TWS Upgrade Problem


Well-known member
After logging in to IB via the TWS, I've just been told to upgrade to a build above 852 as this will not be supported after Dec 18th. Being a wary software person I set a restore point before going ahead. I tried to upgrade to 853, but afterwards it would not start on my pc - the login window simply didn't appear. So I moved on to the latest version 854, and had exactly the same problem. 😡
Fortunately I'm back to my previous version, but now although I get the login window and it then tells me "login in progress" it gets stuck here! 😈
Anyone else been here?????
Are you using TwsStart? It is likely pointing the wrong way since upgrade. Use the new shortcut icon TWS has installed on your desktop.
I don't use TWSStart, and neither the shortcut or the start menu option work, but thanks for the input.
I've 854.7 and Java version 1.5.0_04

Might be a java version problem?

The target on my short cut seems reads:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -cp jts.jar;jcommon-0.9.0.jar;jfreechart-0.9.15.jar;jhall.jar;other.jar -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xmx160M jclient/LoginFrame C:\Jts

which makes no sense to me but seems to work!
You're right Peto!
IB chat told me to upgrade to Java ver 1.5, even though it says on one page of the upgrade that ver 1.4 or higher is fine. On another page it says you need Java ver 1.5 which is actually the correct information!
So if anyone else has problems install the higher version of Java BEFORE upgrading, and remember you have to uninstall earlier Java versions before installing the new version!
All sorted now and running fine. 😉