My ACTUAL P&L record !

  • Thread starter Thread starter zow
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  • Watchers Watchers 13
Fine thx m8.

that really is a holiday !!

spoonz and stox mment to be quite similar aren't they ?
rosso know way too well what's givin him a laugh...... apparently Mr Sherlock Holmes cocked-up a bit..... 🙂 some Delboys and Triggers here 🙂 thot me and Zow were one person! 🙂 sorry Zow, and - ross - thx for the chance to meet Zow 🙂 good laugh lads, good laugh..... go back to trading now! 🙂
Daxie - yes and no. many similarities indeed. however, since I am trading almost entirely on TICK divergencies and time frames these days - spooz is an easier nut to crack....
M8 of mine has been trading like off tick/trin etc - subscribes to site, Linda Bradford Rashke trades off that stuff, loads of scalps in spoonz for 3/4 a point etc.

Bit too frantic for me, usually can't see wood for trees if i do that 🙂
can we all get real please!!

This has to be the biggest waste of time of any posting for along time.Here is a guy who started on £1/2 a million lost at least £300,000 of it comes on here and tells us what a great life he has!! please!!!! And here are you lot falling into the honey pot thinking this guy must know what hes doing!!
What i want to do is have people on here who started with £100 and turned it into £10000 + they are the people who are interesting to me!!For goodness sake go elsewhere if u want to brag about nothing!!
Daxie - thats true. However, I go for larger intraday swings - and find TICK truly a precious tool.... take a butchers at some of my posts under "Trading ES in October...." - u'll c what I mean. and many thx for that website - I did not know it
NeilM16 -

Dont throw all your toys out of the pram mate, its only a bit of fun. You're just like all those people who moan about TV!! : if you dont want to listen/watch, then dont!! 😉

to ever really stand any chance of making any real bucks - you really got to start with 10K - probably more like £25K - but from that level you really can get up to the millions - and even on the way - someone is gonna back you - and then you can actually spend your hard earned bucks and you then dont have to keep adding to you account to build up size
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Re: can we all get real please!!

NEILM16 said:
This has to be the biggest waste of time of any posting for along time.Here is a guy who started on £1/2 a million lost at least £300,000 of it comes on here and tells us what a great life he has!! please!!!! And here are you lot falling into the honey pot thinking this guy must know what hes doing!!
What i want to do is have people on here who started with £100 and turned it into £10000 + they are the people who are interesting to me!!For goodness sake go elsewhere if u want to brag about nothing!! try and tell it how it happened and you get slagged off for it....
I think ignorant beginner critics like this is partly why I, and most people, are reluctant to post their p&l's.

Firstly if you'd read the whole thread you'd see i started with £150k from re-mortaging my flat. Also you'd see I pretty much failed with £30k. Heck, let's go further back, when I was born i had zero pence and when I left univ I had a few thousand pounds debt so I could say I started with minus £3k-odd.

If you want to hear stories of people turning £100 into £10k+ by trading (and living off any profits at the same time) look in the fairy-tale books because quite simply it will not happen. If that is your hope save yourself a lot of time and forget it now.
Going into battle with a pea-shooter against a platoon of armoured tanks does not make you a hero. £100 is no 'weapon' at all.

To summarise what I have already written, the very quick unabridged version of my (trading) life is: started with £30k and a few years city experience - failed. Tried again with £150k and couple more years experience. Ran that up (and down and up and down etc) to £500k. Did badly over 9/11. Did well in 2002, up to almost £1m. Did badly in first 3/4 of 2003, lost £300k over 6months (for reasons already outlined). Doing well at the moment - knock on wood. Now that story is infinitely more believable (and vaguely useful to other traders) than anybody claiming they started with £100 and turned it into £10k.

And I do have a great life, thank you.
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Thats it zowie, give him a piece of your mind. Your post are interesting, keep em coming.
Hi zow. Thanks for sharing some of your experiences!

I'm relatively new to trading and I've been trying to make some money from futures (mostly doing spreads because of the lower risk), but no success to date.

Since you are obviously getting positive returns from your trading, I was curious about what strategies you use. Do you initiate trades based on TA, fundamentals, momentum, reading the orderbook, breaking news, or ..?

Would be really grateful if you would share this with me, so that I can keep on trying while knowing that it's actually working for someone.



i think there just might be a slight breakdown due to definition - posting a P&L means posting the actual broker's statement of your trading account - not explaining how the trading has gone

and i am NOT asking you to post your P&L - just pointing out why some might come across as a bit negative as i guess they have seen a lot of unsubstantiated stories - not me though - i am mr naieve

anyway, so what trading platform do you use?
Hi again Stevet

Really? people expect reams and reams of scanned-in daily broker trade reports? Even month-end ones would take several dozen pages. I'm sure if I did it would be claimed that anybody could knock out a few fake statements on 'Word', which is true. My official ones don't even come on letter headed paper.

But as I said right at the beginning, it doesn't really matter (apart from when people start getting abusive). It's really only interesting in a 'can't-help-staring-at-the-car-crash' kind of way. Some have done better financially, some worse, as long as everyone is happy doing what they are doing and are realistic about the future and their aims.

I use futuresource platinum and the PATS system.

Carl - i am formulating a reply!
carl_sweden said:
Hi zow. Thanks for sharing some of your experiences!

I'm relatively new to trading and I've been trying to make some money from futures (mostly doing spreads because of the lower risk), but no success to date.

Since you are obviously getting positive returns from your trading, I was curious about what strategies you use. Do you initiate trades based on TA, fundamentals, momentum, reading the orderbook, breaking news, or ..?

Would be really grateful if you would share this with me, so that I can keep on trying while knowing that it's actually working for someone.



Hi Carl
thanks for the support.
But, oh dear I was afraid of this. As i started this thread i feel obliged to answer all the questions on it and this for me is one of the most difficult questions and it might get long winded....

The simple answer is: at various times i use any and all of the above mentioned stategies plus others, but other (most) times I use none of them.
I used to create the most complicated charts using odd-minute bars overlaid with studies upon studies (bollinger bands, Gann fans, accelerators, MACD's, stochastics, regressions, parabolics etc etc) usually making a picture of a most colourful on-screen explosion.
Any one or more of them COULD be used to help you make a trading decision so as I sure you've read elsewhere it is up to you to find one(s) that work for you and you are comfortable with.
I no longer make such complicated charts myself - partly to avoid 'paralysis by analysis'. But always remember these studies are just graphical representations of analysis done on a graphical representation of trades done in the market i.e. you're moving one step further away from the 'real' action. Some like it that way so as to buffer themselves from the minutae of the flow & ebb of the market which is a totally valid view. But i would suggest that any beginner spend several days/weeks watching any one single liquid market on a tick by tick basis in real-time. I'm sure after a while you will come up with thoughts such as: 'it looks over bought/sold here', 'the trend will continue for a bit', 'it's very range bound' etc,etc even if you are only talking about a few ticks.
Later you can experiment with simple support and resistance lines and then the studies mentioned above.
I could go on but don't want to bore you.

But more important than any strategy or trading method is the psychology of the trader him/herself. If you have absolutely no idea what I mean by this then I can only suggest you do not start trading actively until you do.

Please note, I do NOT claim to be a guru/coach/trading wizard. What I write I believe to be right for myself and most people but do not take my word for it. Find out from other traders/books/discussion boards. In fact I know I'd make a pretty useless coach because I don't always express myself how i'd like to - but I hate to see people get the simple things wrong.

Hopefully this has been of some use. Finally what spreads do you mean? Somethimes spreads can be a false security.
Thanks for your honesty in talking about the downside as well as the upside in your trading.

Far too many traders will only talk/boast about the winners whilst concealing/not admitting to the losers, which any trader will surely have.

Dealing with the winners is easy; it’s how we deal with the losers that will ultimately determine our trading success.

Regards, TradeSmart.