MSN hotmail problem

Ok, try opening the following ports in ZoneAlarm:

For IMAP3 = Port TCP 220 (external/internal)
For IMAP4 = Port TCP 143 (ext/int)
For SMTP = Port TCP 25 (ext/int)
Hi Bluewave

unfortunately i do not know how to alter those settings in Zone Alarm.

I did however shut down ZA. This enabled me to access my hotmail account for longer - but it did eventually freeze up after a few minutes.


Hi jtrader.

Sorry, I don't use ZoneAlarm, but there should be some info in the help files about how to open ports in it.

I haven't had an access error for a while now. Who knows, perhaps the accounts that are/were having problems were hosted on a problem server...?
Hi Bluewave

i contacted MSN about the problem. The reply that i received did not address the problem that i had reported. I told them this at least a week ago and i have not had a reply since. Very very poor.................


For anyone interested ... has won the "Free email service provider of the year" award from some computer magazine for each of the last 3 years. It's similar to hotmail but it works! They have paid-for email services on various different levels as well, but their basic free service is miles better than hotmail, yahoo and the other free providers.
Thanks for the suggestion Roberto. I have been trialing which seems fast but not sure about their interface. Least it's useful for those very large attachments (1GB free!).

Actually, I have email accounts all over the place :cheesy: , so many I forget the passwords sometimes!

I'll have to keep my Hotmail for the time being 'cos I use Messenger so much.

jtrader: it doesn't surprise me in the least MSN were useless in their reply to you. Such is the nature of large companies these days. 🙁 Probably they don't think the problem lies at their end..... Can tell it's the holidays as all day I've been getting the Hotmail "server is busy" page... sigh!!
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I am now trying the firefox 1.0 browser. The switch and transfer of settings, favourites etc. from IE6 was swift and easy.

The only problem/s seems to be adjusting to the slightly different way that Firefox 1.0 displays discussion boards such as this when compared to IE6 (width etc.). Also, windowsupdate is designed for people using IE5 or later. Is there a way to configure Firefox with windowsupdate - so that windows update runs as smoothly as what it does with IE?

I like the overall feel of Firefox 1.0. Likewise, Is thunderbird 1.0 also better than Outlook Express?

Many thanks

I like Firefox 1.0. Web-surfing does seem smoother - back and forward buttons load pages a bit quicker than IE6 - or so it seems.

The viewing area on my screen also seems slightly bigger with Firefox 1.0 than with IE6.

Hotmail also works without freezing with Firefox 1.0 - unlike with IE6 - in my case. So far, so good!

jtrader - The only problem/s seems to be adjusting to the slightly different way that Firefox 1.0 displays discussion boards such as this when compared to IE6 (width etc.). Also, windowsupdate is designed for people using IE5 or later. Is there a way to configure Firefox with windowsupdate - so that windows update runs as smoothly as what it does with IE?

One simple way around this "problem" is to keep Internet Explorer on your PC and access the Internet via Internet Explorer - when you need/want to run Windows Update.

Will now try Thunderbird 1.0.


One simple way around this "problem" is to keep Internet Explorer on your PC and access the Internet via Internet Explorer - when you need/want to run Windows Update

You shouldnt need to as all you have to do is visit windows update using firefox and it will still run updates as normal.

Thanks Paul.

Another benefit of Firefox over IE seems to be that web pages load faster - when you are downloading another file at the same time!


I also prefer Thunderbird 1.0 to Outlook Express 6. Again, switching e-mail client and transferring settings from OE6 was a simple and pain-free process. You can also keep and access IE and OE on your PC - if you wish to.



jtrader, glad Firefox is working out for you. I have never tried Thunderbird as I only use webmail. Firefox also runs on Mac and Linux as well.. it's nice to have a common interface across platforms.
I have accessed my hotmail account today on 2 occassions and there were no problems. It may be a coincidence but i also did a windows update today as well, where i installed around 5 updates - this may have made the difference.


Hotmail problem

I have not been able to access my HOTMAIL account this morning. Anybody else having problems?
No - I uninstalled Messenger... I found it an insidious programme which was more of a nuisance than a benefit

Still haven't been able to access my hotmail account today
I just accessed it, but I'm in India. :cheesy: Would that make any difference. 🙄 Generally I only use it for unimportant things if I don't want to be bothered. Otherwise I use 2 accounts with My Way. No SPAM. 😉