My ACTUAL P&L record !

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10-15% per month interest, so thats how you make your money!

As for the security, my I.O.U.'s are rock solid - honest. 🙄

you trading stocks or futures - got to be stocks i guess, unless you like loading up with a few 1,000 es contracts on each trade!
As mentioned above, re-mortgaged my flat and started with £150k. Fortunately property prices have gone through the roof over the past decade. You could say i am already heavily invested in real estate as my flat is my only other major asset. i have no pension fund/ISA/tessa/endowment or anything.

But I don't think i fully understand your point...why is property development any more/less risky than futures trading?
If you really want to be a property developer why wait till you have £500k? Why is 500 a magic number? Could buy small run-down properties for £30k (outside london & SE) to do up.

Why stop at 500? 1m? 10m? As many people have said before, you don't necessarily do it for the money.
property is one of the most illiquid investments there are - 3 months to get out of the trade and even then - the buyer could pull out and you start all over again!
Property is a double edged sword. When everybody and their granny talks property then thats the sell signal. All imho of course.
Nope - see above - I only do futures, plenty of rope there to hang myself with.

As a general principle i do not like individual shares, far too open to abuse, 'insider' knowledge and market vagaries. At least with a basket of stocks i.e. an index you get an averaging/cushioning effect.

so why so much in the account if you are trading futures? you are only going to be using a small amount of it for margin requirements?

and i assume you are trading via a seat in the exchange with that kinda size and just paying cents per side
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so which broker do u use now, Zow? and how do u think u would have fared if u started off with smaller capital like most ppl ?
Property development was just an example. I just know if I get 1,000,000, I wont loose large chunks of it taking risks. But you probably have to take risks to get that much in the first place!

It is interesting watching the millionaires on BBC2 Monday nights. Most of them are high risk takers and some of them have made and lost 1m several times.
stevet said:

so why so much in the account if you are trading futures? you are only going to be using a small amount of it for margin requirements?

I used to get an ok rate of interest on any positive balance with my old broker so I was happy to leave more-or-less everything there. With my newer broker they don't give interest so, as I think you are suggesting, I don't have so much money with them, enough to cover about 75 ftse overnight.
stevet said:

and i assume you are trading via a seat in the exchange with that kinda size and just paying cents per side

I'm still a very small fish in the big scheme of things so no need for a seat or anything. Like everyone else, the more lots i do the cheaper the commission (which is a bad reason to turn & churn which I am also too often guilty of doing).

its hard to judge your comments - but i guess you are a lot more proficient trader than you sound

are you ex-liffe floor
grubs50 said:
so which broker do u use now, Zow? and how do u think u would have fared if u started off with smaller capital like most ppl ?

There are only a handful of UK-based online direct-access futures brokers, and they are all pretty much-of-a-muchness. So just try the cheapest/friendliest and move on if it doesn't work out.

well i tried and pretty much failed with £30k. At the time I HAD to make money to cover running costs, mortgage, living expenses etc. HAVING to make a certain amount every month is a major burden. Like most things trading's a lot easier if you don't HAVE to do it but can even take it easy and enjoy doing it.
zow hello mate - I am hearing u r a bit of my twin 🙂 u live in West End, go to China White loads, used to work in the City and spent some time in Mexico this yr...... sounds like me..... I am still in Mexico tho..... whereabouts did u go?
china white said:
zow hello mate - I am hearing u r a bit of my twin 🙂 u live in West End, go to China White loads, used to work in the City and spent some time in Mexico this yr...... sounds like me..... I am still in Mexico tho..... whereabouts did u go?

Sorry, must have me confused with someone else. Haven't been to Mexico since 1989/90(?) though had a great time there (Yucatan peninsula, Uxmal etc, Palenque(spelling?), Sun&Moon pyramids etc. Didn't like Mexico city though - terrible pollution - was there for 4 days and had a constant headache for all 4 days)
Haven't been to China White in ages either!
Hi China

off topic, but are you still trading eurostox mainly ?

I've been finding it a bit "sticky" recently, staying with the Dax - how have you found it ?
stevet said:

its hard to judge your comments - but i guess you are a lot more proficient trader than you sound

are you ex-liffe floor

Not ex-liffe floor - not big/loud/crude enough!

'...a lot more proficient trader than you sound'? that what's called a back-handed compliment?
Daxie hello mate, howzit going? hvnt talked to ya in ages..... tell u what - I luv stoxie almost as much as trading spooz, but since my 2 week hols back in July sort of extended themselves until now (I am still in Mexico! 🙂 ) I find it very hard to trade stoxie hours from here - so I am with spooz most of the time..... 🙂