CASS Business School (Energy & Finance Related)


Hi everyone,
I am a facilities engineer in the Oil and Gas industry and is currently contemplating a switch to the Business world, with the hope of working in Commodities Trading or Energy Finance. I have done a lot of research on potential UNI's that offer energy & Finance related courses and was only able to come up with two Uni's namely; CASS Business School and Imperial College. CASS Offers a course in Energy, Trade and Finance (Msc), while Imperial offers one in Energy Finance (Msc). I am confused as to which one to attend considering taking into consideration the rankings for both Unis and potential job opportunities....I'd appreciate it if i can get any advice on the potentials of both Unis.


City University London - Energy, Trade and Finance MSc

Imperial -
its not as straightforward when analysing business schools attached to universities in the UK. city uni has a rather average reputation while imperial is top 5 if not top 3 in the UK. however, cass business school is far superior to tanaka which is where the respective courses will be taught. also after LBS and Cranfield, Cass is the best b school in the UK. check FT rankings:
Business school rankings and MBA rankings from the Financial Times

in terms of job opportunities it depends what you want to get into. imperial has good links with inv banks and other financial firms though im not sure how tanaka is perceived, especially as the latter is fairly new. in comparison, cass is more established and recognised as a business school. it has been building links to the city for some time and this may help you with job opportunities down the track.
I believe Birkbeck would be a very good choice considering the area you're looking at.
its not as straightforward when analysing business schools attached to universities in the UK. city uni has a rather average reputation while imperial is top 5 if not top 3 in the UK. however, cass business school is far superior to tanaka which is where the respective courses will be taught. also after LBS and Cranfield, Cass is the best b school in the UK. check FT rankings:
Business school rankings and MBA rankings from the Financial Times

in terms of job opportunities it depends what you want to get into. imperial has good links with inv banks and other financial firms though im not sure how tanaka is perceived, especially as the latter is fairly new. in comparison, cass is more established and recognised as a business school. it has been building links to the city for some time and this may help you with job opportunities down the track.

You are checking MBA not MSc, first of all... but CASS is alright I've been there.

If you are planning to get a job in the CITY Imperial will be the ideal option for you from the 2. I am not saying that CASS is bad, I am working in the City as well 🙂 What you need to understand in either uni, is not to waste time! ! !fix your CV and covering letter and apply to as many positions as possible. Your CV should be spot on. What both universities offer which I found really helpful is a good career advice. Since both uni's are in London they know the shortcuts and also what companies demand.

In the end of the day is you.... you have to put the effort and be willing to give more than the next person going for same job.
I am currently working as an analyst on the natural gas trading desk at a large US utility. Hoping to push my careers forward (ie FO position at a bank, etc.) I applied for the MSC in Energy, Trade and Finance at Cass.

-Any thoughts on whether it is worth the 20k +?
-Will this get me access to top employers?
-Wait and do an MBA later?

Any grads from this program that could share their thoughts?


have you considered the energy management MBA at BI Norwegian School of Management?

Cass is a great school and is well recognized by firms in the UK - would you be looking for a job in the UK or abroad? I'm not an alum, but have lots of friends who have done the MBA program there, and they're all very passionate about the school.

I probably would advice an MBA over an MSc unless you need to MSc to progress in your very specialised field.
Making a decision to pursue a Masters or any kind of specialized education should always be a well thought out one.

You should investigate both your options throughly and the best way to make an informed decision is to connect with current students or graduated students from the schools of your choice.

In this case you have identified Cass and Imperial both of which are good schools. You should attempt to connect with students at these schools.

Cass Business School has a profile page on BusinessBecause, click here to see it. This page has a lot of information about the school, including stories by the school and its students.

Imperial also has a similar page. Click here to see it. Through both these pages you can connect and network with existing and former students at these schools, which will help you make an informed decision.

Best of luck in your search.

I go to Cass and I have an advice for anyone hoping to go there for masters level

1) Do not waste your money
2) Librarians and administrative staff treat postgraduate students like nursery school children. Try and go to the course office with a question
3) Yes, they have arrogant industry specialists as professors but that doesn't mean that they can deliver academic material well. Most professors are crap. Stems from the fact that in a certain course a failure rate for a certain subject was 98%. Another fact is that the assistant dean teaches as well and if you raise an issue that's taken to him and he is your teacher, you are screwed!
4) The library doesn't have enough books such that books can only be rented out for 7 days or 24 hours. Books that can be rented for more than 7 days are often older useless versions.
5) The career services is crap for international students
6) THE MAIN EVENT: Since Cass achieved its triple accreditations, they changed the entire structures of the courses. Students have no freedom to make important plans, exams get seriously screwed, and most of all it takes 3 MONTHS for the exams to be released!
8) Cass recruits students from backgrounds like law, psychology, history, etc into heavily quantitative subjects and so, much of the time is wasted in introductory things!
7) If Cass Business School is not the number 2 rank in UK, just compare it to a number 2 school in USA...BIG DIFFERENCE

I go to Cass and I have an advice for anyone hoping to go there for masters level

1) Do not waste your money
2) Librarians and administrative staff treat postgraduate students like nursery school children. Try and go to the course office with a question
3) Yes, they have arrogant industry specialists as professors but that doesn't mean that they can deliver academic material well. Most professors are crap. Stems from the fact that in a certain course a failure rate for a certain subject was 98%. Another fact is that the assistant dean teaches as well and if you raise an issue that's taken to him and he is your teacher, you are screwed!
4) The library doesn't have enough books such that books can only be rented out for 7 days or 24 hours. Books that can be rented for more than 7 days are often older useless versions.
5) The career services is crap for international students
6) THE MAIN EVENT: Since Cass achieved its triple accreditations, they changed the entire structures of the courses. Students have no freedom to make important plans, exams get seriously screwed, and most of all it takes 3 MONTHS for the exams to be released!
8) Cass recruits students from backgrounds like law, psychology, history, etc into heavily quantitative subjects and so, much of the time is wasted in introductory things!
7) If Cass Business School is not the number 2 rank in UK, just compare it to a number 2 school in USA...BIG DIFFERENCE

Can you specify please which particular program you are currently enrolled in? MBA, MSc etc. Also expand please on your 5th point, how exactly is the career services crap, which of your expectations do they not meet? I am interested as a prospective student, MSc ET&F program. Thank you.