my journal 2

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Replying as I read.

Yeah, "a lot of folk that believe the drawdown period has ended when the valley low is not exceeded (ie before a new a/c hi/peak is created.)". I see. But the problem with that is that you have no way of knowing it has ended... there's no possible formula for that concept. It's a "i hope the losses are behind us" concept. You only know they were behind you, once you pass the previous peak. So, in terms of $ depth it is still a peak-to-trough measurement, but in terms of time it's a peak-to-peak measurement.

Wait. Maybe I am wrong. It should be measured in both cases from peak-to-trough but you still have to wait to measure it until it's over, and I might be measuring it in terms of peak-to-peak only because the investors influenced me that way rather than because it makes sense. Now that i think of it, it is not coherent. And I behaved like a sheep. On the other hand, we measure high water mark, too, so equating the concept of drawdown and high water mark makes things easier for me. In this sense I would call a period of "drawdown" any period during which money isn't made, which equates it to the "high water mark" concept.

I just want to make money, and I am getting to the point of being pedantic, an academic and wasting time. Let's just say I am not going to be perfectly coherent with everything I say and that there is going to be some approximation in everything i say, because the point here is to make money as fast as possible rather than teaching courses on finance.

Getting to your other points.

Yes, you have it right as far as calculating the % of drawdown.

Yes, you're right. Right now we're ok with losing all profit made. In the future, we would stop trading the systems long before that happens. But we're just getting started and it feels ok being able to have great potential to the upside and lose nothing if it doesn't work out. Of course we're counting on the fact that the worst possible drawdown will not be doubled in the near future, and we count on the fact that as capital invested and profit made increase, we will use larger and larger profit cushions to distance ourselves from the risk of blowing out the account... not even blowing out the account -- blowing the profit made.
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longer time required to solve camera problem

This mess I willingly got myself into is far from being solved.

I am now faced with the following problems before being able to realize my project of piloting the helicopter by FPV, which means to be piloting while viewing what the helicopter sees, in First Person View.

Here's the problems:
1) camera weight: all (cheap) ready-to-go sets are too heavy for helicopter i have (all above 20 grams)

2) battery weight: not to speak of the battery problem: most batteries will weigh as much as the already-too-heavy camera

3) lack of info: neither ebay nor other sellers list nearly enough information on the products in terms of weight and batteries in particular

4) personal ignorance of the subject: I don't know if the Eye-Sight receiver works with the transmitter sold at - right now I don't want to spend 100 dollars trying this yet

The best thing to do is -- when you have enough money -- to go ahead with buying just the receiver, and building the rest with the help of my engineer friend and using the components bought from flytron. However it will be a gamble still.

In the meanwhile, I need to get started studying stuff like this guy is teaching:

I need to get acquainted with the waves, electricity and all that stuff. I wasted my university years studying political bull****.

There's all these children building radios:

It still seems too complex to me. Need to find something easier.


I am going to experiment with electricity for a start:

First of all, let's study something about electrocution, just in case:

What's good about all this, is that I am discovering it myself and no one ever tried to teach it to me. It's now that it's fascinating to me, and it's now that I am studying it. If they tried earlier, they would have made me hate it, like they did for greek and latin.

I also have to worry about:

Reading and reading...

Ok, they say I risk fibrillation with small currents, and they are: 70–700 mA...

Ok, I just want to know if I can play around with a 1.5 volt battery.

Ok, I am not going to disassemble, of course:

Damn I really don't know anything:

Radio is better, but it's ugly and it takes too long.

Damn am I ignorant...

Awesome knowledge...

This i will do:

Well, this is a start for me.
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Give up for now on electricity and radio. It will be much more fun to work on software and all that, once the things i bought start arriving here. I'll get help wherever I am too ignorant to make progress. At any rate I will stay at a micro level, so there is no danger of electrocution or of getting hurt in any way.
Can't fall asleep. Usual unhappiness keeps me from falling asleep. Things are not right. Today we lost another 500 dollars.

27th day of drawdown tomorrow. Let's see again how the percentage is going.

Since we're clearly going above 28 days, we're going to have the third longest drawdown in 8 year, but not the longest drawdown in $. I'll have to figure that out as well.


After one hour spent on formulas and pivots, here it is:


You can't say I am not persistent, big mac.


I woke up this morning, and I still had the drawdown statistics in my head, so I brought it even further. My forecast is that this drawdown will end by next Friday, so at worst, in the following table, it would be the third worst by days and about the fifth worst by dollars depth (see row with red font):

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come on...

Come on. A little more effort and I am done.

Tomorrow there will be profit. Sooner or later it has to happen. The stats say so.

Same thing for the parcels. It's very likely that tomorrow I will get one or more of these:

1) rc helicopter
2) rc submarine
3) usb hidden cam 1
4) usb hidden cam 2
5) internet stick

Whatever I get, it will help me get distracted. Starting tomorrow I will be more relaxed, thanks to these things I bought.

I can feel it happening. bbmac asked for the drawdown, and I did the work, pleasantly. What does it mean? If I do so much work for a reader, it means I've been relaxing so much that some energies have come back to me. Boredom is a sign the batteries have been recharged, and today I was quite bored. Boredom is a sign of health. If you were starving to death, you would not be bored.
Re: come on...

I recall finding a bug in my code a few months ago. The condition for a trade being stopped was .. if rate > stop level .. but this was incorrect, it should have been >=.

It sounds minor but the > condition allows the rate to trade (in the backtest) without the stop being carried out (which is not what would happen in real life). Effectively, ">" is granting the system free optionality, and as such, will always IMPROVE the backtest result. It's not pedantry to use >= instead of >, it's right vs wrong.

I'm not suggesting you have bugs in your code, I just thought I'd share this little story as the forum is about backtesting and mechanical trading.
Yes, I agree. Those ">" vs. ">=" errors are serious sometimes. In some cases, such as when comparing price with a moving average they're not that important (it's practically impossible that price will be equal to a moving average). Mind you -- I am not saying I am deliberately keeping those errors.

In other cases, where the units of measurement are not very sensitive, they become more important. For example it wasn't a big deal but I had one such "unacceptable" error on my table comparing back-tested consecutive losses with forward-tested consecutive losses. I fixed it, because I want to be alerted when the forward-tested consecutive losses are more than the back-tested ones. It would seem to not make sense, except when I tell you that I had the back-tested consecutive losses were on the left, so I actually had to write a conditional formatting formula returning an alarming "FALSE" red yellow-shaded cell, when back-tested... well, to put it shortly, the formula had to return "TRUE" as long as back-tested >= forward-tested.
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I've spoken to a colleague, a former carabiniere, a type of police in italy. He's an expert at rc, computers, electronics and electricity, hardware, software and what have you. He's a leonardo da vinci renaissance man much more than me.

Anyway he said I do not run the risk of the doorman stealing my parcels, because he would risk his job. He said it is simply not likely that he'll do it - no matter how suspicious he looks.

Regarding RC stuff, he showed me there's a store near my house where I can go and get the components I need and avoid the trouble of having them delivered. He's totally right. For small components like miniature cameras, I am better off buying them here.
i wanted action, and I got it

1) one parcel arrived in the mail
2) power outage on the server which forced me to close a trade late and manually
3) something wrong in my excel workbook (fixed, by changing IB API Settings) which as soon as I re-opened the saved workbook (before the power outage) sent again orders that had been sent and executed this morning already. Here's the culprit setting:


Now everything is back up, running smoothly again, but I am sad about not having solved this problem yet, by simply buying a more expensive UPS. The one we're using cost me 50 dollars and it lasts 30 minutes. Why not spend even 400 and get one that lasts several hours? It seems it doesn't work this way. If you want one that lasts several hours you need to spend 800 dollars. It's not like for 50 dollars you get one that lasts 30 minutes, and for 100 dollars you get one that lasts 60 minutes. I wish it were like this. My friend running the server told me that things are definitely different. But then I'd say: why not buy several 50 dollars UPS? We're talking about electricity again, and once again, I know nothing about this. I might be endangering my friend's house.

Let's move on and open the package.

I suspect it is just the internet stick, which I bought from an Italian phone company. But I hope it's the helicopter. It's very light, so it could be both. No, wait: the helicopter has a heavy remote control, so it is either a spy cam, or the internet stick.


Yeah. It's the internet stick, for my friends, who by the way are not coming as early as September 3rd, when I go on vacation, but 10 days later or more.

So that means I bought the damn stick for no good reason. I'll use it myself. Hopefully the clumsy ****ers won't dip it into their coffee nor step on it. That's why I bought it, so they don't have to borrow mine. But hopefully it will outlast their stay in Italy.

Now I have to figure out how this internet stick works.
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Thanks for the drawdown the 3rd highest drawdown duratiuon in 8 years and the 5th highest in 8 years re monetary drawdown. As a % of the last a/c hi it is roughly 30% (8 over 26.5 x 100) I wonder where this % stands in a such a table of previous experiences over 8years ? - just kidding !! Lol.

So, current drawdown is within your comfort level and as you said in another post - whilst the thing is building equity and the risk is effectively nil (ie that the drawdown is from un-allocated gains to the a/c over and above initial starting investment/margin) you are okay with a deeper drawdown so long as it stays above that intial starting margin .

Will be interesting to see how long it is before a new a/c hi..Hoping the drawdown valley has been reached.

It is a great example though (and thanks for sharing so openly) of

a. The improbable isn't just a metric - it can happen
b. The value of knowing such metrics particularly with regard to discretionary trading
c. Having a pre-defined plan to cope with the improbable so long as it is within the known distribution of the trading edge, (albeit on the exteme margins of it.)

Continued G/L, please keep us informed. Any idea of when you are going to add the further systems in ?


Replying as I read.

(I can't help wondering, as i read, what "a/c" stands for. So long as you're not asking me a question about it, I don't have to bother with it. But I still wonder what it means).

You're welcome. Thank you for asking these questions, which I answer reluctantly, but then I get fixated on a few hours later, until I am able to answer them, because they are good questions indeed.

Well, you talk about "improbable" and things being at the "extreme" of the distribution. For me this is not exactly true, because as I argued together with meanreversion, we're expecting the backtested results to not be matched by future performance. So what you'd consider "improbable" and "extreme" according to back-tested performance, suddenly becomes "acceptable" and "normal" according to our lowered expectations, and our awareness that future performance will be half as good.

Thanks for the G/L: same to you.

I believe we're going to add the new systems more or less when the present drawdown will be over (cfr. my definition of drawdown: i.e. period of not making money, high water mark concept, period during which a peak is not exceeded). According to my guesstimates in less than a week.

I have a new combination ready that sees bigger gains (of course) and same drawdown and even lower drawdown days (30 days max). I will post it here, if you're still following me when this happens, so we can compare the new drawdown stats to those we have seen for this combination. The next combination will be the 11th combination we're using.
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Interesting stuff - thanks for the reply.

By the way a/c = account.

Couple of follow up questions if I may:

1. You operate under the assumption that live results won't be as good as back tested results and this applies to both gains and drawdowns...Why is this ? Is it primarilly because of the quality of the back test data ? or just cause 'Sods Law' kicks in and your experience (and doubtless many others') is that historically just aren't ever as good live as back-tested and/or it is just a perfectly understandable psychological contingency to lower expectations this way ?

Re 'improbable and extreme' as measured against back test data -vs- 'acceptable and normal' as measured against 'lowered expectations' Even if these lowered expectations are adopted they do not negate back-test data and the parametres it has thrown up and you have to have something to measure against and in a sense this is all you have got as no empirical data is available for 'lowered expectations' I am wqondering whether this is a dangerous road to go down re tolerances for drawdown and loss etc... Ie when measured against back test data at least live results have some kind of comparison and you can see if the normal distributions are being exceeded, even at the extreme margins.

2. You say this is the 11th combination of systems - Do you mean since live trading began? Would you say you are getting back at combining the systems in the portfolio as experience develops ?

Thanks again,

Replying as I read.

Damn, "a/c" stands for "account"? Why not use "a/c/n/t" while we're at it? Damn, is that term deceitful -- what is the logic of that acronym/abbreviation? Let's drop it. I want to have an argument about it.

Your questions now.

1) No, no -- it's not about the quality of data. It is because of the reasons I explained and discussed with meanreversion in these posts:

While you will read all those posts above you will also find a chart and a table that address your next question (replying as i read) about the relationship between backtested results and real money trades results. No, it's not a dangerous road, because we're not saying "we're in the dark and we'll accept anything". We've established that we'll accept a drawdown of about 1.5 times as big as the previous max backtested drawdown.

2) Yes, the next one will be the 11th combination since live trading began with the backers. Before that, I was mixing random compulsive trades with system trades, and disabling and enabling systems at will -- no scientific approach or very little of it. Now I am as scientific as I've ever been.

I don't know if I understood your last question, but I would say that I am getting better at combining the systems, yes (if that was your question). As it's shown by the table I posted here (decreasing dd days and decreasing dd $, despite increasing profit over the backtested period):

Thanks for your questions and feedback.
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not good

Not feeling good, for a change.

Stomach hurting, chest pains, lungs pain... all in pain. Why? Because I did what they all say is a healthy thing to do. "Getting out of the house every once in a while". Bull****, I say.


1) went to loud places I didn't want to go to.
2) stayed with some friends for longer than I wanted to stay for -- due to peer pressure, like everything else I did today with them.
3) drank what I should not have drunk
4) ate what i should not have eaten
5) spent what i should not have spent
6) said what i should not have said
7) heard what I was not interested in hearing

Best thing is to always avoid people as much as possible. Better yet is to keep cell phone turned off, which i do, but also to not check for text messages, which today I did not do. And that was my big mistake for the day. Worse than a day of compulsive gambling. And we're not talking about my junkies friends. We're talking about a couple with a 3 year old child.

8) and now I am not sleeping because i have to stay alone for a while and think and write my journal, which they prevented me from doing.

People are bad. Avoid people. Block them. Right click them and delete them. Avoid people as much as possible. Just allow them in your life with a dropper, drop by drop. Like dangerous medecines.

As a rule, people suck, even taken as individuals, which is when they reason best. As a group, people suck even more. Maximum denominator or whatever is called. Everyone gets as stupid as the stupidest person in the group, as ignorant as the most ignorant person in the group... end of the story is someone gets run over by a car or they all go together to beat someone up. Groups suck by definition. Individuals are good, but best if they stay alone. Best situation is emails with one person at a time. Chat sucks. Dropper. Dropper method with people. Let them in your life with a dropper. They'll appreciate you more and you'll appreciate them more. Never join any group of people, where there's more than one person besides you. The maximum a group of people should have is 2.
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still can't sleep

Thanks, friends, for helping me see the outside world. Thanks for disrupting my schedule and habits. Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Great. I am still digesting the unhealthy food I ate by being outside of the house. Each time I do this... the only good thing is that i stayed away from the screen for a few hours.

Tomorrow -- unfortunately -- I will either go late or even skip work. Not my fault. Damn.
I can't sleep, so i might as well work

Here's what I automated: the drawdown peak-to-peak duration and peak-to-trough depth.

Here's what the self-updated sheet looks like:


Yellow-shading and red font is used to highlight those drawdowns that were already surpassed by the present drawdown: a lot of them.

I can't believe investopedia writes what it writes about the drawdown:

What Does Drawdown Mean?
The peak-to-trough decline during a specific record period of an investment, fund or commodity. A drawdown is usually quoted as the percentage between the peak and the trough.

Investopedia explains Drawdown
A drawdown is measured from the time a retrenchment begins to when a new high is reached. This method is used because a valley can't be measured until a new high occurs. Once the new high is reached, the percentage change from the old high to the smallest trough is recorded.

I either had read it before (but I don't remember it), or our logic totally matches with mine here:

My laptop is breathing heavier and heavier. What is he trying to tell me? He doesn't talk much.

Or maybe our logic is wrong (both mine and investopedia's). I mean there's an evident divergence between measuring the drawdown's depth with peak-to-trough and the drawdown's duration with peak-to-peak.

I know it's the commonly accepted method, so I'll keep doing it. But if we measure the drawdown as peak-to-trough, which is only normal, we should do the same for the duration, which should mean how many trading days it took the equity line to reach the distance between the peak to the valley. Yes, ok: we can't measure the days until the new high is reached. Fine. But we still should count the days between peak and trough. This is illogical that we're not doing it this way.

It would be as if I measured a trip's duration in terms of round trip -- that's exactly how wrong it is -- but its distance in terms of one-way trip. It is as if they asked me: "How long did it take you to go from Rome to New York?", and instead of replying the time it took me to reach New York from Rome, I told them the time it took me to go to New York, stay there a few days, and then come back. You see, the drawdown is the trip to New York -- that's what it is. A trip to the valley, a trip to the trough. And then they ask you how long was the trip, and you should interpret it as "the trip... to New York", but it is indeed true that we sometimes interpret it as the whole duration of the vacation. So... after all, it is illogical, it is not a scientifically coherent way of interpreting it and defining it, but it is pretty widely spread as well to interpret the "trip" to a place as the time to go there and come back. But it's not the immediate logical interpretation. It just derives from the fact that we need to come back to call our "trip" finished. "How long was your vacation", in a way. In a way it means "how long was your systems' vacation?". My systems are taking a break right now, a break from making money, or rather, a break from being profitable.

"How long was the drawdown? and "how long was your trip to new york?" question should be replied to with another question, which is "how long was the trip to the valley or to the valley and back to the top?" and "how long was my trip to new york or to new york and back home?". I would guess that the people interpreting "trip to new york" as "to new york and back" would also interpret (if they knew the subject) "how long was the drawdown?" as a peak-to-peak measurement. I don't know which group I belong to, because I was heavily influenced by the backers. I remember: initially I was reluctant to accept their interpretation, and I thought the "trip to new york" was the 8 hours it takes me to fly from rome to new york and nothing but. You see, it's useless to be fussy and pedantic... after hours and hours of posts about this, it's still unclear. Less unclear but still unclear. There's no academic, except maybe a philosopher, or my father, capable of putting the final seal on a way to interpret this. Or maybe some reader, too, might be so logical and intelligent as to give a clear and final definition, and explain it. My opinion right now is that the financial community that counts (not the large majority of newbies) interprets its depth as peak-to-trough and duration as peak-to-peak, so it should be done that way. But i still think that the newbies instead are right, and that this method of interpreting it is illogical.

So I think that for once the minority is wrong and the majority is right.

You might have thought that i was done, but i will keep on searching on this.

Oh, ****, I found the wikipedia guys. These guys are like academics:

But they use a long formula, so I am lost by definition, because I am dumb with formulas. I get scared and stop thinking when I see one.

The non-formula part says:
The Drawdown is the measure of the decline from a historical peak in some variable (typically the cumulative profit or total open equity of a financial trading strategy).

So they're saying that typically by "drawdown" we refer to the depth concept. And I agree. That's what the term suggests: draw + down. Otherwise it would be "draw down & up".

Ok, this is good:

A drawdown is measured as the percentage drop in a fund or portfolio from the top to the bottom of a negative swing. Drawdowns can only be calculated when the price finally recovers; if you don't wait until then to measure it, you don't really know if the drawdown is finished.

This is a graph of the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange Composite index) from January 1989 to December 2006, the period of the backtest of our Canadian Equity Fund. The TSX reached an all-time high on September 1, 2000 of 11,389. It then dropped, with minor rallies along the way, to a low of 5,695 on October 9, 2002, a drop of 49.99%. The drawdown ended on January 3, 2006 when the TSX finally rose above 11,389. The drawdown lasted more than 5 years from the first drop to full recovery and at its low point had lost 49.99% of its value.

Once again, they say that depth is measured of course as peak-to-trough and instead duration is measured as peak-to-peak. Once again, it is not logical, but it is widespread among the cultured investors. The ignorant ones don't know jack**** so I won't even quote those, because they don't get it right at all and don't know what they're talking about, regardless of the fact they might have popular web sites.

This guy knows his stuff, but I don't understand him because i am stupid:

The drawdown is a difference between some local maximum point in your balance chart and the next following minimum point in that chart. It’s the risk amount by which your strategy can go down during a streak of losses. There are two types of drawdown that are considered to be the important properties of expert advisors (for instance, in MetaTrader platform) — absolute drawdown and maximal drawdown.

Absolute drawdown is the difference between the initial deposit and the minimal point below the deposit level during all test period. It tells you how big your loss can become compared to the initial deposit during the trading. If this value was 0 during the test, then your deposit wasn’t at risk at all.

Maximal drawdown is the maximal difference between the local maximum extremum in your equity chart and the next local minimum extremum in your equity chart. It tells you how low your strategy can go after getting some profit. It can also be called a depth of a losing streak. Generally it’s a good idea not to trade with EAs with the maximal drawdown higher than the profit. But I don’t recommend trading even with strategies or expert advisors that have maximal drawdown at levels higher than 25% of the net profit. Mind your own risk-to-reward ratio and don’t trade with EAs that don’t comply with it.

Now you know what drawdown is and how it’s calculated in Forex trading. Unfortunately, the current version of MetaTrader 4 (Build 225), the strategy tester incorrectly calculates the drawdowns, so if you are testing your EAs, it’s better to calculate both the absolute drawdown and the maximum drawdown manually.

But he says MetaTrader 4 calculates it wrong, so that's something to consider.

This guy kind of confuses me but then he confirms the interpretation I read so far (part in red):

The decline in net asset value from the highest historical point. Often expressed as a percentage loss.

Individual drawdown is any losing period during an investment record.

Maximum drawdown is the largest percentage loss an investor could have realized during a period. It measures the pain an investor may feel if the loss recurs. Comparisons must be made using similar time periods, as maximum drawdown will be greater as measurement frequency interval becomes smaller. It will also be greater for a longer time series, potentially disadvantaging managers with longer track records.

Uninterrupted drawdown calculates the length and severity of an uninterrupted drop.

Recovery time or drawdown duration is the time taken to recover to the prior level.
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still can't sleep - might have to skip work altogether

I might. Against my will. Believe me. I have nothing against anyone. The much-berated boss is actually on holiday, so no point in spiting him by not going.

The laptop is still breathing heavy.

What now? Some studying on ebay and looking for the usual 2.4 ghz transmitter and USB receiver? What else? I am desperate. I can't sleep. **** them all. **** everyone.
Interesting research on drawdown analysis...I remain of the opinion that the 'Drawdown Period' should be the time between the last a/c peak and a new a/c peak and that obviously the 'Drawdown' is the monetary amount between the peaks and valleys. Perhaps the time between the peak top and valley bottom should be called the 'maximum drawdown duration?' as opposed to the total 'Drawdown Period.'

On a seperate subject.

I understand some if not all of the rationale you use to decide which of the total available mechanical systems in the portfolio should be trading live to make up the present combination of systems...but in a sense this choice be it with a methodology/rationale/parametres/rules still involves a human decision, ie yours. To that extent the whole rationale of having a mechanised trading portfolio of systems is underpinned by human intervention/choice as to which systems are actually trading at any given point. Ie it is still a discretionary decision in the same way that I make individual trading decisions based on each set-up that presents itself and it's adherance to certain rules/parametres - but still discretionary decisions involving human intervention/choice - ie my own.

Are there any plans, (and indeed could it be done) to mechanise this system choice/mix of the total available via some kind of algorithm that makes those decisions mechanically and may alter the mix as you currently do discretionarily ?

Interested to hear your thoughts on this and whether you consider this to be a a potential weakness / chink in the armour ?

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Interesting research on drawdown analysis...I remain of the opinion that the 'Drawdown Period' should be the time between the last a/c peak and a new a/c peak and that obviously the 'Drawdown' is the monetary amount between the peaks and valleys. Perhaps the time between the peak top and valley bottom should be called the 'maximum drawdown duration?' as opposed to the total 'Drawdown Period.'


Yes, I agree mostly, in the sense that we should measure it how professionals do and so it is how you say it. But since I find it incoherent I cannot find a name for it. Let the professionals tell me what they call it. If we wanted to be coherent I'd call the trip on the way down the "drawdown period", and the "return trip to the top and 1 increment above the top" should be called the "drawup period", but that means something else, so it should be called the "return trip". But it is not doable, so I won't say anything.
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