Another Day, Another Strategy


Well spotted, I was hoping you would !.... Would a couple of house points avert a visit to the governors.


Apologies for thread disruption. On a serious note if you want s/d ( and I don't say that you do ) then you go to price/volume. I am not an 'indicator' person preferring to go direct to the action but each to their own.

On a less serious note, will you be charging for your posts at the rate you charged when you were advocating ?


bracke said:
On a serious note if you want s/d ( and I don't say that you do ) then you go to price/volume.
I do; I do ... but I want to trade Forex too, and that doesn't have volume available. And nobody agrees about what (if anything) you can use as a substitute for it. But the more I trade, the less I trust indicators, and the more I like price and volume.

bracke said:
will you be charging for your posts at the rate you charged when you were advocating ?
I only practised for a year, and it was a very long time ago. Would not drain anyone's finances. 🙂
Roberto said:
I do; I do ... but I want to trade Forex too, and that doesn't have volume available. And nobody agrees about what (if anything) you can use as a substitute for it. But the more I trade, the less I trust indicators, and the more I like price and volume.

I only practised for a year, and it was a very long time ago. Would not drain anyone's finances. 🙂


Sorry to read no volume, price only then.

A low priced advocate....dificult to believe, you must have relied on volume.


ok chaps. bad news. there has been a bit of a balls-up with the code.

if you have a closer look, the cells in column P are picking up the wrong cell reference. kinda falls over really if we wait for the 150 pip entry etc.

on a positive note, if we just enter at the close, and dont wait for our triggers to hit, then we still get 17,000 points as per the figure in cell P3

just wanted to alert you to this balls-up.

its the problem when testing in excel. although it is flexible, comedy errors like this can occur.

arrggghhh 🙁

FetteredChinos said:
kinda falls over really if we wait for the 150 pip entry etc.
Ah, I see ... in that case, I've just discovered one of the advantages of being slow to give feedback 🙂

FetteredChinos said:
on a positive note, if we just enter at the close, and dont wait for our triggers to hit, then we still get 17,000 points as per the figure in cell P3
Hmmm ... maybe I see ... presumably this makes a huge difference to the number of trades, though? If we "just enter at the close", we're entering a trade every day? Or did I miss the point here (not for the first time)?

There must be something of value here, though, either way?
yup right on both counts bob.

entering on the close gives approx 700 trades. so about 25pts per trade, which isnt too grand.

woke up with a stinging hangover this morning though, but fired up the laptop and concocted a stroke of genius that looks like about 31,000 points, but frankly the drawdown makes it untradeable (5000 points anyone 😱 ) and the equity curve is flat for too long in places.

may post that on monday, depending if i can improve things.

if not, then i better go sell some vegetables to fund this years xmas presents......
FetteredChinos said:
entering on the close gives approx 700 trades. so about 25pts per trade, which isnt too grand.
Not necessarily bad at all: nothing wrong with small and steady!

FetteredChinos said:
concocted a stroke of genius that looks like about 31,000 points, but frankly the drawdown makes it untradeable (5000 points anyone 😱 ) and the equity curve is flat for too long in places.
Agreed that's not the most promising of combinations, perhaps, but don't give up on the other one yet!

"Keep taking the tablets and you'll be alright later in the day (maybe)".
lost here

Hi FC, sorry for asking but I'm lost here. Any comment on this strategy ? Is it still work ? Thanks 🙂
god only knows... i just put it up as a building block for other strats.. i havent fwd tested this one at all as it is a little on the err, complicated side..

besides, there are simpler methods out there that i am trading successfully at the moment....

i could do some fwd testing i suppose, but it may cause me a headache on this one..

trying to manage positions on 4 different instruments is usually beyond my ken....
simpler one

FetteredChinos said:
god only knows... i just put it up as a building block for other strats.. i havent fwd tested this one at all as it is a little on the err, complicated side..

besides, there are simpler methods out there that i am trading successfully at the moment....

i could do some fwd testing i suppose, but it may cause me a headache on this one..

trying to manage positions on 4 different instruments is usually beyond my ken....

Hi FC, but are you still using the other strategy that I posted ? ( Tuesday - Monday )
yes i am.. been trading it live for the past 3 weeks..

will keep on trading it as per the designed rules until i am convinced it doesnt work 🙂
thank you

FetteredChinos said:
yes i am.. been trading it live for the past 3 weeks..

will keep on trading it as per the designed rules until i am convinced it doesnt work 🙂

Hi FC, thank you for the explanation. Good luck with the system, I will try it too on demo 🙂

Whats the balance point? I have a suspicion its a really dumb question but cant think of what it is!!


the balance point is simply the midpoint of a previous candle.

ie the average of the high and low of the previous day.

you often see a bounce/drop when the price approaches these levels.

not always a substantial one though.

FetteredChinos said:
the balance point is simply the midpoint of a previous candle.

ie the average of the high and low of the previous day.

you often see a bounce/drop when the price approaches these levels.

not always a substantial one though.


Hello FC

Came across this thread recently but it seems to have fizzled out after a bright start. Is 'da bomb' still live or did it prove to be a damp squib? If you are still using it, how has it fared over the last 5 months ?

Thanks Pablo