my journal 2

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tired of losing at the chart game

I am tired of failing at this game. Now I'll play 20 stocks, with one trade per stock. I am positive that I will succeed and that I will manage to make those 20 trades in a row, without having to take breaks between them. I am pretty sure that I can achieve this every time I play 20 stocks with 20 trades. The problem is when I am allowing myself to make plenty of trades per stock.

Anyway, once I'll achieve this 20 trades in a row, I'll gradually increase it and bring it all the way to one hundred trades on 100 stocks. That will be my objective. I don't care about incredible results. I just care to be profitable and to never have to restart a series of 100 trades because I skipped a stoploss.

I don't want to wait too long either and hesitate too much before picking a trade so I will trade all 20 stocks, forcing myself to make a trade in every stock.

Ok, done the trades and came out profitable, not by much, but profitable, and I played pretty fast all 20 trades on the 20 stocks:,20

I'm going to do another 20 trades in a while.
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lost but all rational trades

Here's another 20 trades. All good ones. With stocks you never know what happens in a week. There was a stock that lost 50% in one week. I had to take it and close the trade, and it screwed the otherwise good balance.,20

I am satisfied in that i can make 20 trades, usually be profitable, and lately haven't lost control.
automated systems update

I'm done with that famous project of reversing my systems when the DX is above its average. Here's the way the past six months look with that filter:


It's quite awesome. Of course I might be partly fooling myself, but I don't think these systems will lose money year after year. Maybe they won't make money every month. Maybe they won't look as good as here, but they shouldn't lose.

By now these 42 systems have become so intricate and elaborate (dozens of sheets full of functions and macros) that no one will understand them in case they steal them or something. I hope I don't go into a coma, because when I'll wake up I won't remember anything either about how they work.
Once upon a long ago... children searched for treasure

Making a trade right off the bat, without waiting
Awesome run of 33 trades. New method: open the new chart and force myself to pick a direction as soon as I see it, without waiting. 90% of wins on 33 trades. What difference does it make towards waiting for the right opportunity? None. I actually pick the direction of a non-waited candle better than long-awaited candle, because all I wait for is the bottom, and it's not easy to be right about it.,33

It forces me to accept the trend
The strength of this new method is that it forces me to realize and accept what the trend is. I don't wait for the bottom or for the top, because the system forces me to make my choice immediately as to the direction of the next few candles (I am allowed to stay in the trade for about 3 candles after my entry, and about a loss of 10% before exiting). I've always been a top and bottom picker but this method opened my eyes and made me accept the trend, which I never liked because I didn't want to be late and to get on the trend you are always late by definition.

Great opportunities in real trading if I learn this
Now if I get good at this method of jumping on the chart as soon as I open it up, I will have endless opportunities in real trading. This is like the best insight I've had in weeks.

No stressful doubts, quick trades: only advantages
Another advantage is that I am not bothered by excrutiating doubts as when to enter: I must enter immediately. Each chart only takes me 30 seconds to go through, because I enter after thinking about it for 5 seconds, I wait three candles, and move on to the next chart. This is just AWESOME. Thanks chart game and thanks creator of the chart game.

Waiting for an opportunity would be a good thing if you waited for the right opportunities, but if you are looking for the hardest and rarest ones like I do, what is the point? You might as well hop on the current trend, because that's what this method forces you to do.

Practical implementation in real trading
50 dollars loss and takeprofit, and making a bunch of little trades. You shouldn't go wrong, as long as you've mastered this method. Of course, I am talking to myself, because I will want to do it one day. On top of everything, this can be tested really easily with IB's paper trading account, because since you can trade as soon as you open up the chart, all boredom problems disappear. And then, if you can practice on the paper trading account, you can see if you're profitable or not before using real money. I am planning to do this on the GBP future, with 10 ticks trades, losing or making 60 dollars. I am not going to start with real money unless I first have a 66% of profitability with IB's paper trading account.
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Now by someone not famous:

Now by chopin:

Now by gainsbourg:
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rosa morena

Rosa, Morena!
Onde vais Morena Rosa?
Com essa rosa no cabelo
E esse andar de moça prosa
Morena, Morena Rosa...

Oh! Rosa, Morena!
Onde vais Morena Rosa?
Com essa rosa no cabelo
E esse andar de moça prosa
Morena, Morena Rosa...

Rosa Morena
O samba está esperando
Esperando prá te ver
Deixa de lado
Esta coisa de dengosa
Anda Rosa, vem me ver...

Deixa da lado esta pose
Vem pro samba, vem sambar
Que o pessoal tá cansado
De esperar
Ô Rosa!
Que o pessoal tá cansado
De esperar
Morena Rosa!
Que o pessoal tá cansado
De esperar
Viu Rosa!
Que o pessoal tá cansado
De esperar

Minha Namorada

Meu poeta eu hoje estou contente
Todo mundo de repente
Fica olhando, fica olhando
Eu hoje estou me rindo
Nem eu mesma sei de quê
Porque eu recebi
Uma cartinhazinha de você

Se você quer ser minha namorada
Ah! Que linda namorada
Você poderia ser
Se quiser ser somente minha
Exatamente essa coisinha
Essa coisa toda minha
Que ninguém mais pode ser
Você tem que me fazer um juramento
De só ter um pensamento
Ser só minha até morrer
E também de não perder esse jeitinho
De falar devagarinho
Essas estórias de você
E de repente
Me fazer muito carinho
E chorar bem de mansinho
Sem ninguém saber porquê

Mas se mais do que minha namorada
Você quer ser minha amada
Minha amada, mas amada prá valer
Aquela amada pelo amor predestinada
Sem a qual a vida é nada
Sem a qual se quer morrer
Você tem que vir comigo em meu caminho
E, talvez, o meu caminho
Seja triste prá você
Os seus olhos têm que ser só dos meus olhos
E os seus braços, o meu ninho
No silêncio de depois
E você tem que ser a estrela derradeira
Minha amiga e companheira
No infinito de nós dois

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