if you research Jake Bernstein, especially the Compleat Day Trader, you will find one of the greatest ever exponents and most successful traders of Stochastic.
But his "Stochastic Pop" method, is 180' COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE of the way that you and 10,000s of thousands of other new traders are taught to use it !!!!
Exactly, completely, the opposite way. He is taking Buy signals when you're taking your Sell signals.
So what does that tell you about it's efficacy within your own method ?????
I know you've been advised to make your own mistakes and learn from experience, but ferfuxake, please drop all of this shyte now. It's useless rubbish mate that will not help you in any way go on to be a better trader
thanks for your reply rathbone, altho im unsure why my noobie trading style agitates you so much lol.
whether its useless rubbish or not is upto me to determine and not for you to comment or judge on, your comment in this particular instance is neither welcome nor constructive.
as i said before, my method is not really thought through, its merely a simple trial and error "experiment" if you will keeping things simple and basic, and through trading it, learn about discipline, sticking to trading plan, what seemingly works, what doesnt etc and adding or altering the strategy until both my psychological and execution as a possible trader builds more experience.
i thank you for your recommendation of the book, is it complete day trader or compleat day trader?
whilst i value everyone's comment, if i am going down a totally stupid route of course it is correct to point out what a poor strategy it is, however the delivery of the message in your post lacks both maturity and is frankly, downright rude. what message do you give to any budding noobie thinking about posting his strategy and trades in a journal entry on here? off putting i would expect.
obviously it is an isolated case with you rathbone as i've found many, particularly rarschach to be very helpful in pointing me in the right direction without using crude words like shyte and rubbish.
in case you havent realised, it is my journal so "dropping my shyte" is not an option. in your own words, if you are not happy with what you read, maybe consider dropping your shyte and "helping" others elsewhere.