Mr Whippy

hmm, nice stats, and they seem to match one of my FTSE strategies..

basically selling a close above the previous 2 days high, and buying a close below the previous 2 days low.

both of those come out at about 66% accuracy as well. but i think i found the optimum hold time was 4 days.

each market is different though.

will look at the higher highs etc stats more closely.
dow expert

FetteredChinos said:
french index is a load of CAC as well 🙁

Hi, I am sort of wondering whether dow expert is the same as bill profitunity?????. I think Dow expert also got weekness that is the indication to sell is the next day after there is today price reaction. If I may conclude the exit and the entry point is the same as zigzag. I have been experiencing this.