Being control freak and intolerant. Recently I've been wondering why I am so intolerant, of the neighbours in particular. But I've often been intolerant of the smallest things by strangers. I remember I even wallked in the street and got bothered if anyone stared at me, and used to stare back until they stopped. Now I don't do it anymore because I am insecure about my appearance.
Getting back to being intolerant of the neighbours. and the smallest things that only bother me and no one else, the answer is simple, or rather it's a synonym. I kept saying for a year that I am quite a control freak: how can I wonder why I am so intolerant? Being control freak and intolerant are the same thing.
The control freak wants people to act according to his wishes. The intolerant person doesn't tolerate anyone acting other than according to their wishes. It almost has the same exact meaning.
Le's even look it up on the dictionary:
There's a whole lot of synonyms and meanings for that word. The sense I mean is closest to this one, which is not, of the 19 meanings, the "intolerant" main entry, but the main entry of "excitable":
Main Entry: excitable
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: easily upset or inspired
Synonyms: agitable, alarmable, demonstrative, edgy, emotional, enthusiastic, fidgety, fierce, fiery, galvanic, hasty, high-strung, hot-headed, hot-tempered, hysterical, impatient, impetuous, impulsive, inflammable, intolerant , irascible, mercurial, moody, nervous, neurotic, overzealous, passionate, peevish, quick, quick-tempered, rash, reckless, restless, sensitive, short fused, skittish, susceptible, temperamental, testy, touchy, uncontrolled, uneasy, vehement, violent, volatile, volcanic
Antonyms: calm, easy, easy-going, insensitive, laid-back, passive, unexcitable, uninspired