You spend an hour and you remember nothing of all the channels you've watched for 5 seconds at a time. Few people do this, and I am one of them. I would bet that those people flipping channels on the remote control without ever finding one they like, are people who, as traders, would act as compulsive gamblers. If you want to know if a person will NOT be a good trader, let them sit in front of the tv with a remote control and see how often they change channels, and that will be how often they will want to trade. Are they getting anything out of they're watching on tv? No, just compulsive channels flipping. Probably they wouldn't get any profit out of their trades either. But then if they never changed the channel, maybe these are people who don't cut their losses, so maybe that's not so good either. Maybe the best trader would be someone who goes all the way to the store and rent an ancient black and white film. Maybe that would be a good trader. Someone who goes after some objective, does his research, and then, after days of efforts, watches his one movie. Much like the sniper trader I wanted and still want to be.
Yeah, because all you need is one good trade per day. You don't need to make 9 trades of which 5 will be good and four bad, like I did today, by increasing the risk of losing control and making that -2000 dollars trade. You just need 1 "in control" trade. Monday I will list my new rules regarding that new method that should protect me from over-trading but without removing the early exit option.
As i said before, I don't only have a problem with getting addicted to flipping the remote control, or clicking the buy button on my trading platform. I am addicting to "befriending" the readers. That's why I have over 100 friends, not because I am popular. I get addicted to... everything. I keep on checking the views on my journal... I didn't go to a psychiatrist to be charged a few hundreds dollars and be told what the cause of this might be. I am going to guess it's because my dad kept on injecting anxiety into my system, throughout my life. And i've said this before as well, on how he's incessantly said to me and my mom "did you check this", "you got the keys?", "what time does the train leave?", "you know how many people live in this city?", "you know this useless notion?", "can I ask you any more uselss and stressful questions because I can't stop talking and I am nervous?". Not the last two questions... those were summaries of what he asked us and maybe why.
Oh, but he's a great man. Because he succeeded in life. So it doesn't matter that he's a sick maniac, because all the relatives and people who know him will speak greatly of him. "Your dad...", "he", "him". I suppose some people instead of fixing their behaviour rather work their asses off to become successful and be able to stay sick, so people will forgive them their sickness. I think that's what I embarked on as well. I set out to stay antisocial and intolerant, but I want to make money so I will be able to "buy" the perfect environment for my sickness. To some extent I already do this by paying for everyone's dinner, so I can choose where to eat, and when to go, and control the situation. I can choose what day, what time and what place. And people are even willing to let me be the leader of the whole deal. People are willing to accept your unfair conditions if you're paying for dinner.
So, now I'll answer the posts above.
How do you determine if the move has failed or the trend is exhausted?
Well, basically, don't make me start from pre-history. I explained my pro-trend system in about 40 posts, please refer to that. What I need to add is this: after the fast moving average gets crossed momentum is very much in favor of your trade, and if that momentum fails and you get some red 1 minute candles (if you were LONG), then you should be ok with getting out. Basically a good trade crosses the fast average and takes off, and doesn't recross the average in the opposite direction. It just takes off and reaches your takeprofit. Or if momentum slows down early (even after it did take off), then you should exit at 15 ticks of gain instead of the regular 20 ticks. That's why early exits are not renounceable: because there's plenty of situations where you can't get exactly the optimum 20 ticks. But 20 ticks is there because in most cases you can count on them.
Were you trying to change your system during this trade? Or were you trying to change your system to justify the trade?
Yeah, what I said there was that I was getting many ideas about changing my system, but yes I was changing during a trade, which by the way is what I was lecturing you not to do when I was on your journal. Pretty funny.
Travis - I think you have a thoughtful post here. I am new to T2W and have not read to many other people's journals. I have read one other and it was in my mind, boring, because the few pages just had the bare facts. No analysis at all, so I had no idea what got him/her into the trade or anything. Just where the trade executed.
I have found when you post your stuff, since I do not understand your system at all, I at least feel like I can see that you are making some efforts to do analysis. You talk about your rules, when you change your rules, and you talk about yourself.
I, for one, appreciate that there is a person behind the journal entries.
So, without any ability to tell you if you are allowed, I can at least vote for the ability to write what you want in your own journal. I think it is meant for your improvement and satisfaction as a trader.
If someone else is annoyed by it, they don't have to read it. Or maybe that is another rule I missed... every person must read every other post by every other person in the forum... um... kinda doubt that rule exists!
I hope you decide to stay here and be yourself. Just my vote.
Yes, I'll stay. Thanks for the support and feedback.
😀 Someone will always be annoyed about something anyone says, no matter, but I always look in on this thread to see what Travis is up to. I second your hope.
Yes, I'll keep writing. Thanks for the feedback and support.