MSc Warwick (Economics) vs MSc Cass (Tradinga nd Finance) vs Job


Junior member
Hi Guys,

I know there are other threads here with similar stories but wanted to run this by ye and see what the general consensus about it is. I have noticed it is either a feast or a famine and after 9+ months of hunting, countless interviews in home and abroad follwed by loads of rejections, finally the offers started. Some advice to those still looking, keep trying because its extremely diffficult and try not to get disheartened (got 3 rejections in 2 days and it does get you down) because rejections are not personal, just part of the process and try to stay positive.

Anyway, here is the scenario:
1) MSc. in Warwick in Economics conditional offer with a 2.1
2) MSc. in Warwick in Economics and International Finance same condition
3) MSc. Cass Trading and Finance
4) Possibility of working in a top rated IT firm as a software consultant that program Trading and Risk platorms used by the top tier banks

1) I am interested in trading and do a lot of reading and one day hope to be a trader, which would be the better masters option to choose for this and what would my chances be with a masters from Warwick?

2) The IT job is also of interest as I still get to interact with traders and build programmes which I enjoy, if I got offered the job, what are the chances of large firms holding a place for a year, considering that I would be better educated and skilled after a year in Warwick? Or would it be better to just take a job if I get it?

Thanks for replies in advance,
