My Journal for all to see

this was my next basket of trades today.

i took a small loss because i closed them out before the weekend. i took a small gain on a couple and a small loss on a couple. the reason i did not wait till closing bell to close them was because if i closed them now, i would be at a small loss instead of a potentially bigger one later.

ok the first chart was a reprint. sorry. dont know how to remove it.


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+7.9, up 10.5, up 10.6

see charts below.


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up another 8.3

got me some more pips on the pound.

i am working on my last trade for the night and it is making me sweat right now. it is the usd/jpy. i am in the hole a bit and i am trying to get out at break even. i am gonna hold it a bit longer. we will see what happens and i will post whatever after i close the trade.


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i took another dive

i really did not want to post this because i am embarrassed. but i think this is a way i can stop doing this nonsense!!!! i lost all profits from the last 2 weeks on this one trade.

i bought the usd/yen in a super strong downtrend. why? because of what i "thought" was gonna happen. i did not base this trade on anything i "saw".

thankfully i wasnt trading very large. but here is why you NEVER NEVER NOT EVER average down AGAINST THE TREND!!!!!

Price on usd/jpy went all the way to S4! without a pullback.


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got it. im up +1% today

my one and only problem that keeps me from making a million dollars is the fact that i will continue to average down even if the trend has changed. i need to call my stop before my trade. i need to do this on every trade.

i need to define my 'puke point' beforehand because once i have lost so much money, i stop thinking logically.

anyhow this trade, i waited on. i defined my 3 entries and i defined my stop.

worked out awesome!

thanks mister!!!


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