Msc in Finance with non finance academic background



I did my Electronics and Communication Engineering and I have good programming skills. I am currently employed in an IT company and I work in UNISYS mainframes. I have been supporting the business of a large investment bank and I am strongly inclined to Finance now and I decided to start a career in Finance.

I am planning to apply for MSc in Finance in universities in UK. Most of the top ranked universities expect to have an undergraduate degree in Finance or Economics or Accountancy 🙁

Can someone suggest me universities where they accept engineering with a year and half finance and technical experience :?:

Bhavani 🙂
LSE and CASS should take you on, regardless what they say on their websites. I have a CompSci undergraduate, and LSE accepted my application a few years back, no GMAT or any of that nonsense required

Good luck!
A MSc in Finance might not be quantitative enough for someone with your background. Perhaps a masters in financial engineering would be more appropriate.

Whatever you decide, there's no reason why these schools should decline your application because you have an engineering background. They prefer people with quantitative skills.

Good luck.