my journal 2

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present situation...

The present situation is that I caught up with my sleep, by sleeping one hour at least. I fell asleep while watching the previous movie. Then I turned it off when it ended.

Then I slept some more, but the usual bitch woke me up by slamming her door.

Now I will be doing the bath pastime.

Still looking for something better to do with my time. I see a lot of free time ahead of me. Precious time that I will otherwise waste.

On the other hand, happiness might be approaching. If I get these three babies approved, I will be happy for two weeks and maybe more:


If these get approved, all my good 16 systems will be traded. We will make about 5000 per month, and I will feel satisfied. YM_ON_2 would seem in the way and belonging to the group of good systems, but it is just a duplicate of ES_ON_2 (trading YM instead of ES). It trades worse, so I am trading the twin system.

Last week we made nothing, so next week I am expecting about 2000 dollars of profit. They will probably happen in the last 3 days mostly, as usual.

So far the best activities I can see for spending my precious free time are:

1) sleeping, as I've been doing (even during the day)
2) watching movies, as I've been doing
3) taking baths, as I've been doing

I still don't feel totally happy, but I feel like a car that's being kept in top shape in the garage at least. I am somewhat hybernated. Until I'll quit my job and move to the island, where I'll swim all day long. I also want to buy some scuba-diving equipment so i can stay underwater for hours. Maybe one day I'll also buy a small submarine.

Underwater I feel very safe and peaceful. Here's my top dream for the near future. Buy a small and cheap submarine or even just a scubadiving equipment and spend a few hours underwater, during which I will call my former colleagues at work, so I will feel twice as happy for not being where they are.

...We would sing and dance around, because we know we can't be found.
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current situation...

Here's the situation right now. I took my second bath in the last 24 hours, and will now take my third and final nap, too.

First I took a melatonin, then a xanax, soon I will drink the prosecco. That should do it. I should be able to sleep at least six good hours, which should be fine.

Last thoughts for the day are: what is stopping the investors from not paying me at all one day? Nothing. We have nothing written. This causes me a lot of anxiety. Money matters can put to test even honest people.

This is why I should not consider quitting my job until I have my own capital to invest and to support myself with. Who knows what will happen in the future. They could die and similar, as well. I can't just say: let's quit my job because i can rely on a monthly allowance which is equivalent to my salary.

On the other hand, the alternative sucks as well: staying with my job despite not needing the money.

The best option would be the famous "sabbatical", but it's not realistic, and I would look like a fool if I came back to the office after a year, after failing for whatever reason.

If I can set aside about 40k, then I can trade the systems on my own, make about 5k per month, and then I could maybe hypothesize quitting my job. That's going to take a while but that is the least safety level I need to reach. Yes, there's my dad who could give me 200k to invest out of the blue, but I am not counting on that. My parents are great people at making you suffer without the need to. They're the type of people who give money away rather than spend it themselves, because there's others who need it more. To them suffering and sacrifice is a virtue, trading is a sin, and it's very unlikely that they'll ever help me out, unless I am dying. Yeah, my dad is very reliable but only when I am dying. Happiness is not something worthwhile nor is it worth it to help me be happy. All that matters is virtue and survival. But if you die while practicing virtue, then so much the better, because then you're a hero.

Yeah, I am not kidding. I've described their mentality before right here on this journal. Celebration, happiness, rejoicing is something to feel guilty about. We've never celebrated anyone's birthday in my family. Even if you succeed at something, you should pretend it's nothing much. You can't show off anything, not even happiness. You cannot buy anything expensive, unless we're talking about cultural things, such as a computer. For example, they sent me to study overseas, but it's not ok to give me some money to buy a pair of shoes. It's ok to pay 40k for a year of college, but then I was supposed to live on 50 dollars per month.

Ahead is another week.

A week where I'll try to be quiet at work because we'll have that big meeting with the ACE team, which came to make us efficient. We've asked for fuel for years, and they said there were no funds, but then they send a team to find out why our "car" (metaphor) is not running. The idiots. And I am supposed to stand there, at our meeting, and pretend I will cooperate to get this team to help us succeed, while I think they're just selling smoke and that they are just wasting our time. The idea was wrong, the two guys in this team are idiots, everyone who asked for the team to come help us is an idiot, and they're all slackers. The hard-working people are the victims as usual, as usually happens in my bank. We're the ones getting paid less. Those instead who reach compromises, diplomatic smooth talking people, get paid more, get promoted, because they're willing to put up with this bull****. I asked my boss to allow me to not go, but he said he'd prefer if I came. Then I asked me if he can make sure no one will ask me what I think, because otherwise I will speak up. He said he promises i won't be asked an opinion. We'll see. If I explode, I explode. I can't just hold it, once I start talking. I can't lie, I can't weigh my words and lie basically.

Aside from this, this week we might include those 3 above-mentioned systems, which I really look forward to include. After this I will be signing a non-aggression pact with the investors. A peace treaty lasting all the way to 20k or higher, after which I will obviously come up with more ideas, since the cushion will then be allowing more systems to be traded. If I get to include these 3 new systems, I will be happy for at least 2 weeks.

Other than this, sleeping, bathing, and watching tv are my priorities. By doing so, I will keep myself out of trouble, out of things that might get me hospitalized or dead. I don't want to take any chances because I need to be there, running my systems every day. I have not missed one day of trading since we started doing this 9 months ago. In fact, I have not missed one day of trading since I started the forward-testing in July 2009. That's my concept of being reliable. Not the mother ****ing ACE team, who has to investigate on what we exactly do, to verify that our car doesn't run because we lack the fuel we've been denied for years. They don't fund those who work, they don't help those who work, they don't listen to our requests, but they fund smooth talking people who spend their time talking and having business lunches to organize other people, who are already as efficient as one can get. Talkers vs. workers. It's impossible to get along. I will still try to somehow skip this meeting, even though I now have the suspicion that my boss actually wants me to speak out and say that I think it's all bull**** and a waste of time, because he can't say it, but that's what he thinks as well.

One good thing I just thought of is that - totally unrelated to the office - is that when I was making thousands on my own, I was sleepless at night for weeks, until i eventually blew out my account. Now, with the famous investors in the picture, this is not happening at all. I rest. I can measure the improvement in my trading even from this alone: the fact that now I make money and can sleep properly. This means that risk is now under control and that I don't lose this month what I made in the previous month.

It seems like a small matter, but it's not. It's a real challenge and not a granted thing to be able to sleep well, and still invest thousands in futures every day, including holding overnight positions. It's not a small achievement to have set up something that trades for you and all you have to do is turn it on in the morning and turn it off at night. I am not celebrating it only because 1) I still didn't see any money in my pocket from this and 2) I am like a cook, who's worked his ass off on a recipe for hours and then he's not that surprised to see the outcome. The happier people are those who see it happen without knowing all the work that it required.

Which reminds that along with watching tv, sleeping and bathing, I have decided that I should try to cook bread. I want to invent bread from the start, without reading any recipes. I just want to go by memory. I will buy flower, then some yeast, then mix them together, and put it in the oven and see what happens. This should keep me busy for a few weeks. Yeah. Baking bread. And then I'll do cakes, too.

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Re: current situation...

If I can set aside about 40k, then I can trade the systems on my own, make about 5k per month, and then I could maybe hypothesize quitting my job.

What kind of Sharpe ratio are you achieving/projecting with your systems? To return a steady 10% a month is excellent ... does this rely on running a high number of systems which are (hopefully) non- or negatively correlated? Also, what kind of exposure of equity do you have, at a maximum (i.e. if every system has a position which then suddenly gets stopped out, what % of your equity do you lose)?
sharpe ratio and summary of what's been achieved

The sharpe ratio of the systems being traded is here:

In the image I show the number of trades forward-tested on the x-axis and the sharpe ratio on the y-axis.

The achieved profit is about 10% per month, as you gathered, but it could go all the way to 20% (not higher though), depending on how many more systems we enable (they won't impact margin). Cfr. red and green circles in mentioned post.

Regarding the losses, right now we stand to lose at worst about 13k, vs. potentially making 3k to 6k per month (depending on systems traded). The capital invested is always 30k, regardless of systems enabled, since not all systems trade at the same time.

The maximum potential loss is about 2k. The maximum drawdown so far is 5k, as can be gathered from the equity line i posted in previous posts.

This thing is continually evolving though. Profit may soon be higher, as systems may be more and contracts may be increased. The stable thing is that we have a profit cushion to cover potential losses, which has to be 150% the maximum historical drawdown from 2002 (trading the systems we are trading).

Probably this thing is not going to change ever: the profit will always be more or less one fourth of the profit cushion. Recapitulating, this is the pattern:

1) historical drawdown from 2002 to now of systems/contracts traded: 100
2) profit cushion needed: 150
3) monthly profit expected: 37.5

If we always reinvested the profit into the cushion this would mean that roughly every 3 months we can double the investment/risk/leverage. As a consequence, provided there's enough capital to invest, we could double the monthly profit every 3 months on average. So, if now we're making 4k per month, in 3 months we could make 8k per month, because, as a consequence of the bigger profit cushion covering potential losses, we are able to increase the investment.

Mind you, the invested capital is separate and does not come from the profit made. It comes from other funds. What does come from the profit is the cushion, and the capital invested is a function of the profit cushion accumulated. We always need a situation where the potential losses will not lead us to less than zero. In other words, we can never lose money from these systems - provided the maximum historical drawdown doesn't get exceeded by more than 50%.

As time will go by, individual systems may fail and be replaced by new ones. Right now we're trading 13 systems (cfr. picture in mentioned post).

The biggest challenge for me in all this endeavor was that at the time i got in touch with the investors I had zero capital basically, and I keep having zero capital now, because I keep blowing out my account, through various discretionary trades. So the challenge is making this all happen, despite having no capital. I would not say the challenge is having good systems right now. I've had good systems ever since 2008. I didn't know which ones they were, true. But I've had them since then.

This leads me to mentioning the other challenge: identifying the good systems (out of the 74 I am forward-testing) i actually had. That has been done in the last 9 months and it explains why we had such a bad equity curve in the first 6 months. I've learned to use the sharpe ratio to appraise their performance.

Another challenge now is running the good systems without tampering, and that part is still a challenge because I still do not know if I would not tamper with the systems, were they being traded on my account and entirely within my own control.

Recapitulating here's the present issues:
1) trading a large number of systems with no capital > solved with investors
2) identifying which of my systems were good > solved with help of investors
3) trading the good systems without tampering > solved as long as I trade with the investors, otherwise risk of tampering

The issue of creating good systems is no longer an issue, because I definitely have them by now. Nonetheless, I am still at work and create new ones at the rate of about 24 systems per year. This present series of systems was started in 2008 (previous ones were all discarded), so it is about an average of 2 systems per month that are being created. But the pace is more similar to creating 4 systems every 2 months.
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yes, all done!

I got my 3 extra systems approved and now my scatter plot is all complete, with the golden quadrant all being traded:


Now I can just sleep, until we accumulate enough profit cushion to double up all the contracts. Then I can quit my job, or almost.

16 excellent systems being traded is a very balanced portfolio. The weeks I am expecting are like this, in a typical month:

first week: +1000
second week: 0
third week: +2000
fourth week: -1000
fifth week: +3000

Two weeks will be bad, three will be good. The total profit should be on average of about 5000 per month.

Only 16 of my 74 systems are being traded, but this mere 22% seems to me now like the closest state to perfection. I've never had a more efficient portfolio, nor a more efficient way of trading it.

I dedicate this song to this achievement resulting from my persistence and loneliness:

Videos to be started one quarter of a second apart.
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Re: yes, all done!

I am rooting for you, and I am sure I am not the only one who is, being an avid reader of your excellent journal.

Continued G/L

...Now I can just sleep, until we accumulate enough profit cushion to double up all the contracts. Then I can quit my job, or almost....

Re: yes, all done!

You reject a system if it reaches a certain drawdown? Does it then go on the backburner for future evaluation, or tinned for good?
Re: sharpe ratio and summary of what's been achieved

This leads me to mentioning the other challenge: identifying the good systems (out of the 74 I am forward-testing) i actually had. That has been done in the last 9 months and it explains why we had such a bad equity curve in the first 6 months. I've learned to use the sharpe ratio to appraise their performance.

Another challenge now is running the good systems without tampering, and that part is still a challenge because I still do not know if I would not tamper with the systems, were they being traded on my account and entirely within my own control.

Recapitulating here's the present issues:
1) trading a large number of systems with no capital > solved with investors
2) identifying which of my systems were good > solved with help of investors
3) trading the good systems without tampering > solved as long as I trade with the investors, otherwise risk of tampering

The issue of creating good systems is no longer an issue, because I definitely have them by now. Nonetheless, I am still at work and create new ones at the rate of about 24 systems per year. This present series of systems was started in 2008 (previous ones were all discarded), so it is about an average of 2 systems per month that are being created. But the pace is more similar to creating 4 systems every 2 months.

This is actually a very interesting thread, probably because I do something similar (!).

I don't know how much you've looked into high frequency trading (these are trades lasting seconds or less) but in that arena they look for Sharpe > 10 or even 20. A typical system might be to receive low latency data (e.g. UK retail sales) then sell the pound immediately. Of course everyone else is trying to do the same thing, but the best HFT teams have quicker machines, and get there first. It's not a question of whether they make money (they probably will), it's more down to whether this profit will cover the 100s of k they have spent on their low latency news and machines.

For the Sharpe ratios you show, I presume you've incorporated all slippage, commission and bid/ask etc?

Theoretically I think it's possible to come up with super high Sharpe strategies at any point - the question then is when do you abandon the strategy. This is effectively a trailing stop on a strategy - the issue here might be that strategies tend to bounce back after a bit of drawdown, so it could be baby out with bathwater.

If one comes up with a systematic approach to adding and removing systems, is that not then an ideal scenario? The flaw in all this that I can see (and I've encountered) is bid/ask and commission. For example, I cooked up a saucy equities system the other day which had Sharpe > 10, returning 0.2R, dealing 3 times a day, no overnight risk, etc. but if you factor in 0.08% commission each way, the numbers then look awful. I'm fairly certain the HFT guys aren't paying 0.08% commission each time .... I need to chat with Interactive and see if they can do me a deal.

By the way, do you still persist with discretionary? Can I ask why?
Re: yes, all done!

I am rooting for you, and I am sure I am not the only one who is, being an avid reader of your excellent journal.

Continued G/L

Great. Thanks for the feedback. I wish to continue this journal at least until the day I will write it from the island, and I will take daily pictures of it, to show that it has finally happened.
Re: yes, all done!

You reject a system if it reaches a certain drawdown? Does it then go on the backburner for future evaluation, or tinned for good?

Answering in order.

I reject a system that has exceeded its max historical drawdown times 1.5 if that system has not produced significant profits. For example, GBL_ID, one of my three best systems, has exceeded its drawdown by more than 200% (max historical drawdown times 2, I mean). Yet it also has produced the largest profit of all systems, with a very little margin needed... I can't discard this system.

Also, the answer is "no", regarding the concept of discarding systems. All systems I have created since 2008 using the method of back-testing (some systems were automated but not back-tested, they were a total failures and I dropped them all in 2010) have been being forward-tested since 2009 and will never be dropped.

So they will all be evaluated constantly, even the ones performing their worst. Which reminds me that maybe one day I will stop and try to fix the systems that do worst, and maybe create newer versions that retain some of the original principles.
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Re: sharpe ratio and summary of what's been achieved

This is actually a very interesting thread, probably because I do something similar (!).

I don't know how much you've looked into high frequency trading (these are trades lasting seconds or less) but in that arena they look for Sharpe > 10 or even 20. A typical system might be to receive low latency data (e.g. UK retail sales) then sell the pound immediately. Of course everyone else is trying to do the same thing, but the best HFT teams have quicker machines, and get there first. It's not a question of whether they make money (they probably will), it's more down to whether this profit will cover the 100s of k they have spent on their low latency news and machines.

For the Sharpe ratios you show, I presume you've incorporated all slippage, commission and bid/ask etc?

Theoretically I think it's possible to come up with super high Sharpe strategies at any point - the question then is when do you abandon the strategy. This is effectively a trailing stop on a strategy - the issue here might be that strategies tend to bounce back after a bit of drawdown, so it could be baby out with bathwater.

If one comes up with a systematic approach to adding and removing systems, is that not then an ideal scenario? The flaw in all this that I can see (and I've encountered) is bid/ask and commission. For example, I cooked up a saucy equities system the other day which had Sharpe > 10, returning 0.2R, dealing 3 times a day, no overnight risk, etc. but if you factor in 0.08% commission each way, the numbers then look awful. I'm fairly certain the HFT guys aren't paying 0.08% commission each time .... I need to chat with Interactive and see if they can do me a deal.

By the way, do you still persist with discretionary? Can I ask why?

I will answer as I read.

Oh, yeah? I was looking for your journal but could not find it. Otherwise I would probably find it interesting, too. Anyway: better not start one than to start one and quit it, like almost everyone has done, as you can see by reviewing how many journals were created here in the last 10 years and have been abandoned.

Oh, HFT is out of the question for me, because all I've had to invest was 1000 dollars, and zero money in software and infrastructure. My strength was always that I could practically discard every complex solution in terms of software and hardware from the start, so I never got lost into complex projects that could never be ended. My strength is simplifying and simplicity. On top of it, I don't even have the programming knowledge for HFT. I program on excel, and my back-testing and automation timeframe is more like 15-minutes time periods. Price gets polled every 2 minutes to calculate the moving averages I use for my systems. I look for a lower edge from systems that trade on average once a week and whose trades last on average a few hours. As i said to the investors, I am like a farmer and I trade with the shovel. There's no precision in my work - I mean, I am as precise as possible, but I measure things in meters and not in millimeters and I am aware of it. I am aware that my precision level can only go so far, and I take this into account in everything I do.

Yes, the mentioned sharpe ratios (those in my chart) incorporate every cost you mentioned: they're basically like live trading (with IB's conditions and fees) and match live trading very closely and reliably (we checked). The only thing I've had a discussion with the investors about is that they're not annualized. I will have to fix that tomorrow. That is to say that I use this excel formula to calculate them, 15.8*AVERAGE(range)/STDEV(range), even though the trades might have started just 3 months ago (because the system was created 3 months ago). I don't think it makes much difference but I'll look into it tomorrow, because the investors otherwise refuse to look at my quadrant as something valuable (even though they already approved all the systems within it).

As mentioned in an earlier post, we... actually "I" would consider a failure a system that has not produced significant profits and that has exceeded its max historical drawdown (with data from 2002) by 1.5 (150%). A related mistake I have learned to avoid is to pick systems based on their back-tested sharpe ratio. Many systems have failed to do in forward-testing what they did in back-testing (especially for those created without using the out-of-sample), so I now monitor first the forward-tested sharpe ratio, and only then look at the back-tested performance. "Baby out with bathwater", amazing: we use the same exact expression in Italian - I wonder how we came to use it, if it is a coincidence or a translation that came into use along the centuries. Oh, look, it all started in Germany in the 1600s:

Yeah, a systematic approach to adding and removing systems is ideal and it is already a reality (no proftis and drawdown times 1.5 exceeded) and we have already removed some - not because they stopped performing but because at the start I selected systems that never performed (i mentioned this above) in the forward-tested sample. Then we'd have to also find a systematic approach to the creation of systems though, otherwise we'd ultimately end up with zero systems, because I fear that there'll be more systems being dropped than systems being added, because of an unexpected improvement in performance.

In fact, assuking that my creation of systems will go on, right now I am only worried about the payment schedule and the capital invested by the investors (which hopefully will keep on going up). I am not concerned about the systems' performance anymore. I mean - we selected the best 20% of my 74 systems. There's got to be something profitable in the top 20% in all my work. Actually I've created more than 100 if you include the ones I discarded, so there's got to be something good in the top 10% of a 14-year long effort.

Yes, I see. As I said, I kept myself very far away from HFT from the start, due to all my limitations in terms of software and hardware and infrastructure. So, usually for me commissions and spread are still a problem, but not as big.

Do I still persist with discretionary? Yes. And I'll try a brainstorming session with the potential answers on "why" in random order:

1) I am a persistent person. Often I try to suceed at something for the hell of it, for the challenge. Some examples. I swam around my favorite island. I taught myself juggling one night with three socks and no manuals or anything like that. I stayed up all night just because "I have to learn this thing". It all came from the memory that I had a friend who could do it, whom I had seen years earlier. So it could be that I feel the urge to overcome this challenge. It could be. But also it could not be.

2) the drive to increase my capital urges me to try and succeed at discretionary. I want the money and discretionary trading is like a mirage in the desert, and i feel like walking towards the money, even though it's an illusion and the money will not happen.

3) related to the above: trading is deceitful and gives you the illusion that you can figure it out, despite having tried and failed for years.

4) there might be some element of addiction as known in the concept of "compulsive gambling" even though I am not addicted to any other widely known addictions such as: drinking, smoking, eating, lotto, casino, slot machines, poker, etcetera.

5) they mention self-sabotage: someone has suggested to me the idea that i might feel guilty about having money made from trading, so i try to lose it by doing discretionary trading. Not very likely but possible.

6) somewhat related to the above (subconscious self-sabotage): I might be uncomfortable with the idea of being successful, and I try to keep myself from that, by losing money with discretionary trading and keeping myself in the present comfortable situation of being a bank employee, that cannot achieve his happiness and potential but also doesn't have to worry about any drastic changes in his life. For example, a similar issue is that I complain about being tired, but then when it's time to go to sleep i post-pone it. Maybe i feel guilty about being rested and in the same way i feel guilty about being successful? The above was self-sabotage about having money. This one is self-sabotage to avoid success. Not likely, but possible.

7) related to the above: my dad always told me, maybe in an effort to make me work harder, that i am no good, a failure, that i will never succeed. Maybe I will succeed because of it, or maybe I keep on failing out of spite, to spite him. To show him that he pushed me too hard and that I failed because of him. For example, in highschool they made me stay back and fail two years, because i skipped classes and similar (it's different here in italy: a lot of people fail and have to repeat the year). I definitely did that out of spite, because he pushed me too hard. Maybe I am failing at trading to fail in general in my life and maybe this is still related to the same reasons I failed in highschool and even college: to spite my dad/coach for pushing me too hard, with just punishments and no rewards.

Or maybe it is a mix of all the above put together. I don't know the exact recipe for my failure.

But a lot of answers will come when I will start getting paid by the investors and we will see if I gamble with that money or if I set it aside, or if I place it in my account and do my own automated trading or tamper with the systems... we will see if I ever retire or not. I've had 30k before, and could have made it happen two years ago. But somehow I did not. We will see if, when I'll have 30k again, I will blow it again or not. A friend of mine said to me that he noticed that each time I got to 30k (from a few thousands), each time I blew it and went back to zero. We will see if it was just bad luck and taking too much risk or if any capital above 30k makes me uncomfortable to the point of wanting to lose it.
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i woke up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep

Tonight i was dreaming some french boss at the bank. He was yelling at me some offensive stuff in front of a whole crowd of butt-kissing employees. My bank is now owned by the french. I dreamed i was standing up to him telling him "hey, I am not your slave - you can't talk to me like that". To a lower degree, I keep on doing this at work, too. The French feel like they can tell us anything. In the dream I knew how to say "slave" in french but now I don't know. I might even speak chinese in a dream, whereas I don't know a word of it.

Anyway, for some reason I woke up, maybe a noise from the neighbour bitch, maybe worries from my discretionary trading (big loss on ZN), maybe I met my dad tonight and as usual he injected some stress in my subconscious, with his unsympathetic/apathetic and emotionally dead attitude/face/conversation.

So here I am, answering, in detail, every single reply I got on my journal, which is a duty, since it's such a rare event. Given that I banned almost every reader.

And, since I still cannot fall asleep, next thing i'll do is skip my work, at least for the first 2 hours or so. Maybe thsi is out of spite, too? To rules? To my dad? To all authorities?

I should say "who cares". If it all goes well, I should be quitting my job soon. But that still hasn't happened, after years of planning it and almost seeing it happen. So I almost don't count on it. On the other hand, I do act as if I could quit my job anytime, in my answers to the boss, in my attitude... and they let me get away with it. Almost everyone confirms to me that I am "special". They let me go on believing that I am special. I am only child and part of that is feeling "special". There's no brothers, who show you every day that your parents treat you nicely, but just like the other brother, and they only pretend you're special, because then they do the same to the other guy. When you're only child, you really think that you're special. In my case, with my father, it also meant that I was especially persecuted, so I took it personally. So i grew up feeling and even now i feel that i am special for the better and the worse. If things go well, i go "oh, I always knew I was special" and if things do badly i feel "i always knew i sucked" or rather "I always knew i would never be appreciated as much as I deserve".

In about 30 minutes, I sense that I will be able to go back asleep. I've missed on 2 hours of sleep more or less. Some car in the street. Some bitch of a neighbour, some ******* of a father... something woke me up and I will have to miss the first 2 hours of work. Screw them all. Screw my boss, too, for exploiting me.
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Re: i woke up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep

Tonight i was dreaming some french boss at the bank. He was yelling at me some offensive stuff in front of a whole crowd of butt-kissing employees. My bank is now owned by the french. I dreamed i was standing up to him telling him "hey, I am not your slave - you can't talk to me like that". To a lower degree, I keep on doing this at work, too. The French feel like they can tell us anything. In the dream I knew how to say "slave" in french but now I don't know. I might even speak chinese in a dream, whereas I don't know a word of it.

I had a French girlfriend once, and as I'm interested in languages in general I used to ask her about her mother tongue.

"Double entendre", meaning an expression with two meanings (one usually quite saucy), is NOT a French expression. Much like chicken tikka masala, it was created by the English.

"Reims" - the town in the heart of the Champagne region - is pronounced "rance" (rhymes with pants) in French, surprisingly.

Je te manque - this means "did you miss me", not "I missed you". Confusing.

Back on subject, I spoke to IB this morning, and they confirmed 8bp is the MAX commission for CFDs on equities.. if total notional traded in a month is between 1-10mio GBP, the commission reduces to 6bp. This reduces further until eventually commission is 1.5bp for monthly volume in excess of £500mio.

I think notional of 1mio in a month is fairly easily achieved, and at 6bp my strategy becomes more viable.
Yeah, we have those terms in Italy as well. There's a bunch of colleagues of mine who abuse English words and pseudo-English words, words that probably don't even exist in English, or at least words that are not used as often in English as these colleagues use them while speaking Italian,and when there's other equivalent clearer Italian terms.

That's just like English and even more so Americans use Italian food terms, and many of them don't indicate anything in Italian. We don't have Pastrami, we don't have Bologna, we don't have Macaroni. We do have pizza, which is called and pronounced the same. But then we don't put pepperoni on it, because we don't have pepperoni either. We have "peperoni" with one "p", but it means "peppers".
Any idea where to get decent equities tick data? I've just worked out that my current data provider (IB) provides shockingly irrelevant stock data with numerous incorrect spikes.
Personally I trade futures and backtest everything on a 15-minute timeframe with data from, which I found to closely match IB data. So I would say that I am happy with both. On top of it, trades from systems backtested usually match the forward-tested ones, so the data is reliable from all points of view and all cross-examinations, at least as far my low precision is concerned, because I wouldn't know how well it rates on a tick by tick timeframe. So I have no advice other than the data sources everyone knows already, such as which charges you over a thousand dollars per symbol so it is beyond my reach anyway.
tomorrow waking up at 7.30 AM

No chance tomorrow of not going to work on time and actually early, because there's a meeting with the re-organizers, the scam artists, smoke vendors, bull**** talkers, who have the task of reorganizing our office and for two months will be busting our balls on a daily basis.

They call it the "kick off" meeting. A bull**** term for a bull**** meeting where bull**** talkers will talk about the bull**** they will do in the next two months to improve the work of our office.

Two retarded employees, stupid, lazy, bull**** talkers, who are supposed to give me tips, to me, who have been breaking my back for over 4 years at this office.

****ing ******* CEO bull**** artist himself who sent us these jerks, disrespecting my hard work with their presence and task. That is - I have been improving myself for years and do not need this bull**** idiots bothering me with their stupid intuitions.

I told them all what I am thinking about this bull**** task of theirs.

Go there, everywhere, but not here, with your stupidity. We are organized like a factory, we're the four hardest working people in the whole compliance department, where everyone else is permanently on coffee breaks and making phone calls, and laughing and joking, and we don't need you - go bust someone else's balls. You are wasting our time and as a consequence of your presence and questions, I haven't been able to come home at 3 PM in weeks. Thanks a lot. Morons, idiots, lazy *******s, bull**** sales people.

Our performance will go down thanks to you *******s sticking around for two months. ****ers. Die, get into a car crash. May you never reappear and show me your faces. Bull**** bank, wasting 80% of its income on worthless employees and worthless tasks.

Worthless world full of dishonest and stupid people. The mother of the idiots is always pregnant, as they say here in italy.

But tomorrow I will go to the damn meeting. Because my boss asked me to go, on time. He showed appreciation for my work, so I will be doing it just for him. I will even wear a tie if he wants me to. No, a tie is too much. I'll wear a jacket.

This team is made of two people. One of them is a retarded bitch who knows almost no French, she makes it up from Italian, inventing words as simple as "week". Now, on the other hand, I majored in French in college, spent 3 years in French speaking countries, worked at a bank in French for two years. I know french. But the bitch is so stupid and ignorant that she acts as the interpreter between me and the other retarded guy of the team, who's French. I let her be the interpreter - i don't want to shatter her illusion of speaking French.

Their work is like a surgeon doing surgery on the wrong leg. There's nothing wrong with our office, processing 1300 suspicious transaction reports in 2010, and we're four people. They send two idiots with the task of "curing" us and making us more efficient. There is a store selling guns nearby. They're lucky we're not buying guns and shooting them.

Now i'll go get drunk so I can sleep and go to this bull**** meeting tomorrow, at 9 am. I know I won't rest well. Among the other things, this bitch in charge of "curing" and "improving" us, is always late and, when she says "I'll be there in five minutes" or "it will take five minutes", it could be from an hour to two hours. I've got to remember she's stupid - this will help me not hating her. She's not evil. She's first of all very stupid, which excludes most of her evilness. Being evil is not compatible with being very stupid. Hating is too much work for stupid people.

...and feeling like this, I just can't go on anymore...

We'll see how it all will end. I won't rest. I'll be upset and wake up repeatedly but I have to be there tomorrow.

I took melatonin, xanax, drinking alcohol now... I hope i'll sleep at least six hours.

I am nervous.

But something must be added: I am addicted to fixing problems.

I am addicted to finding problems.

I found them to be the biggest problem to be fixed right now. These guys do not have a reason to be "curing" us, they have no reason to exist. I feel the urge to fix this problem, even though it is beyond my control and even beyond my interest.

Being workaholic, I had to find something to work on, like a mission. My mission is to fight and speak out against this bull**** team, who came to make sure we're efficient and help us become more efficient. Us, four people doing the work of 20 people. They came to the wrong place - no doubts about it.

They'd have to be extra intelligent to make their cost to benefit ratio worthwhile, but they are not even of average intelligence.

I've kept telling them and everyone this opinion I have and by now they've started resenting me as well. Fine. I am glad to have spoken about what I think. I can't let this go by without saying anything. This is the biggest waste of resources I've seen in years. Fine for the colleagues slacking off. But here we have two colleagues who are actually making me waste my time and say they're helping me - I can't be quiet and pretend everything is fine. This is the time to speak up - not after it has happened. Any speaking up allowed short of getting myself fired, which would not be too bad either.

I have nothing else to write about this "optimizing team of two idiots", but I need to keep writing because otherwise I won't fall asleep. This is like talking out loud to someone for me. I am talking and complaining to my aunt, more or less.

I will post the present equity line:


It looks (this is the trade by trade chart, not the usual weekly one) almost as if you could draw a trend line, a dynamic diagonal line. And maybe stop trading if it gets broken to the downside, but hey I don't even know if that strategy is profitable in real trading with a stock, let alone doing it on a bunch of systems put together. But there might be some truth to it, but I will not investigate that any time soon, based on my cost/benefit ratio estimates.

Still need to write more. I am not dead tired yet. Yeah, cause today i went to work at 11.30 AM, so I did sleep well, and my shifted my whole schedule ahead by 2 or 3 hours. Hard to... follow the employee's schedule for me. Hard. I would need a lot of drugs to do so. You know what? Xanax has some side effects on my memory, very quickly. Even if I take just two pills, pretty soon I start forgetting words or characters here and there, in emails and posts. It's interesting, and I hope only temporary. But it definitely impairs my thinking. Even in small doses and at the beginning of using it. I guess it makes me a bad speller like everyone else. Still, it doesn't guarantee perfect sleep.

Need to write more.

But my eyes are getting heavier and heavier.

Now I can just quote lyrics.

And from the dark secluded valleys
I heard the ancient songs of sadness
But every step I thought of you
Every footstep only you
And every star a grain of sand
The leavings of a dried up ocean
Tell me, how much longer? How much longer?

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