my journal 3

I was researching on vegetarians and, to my surprise, I found out that all the Beatles were more or less vegeterians:
Which member of The Beatles is or was a vegetarian
All the Beatles were vegetarians at different times. Ringo Starr gave up meat because of health problems during his childhood, George Harrison became a vegetarian when he converted to Hinduism, and Paul McCartney and his wife Linda decided they loved animals too much to eat them. John Lennon mostly followed a macrobiotic diet after 1968, but broke it often.

This is awesome because I am being a vegetarian and I love the beatles. A vegan, but more or less like John, for health reasons rather than for the safety of animals - so I can break the diet any time I want to, depending on the need for nutrients (like for risotto alla marinara, I can become non-vegetarian). Probably I, too, will be killed by a mind controlled killer sent by the US government. Also, being vegetarian doesn't keep me from killing humans, which is what matters the most to me. Especially the neighbours.

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VIDEO: WAC Denmark speaks about 9/11/12
There are many activists who recognize the attacks on 9/11/01 did not only affect Americans, but citizens of the world. We Are Change Denmark are some of those activists. Brian Gideon of WAC-Denmark, and Infowars.Dk reminds us why 9/11 is important.
"We Are Change Denmark", they say. It really makes you wonder if we could all be deranged, given the fact that there are some of us in every country, believing that 911 was engineered by the US government, and all the relative implications (that the government cannot be trusted, nor the media).

Yeah, on the other hand, there's Nazi groups in every country, so I guess the fact that there's "we are change" in every state and country does not guarantee that we aren't all deranged.
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Roseanne Barr to Speak at Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering Conference
In addition to Roseanne Barr, several speakers will address issues of concern over mankind’s attempt at controlling the weather, which could have global implications for extreme temperatures and food security.

As scientists try to deal with some of the most crucial environmental issues of our time, many are embracing the idea of controlling the weather. Some are suggesting that spraying heavy metals in the atmosphere may help reduce global warming.

In recent years, extremely elevated levels of aluminum, barium, strontium and other metallic elements have been found California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and other regions of the northwestern U.S. and southwestern Canada. Could this be the result of such weather modification that is already taking place? And if so, why haven’t the people who live in these areas been told of such activities?
Yeah, that is a good question, and I'd like to have an answer. It is the first thing where I have a direct personal stake, because in Italy we have no 911, no FEMA camps, no false-flag mass shootings, no police state, but we do have chemtrails. And we do have Morgellons syndrome, as diagnosed by an Italian doctor, for the first time in 2009:
Tanker Enemy - STOP CHEMTRAILS!: Prima diagnosi ufficiale di Morgellons in Italia
Di seguito la trascrizione del referto medico:
"Si certifica che la paziente è affetta da dermatite papulopruriginosa caratterizzata da aspetti teromorfici.
Sulla base dei dati clinici e degli accertamenti eseguiti in vitro ed ex vivo (villocapilloscopia) è ipotizzabile una sindrome di Morgellons".
Of course where censorship has reached doctors, in the US, Morgellons Syndrome doesn't exist and it's all about imaginary symptoms.

And of course the same applies to wikipedia:
Morgellons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Morgellons (also called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome) is a name that was given in 2002 by stay-at-home-mom Mary Leitao[1] to a proposed condition characterized by a range of cutaneous (skin) symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations (formication); finding fibers on or under the skin; and persistent skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores). Doctors,[2] including dermatologists[3] and psychiatrists,[4] regard Morgellons as delusional infestation (also called delusional parasitosis), the belief that there is a pathogenic infestation that remains despite contrary medical evidence.[5]
And I just checked, it is the same bull**** for Italian, French, Spanish entries. "Imaginary".

Any hypothesis against the US government is "delusional". This is a constant of the media and therefore wikipedia, too. If it's against the Chinese or Iran, then yes, of course those governments engage in evil acts against their populations. But the US government is good by definition (the movies confirm it), so we're all being delusional. There's a 15 percent of the population that is constantly being "delusional" about the US government:
Opinion polls about 9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Interestingly, the % of non-"delusional" people matches my estimate of percentage of idiots in the world.
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on how I am feeling

You know what: the matrix works. All these people around me consider me deranged or slightly deranged, and I have no one to talk to about these researches I am doing. They keep talking about soccer games, and I keep being confirmed that they're idiots.

But I am bored with these subjects, too. Not that I'll start studying soccer. But I am bored with being unable to share this with anyone. The 15% who agree with me are far away, maybe not overseas, but in another city in Italy.

Another thing is the vegan diet and how it affects my mood: I don't know if it's the diet or if both diet and mood are affected by something else, but the fact is that I am feeling calm, very calm, and bored at the same time.

You know: feeling angry and mad is a good substitute for boredom. All of a sudden I've lost anger and... drive, too. I've lost interest in many things. For example, I am not interested in eating ice creams, because I know they're bad for your health. While this is good, it's one less thing to live for. One less drive to satisfy. It could be that with the vegan diet, I've taken a path that will eventually lead me to lying in bed still, calm and doing absolutely nothing. Being calm is good. I'll see how it evolves. I used to sit perplexed, nervous and scratching my head, and now I might end up sitting or lying motionless and calm. It would seem to be a good thing.


As I said, I feel bored. Calm but also bored. I don't really control all my actions and maybe only unconsciously I have a long term plan. So I don't know if I'll quit surfing on these subjects, if I'll add more subjects or what I'll do. Unfortunately I'll have to stay at the computer because all I have is a few weeks of vacation per year and don't have enough money to quit my job. This is an awful torture, but I cannot end it yet. I'll have to be surrounded by idiots and do stupid tasks here at the bank for a while longer. My greatest hope is the financial collapse, so that my bank stops existing and I can finally move to the island, where I have a house. Otherwise I'll be blamed by everyone for quitting such a precious job in a time of general crisis (blamed by the same parents who own the house at the beach, so it would not be good to go against their approval).
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No Plane Hit South Tower

There are many videos about the fact that no plane ever hit South Tower, which implicates total complicity by the press (they were given the videos to be played).

9/11 - No Plane Hit South Tower - YouTube

Truth!!! no plane hit WTC 911 - YouTube

A whole long documentary on it:

September Clues (new version) - No Plane Theory - Breaking The Matrix - YouTube

I guess they didn't want to take any chances and have planes miss the towers. It is a mess of a job they did, given all the resources they had. Excellent cover-up after messing up though.
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DHS and US Military Make Final Preparations Before Announcing Martial Law
Informants and military personnel are coming forth anonymously to confirm that martial law “is right around the corner.” However, right now we are under a silent martial law and citizens are reporting strange and unexplainable activity from the US armed forces and multiple federal agencies that point to a covert preparatory operation to completely lock down America in the very near future.

Sources from multiple locations across the nation have independently confirmed that the US military are repositioning soldiers in conjunction with allied foreign troops in the initial stages of martial law.

The US military are secretly moving massive amounts of “equipment” across the country consistently for more than a year. In Phoenix, Arizona, tractor-trailers transporting tanks on public highways have been spotted. One witness stated that he saw these flatbeds multiple times in the month of June. Eye witness reports are coming primarily from the northern and southern Border States.

US Government Proposes Law Making it Illegal For Them to Kill You
Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to ‘prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens’ by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

Now if this doesn’t give one reason to pause and consider the distortions of liberty that have taken place in western civilization, I don’t know what will. Think about it:

Does a free society send government hit men to eliminate anyone they perceive to be an enemy of the state?

» August 5 Sinai Attack Bears All the Hallmarks of an Israeli False Flag
On Sunday 5 August a number of unidentified militants carried out an attack in the Egyptian Sinai in which several Egyptian soldiers were killed, and Israel’s border was penetrated. After Iftar as the Egyptian Muslims were breaking their fast, unknown militants killed 16 Egyptian soldiers and stole an Egyptian armoured vehicle. Using a pick-up truck packed with explosives, the militants breached the Egypt-Israel border at the ‘Kerem Shalom’ crossing and subsequently drove approximately one mile into Israel using the armoured vehicle they had commandeered.

This event brings severe geopolitical repercussions for Egypt, and is characterised by extremely suspicious circumstances. Resultingly we must carefully consider this attack within its proper context.

Israel had foreknowledge of the attack

The Israeli military knew in advance that the Sinai attack would occur, which even allowed them to have aircraft defending the area in advance – hence why the armoured vehicle was blown up shortly after crossing the border and the attack was thwarted within 15 minutes of its advent.(1) IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz wasted no time in pointing out that “a large disaster was averted.”

This begs the question, why did the Israelis not inform the Egyptian military to allow them to prevent the attack in the first instance?

» Social Security Ponzi Scheme Coming To An End
Socialist security, possibly the world’s largest wealth redistribution scheme in history is finally now coming to an end. Like a scam chain letter, the first people who “sent in a dollar” got a hundred back in return, but the last pay in and get nothing. Such is the case now with socialist security reports the AP, “People retiring today are part of the first generation of workers who have paid more in Social Security taxes during their careers than they will receive in benefits after they retire. It’s a historic shift that will only get worse for future retirees.”

Unfortunately, unlike a scam pyramid scheme chain letter, citizens are not allowed to opt out, so everyone from now on will be paying in with the guarantee they will be losing money, and getting absolutely no “security.” Rather than a “social safety net,” it’s a ring of jail bars locking everyone into perpetual debt slavery. Such a situation cannot continue for very long, and as the AP notes, it will only get worse as more and more of the baby boomers retire...
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Harvard study: evidence shows ‘fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children’
Despite a history of the criticism of water fluoridation being characterized as “scare mongering via crazy water fluoridation conspiracy theories,” a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang, combining 27 other studies, “found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children.”

The Truth Reversal and Omission Scheme « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
The daily headlines are getting more mind-boggling by the day. One thing they all have in common, besides being a complete affront to the senses and spirit;

They’re all f**ing backwards.

They’re complete reversals of not only previously established facts, but what your heart and even common sense are telling you. These ongoing, in your face, assumptive and arrogant lies against humanity are almost beyond comprehension.

What is most appalling is the brash magnitude of the barrage. We’re being played for idiots.

Know what’s more freaky? They know if they repeat it often enough and don’t back down they’ll succeed. The masses will open their mouths and swallow it.
Oddly i've been using it for over a decade, without any side effects:

Propecia (Finasteride): Undisclosed Mechanisms, Potential Dangers & Permanent Side Effects - YouTube

Furthermore, their study doesn't allow me to participate because these are their requirements:
If you are suffering from PERSISTENT Finasteride side effects, please participate in Dr. Irwig's NEW 2011 study on Testosterone, DHT and Fertility parameters:

No ****. Everyone participating will then show how bad propecia is, because you can only participate if you're suffering from it.

Anyway, financial collapse is near, and the first thing to go will be pharmacies and medications, and everyone's life span will increase, just as happens when doctors go on strike.