Mr Stone - Binary Trading

Well i visited your website and there is no option for a demo account. Why is that? If that is the case then isn't this thread a complete waste of time ?

How can you demonstrate a service that you cannot provide us? Why would you trade on a demo account anyway?

If there is a demo option then you have my apologies, otherwise its looking a bit suspicious. 😕

You're on the wrong thread, Billy. 🙂
I figured the two assets GOLD and EUR/USd had a short term peak. I was messing around with some basic indicators again, using a simple moving average, stochastic view and basic price channels. After having a look also at the volume being relatively high still for this time of day, I figured I could grab a quick and small decent of prices for both assets.


So from the two large $1500 trades I made, the EUR/USD was 85%payout and the GOLD 70% payout. I won one and lost the other. Which did I win? Sod's law of course, I won on the GOLD 70% trade. So from a $3000 outlay, I ended up with a $450 total loss.

Looking again, as it was the start of a new hour and I knew damn sure that EUR/USd just had to fall further, plus the fact I don't like to lose 🙂 Well, I put 3 60 second trades on bang in the beginning of the hour. $250 a piece. 3/3 winners. All you can see from the screenshot pic.

The lesson here from me, is that with binary, if you trade two trades only at one time, you will most likely end up 50/50, 1 win 1 loss. Which in Binary means a LOSS. That is why I make three trades/positions at all times. Yes of course I can still lose all three. But if the placement is good, and the movement you choose correct, you can and will get many times 2/3 wins or a 66.6% winning ratio. More than enough to make profit in a nice way! Even just 54% wins trading assets at 85% payout will keep you even!

Check out the trades, thats all from me today 😉

Mr Stone
Well i visited your website and there is no option for a demo account. Why is that? If that is the case then isn't this thread a complete waste of time ?

How can you demonstrate a service that you cannot provide us? Why would you trade on a demo account anyway?

If there is a demo option then you have my apologies, otherwise its looking a bit suspicious. 😕

Hi BillyGates,

I run the platform and like every broker and platform out there the revenue is based on client losses, regardless of whichever way you look at it. Therefore my trades would not be for real cash, as if I won I would be paying myself. I cannot trade for real at other binary platforms because I run one, and get kicked off normally with the sentence "conflict of interest, abusing the system...etc"

We do have a demo facility to enjoy. The stipulation is that the client needs to deposit first $100 into an account. Once done, we create a seperate demo for use as long as you need it. Once you are done with the demo you can choose, either trade the real funds you deposited, or get a complete and swift refund of the deposit. We run the demo in that way to filter the serious from the non serious platform testers. As explained we are a small team and I find it more effective and efficient to run in that style. it is my choice as the provider to do what I want, I just wanted to let you know the reasons why.

Hope that helped answer your questions.

Mr Stone
Good answer Stone and a fair one. Just not used to that model. It does hold some merits for your you in that filters out the real ones from the time-wasters, and as a small business it makes sense.

But you know how it is with trading, if one knows about binary options then there is probably no harm as you can get straight down to it. If its something you are considering looking at then something easier to entice traders would be preferred.😉
So you trade against your clients. When they lose you win. No inventive then for you to mess them about with dodgy fills etc.
Pboyles the balance of the business model in Binary is what I found so attractive to enter and deal with almost four years ago. I was interested in the idea of the total sum style of trading, essentially the 50/50 question.

In short I feel I can be honest unlike for some reasons my competition in regards to revenue. You understand the commission that we all have to pay, one way or another regardless of where or what we trade, well with Binary that commission is paid by the set up off the percentages. For example and simplest put - "Win up to 85% (standard option), lose up to 100% (standard option). Or for other methods - "Win up to 500% (boundary/touch option), lose up to 100% (boundary/touch option).

When you trade FX or Stocks you pay a charge to make that trade, plus account fees and the like. With binary there are no commissions or charges to trade or use the account, as the charge to trade is paid with the percentages. My feeling is that it offers the cleanest form of trading out there. The biggest problem is that the online un-regulated platforms create problems when people want to withdraw, and for fixing the prices in their favour.

That is why I know 100% if I keep us (the platform GOptions) in the light for all to see, where a reputation is put to test and improved through the right means and exceptional service that we, (the company) will grow and have a super strong list of attached traders who could happily without a doubt recommend us to others.

Forgive the long post but I feel good that you guys are finally opening up just slightly and allowing some real communication to happen here. I force no one to trade on my platform truly, but in the same breath I will not bull**** around and pretend I am not here for new clients and to gain something.


Mr Stone
So you trade against your clients. When they lose you win. No inventive then for you to mess them about with dodgy fills etc.

I guess I just got the sarcasm there... 🙂
This is what I am saying Pboyles. I am (to my feelings and knowledge) the only one truly offering un-manipulated prices and above board withdrawals 100% all of the time to binary clients.

I invite any other broker out there to be online like I am and match what we do. Trouble is pboyles there is only one Adam Stone and only one GOptions. I am betting on the common knowledge that a majority over time will lose. Yes I guess I am a ******* for being like that and saying it, but at least I am honest. I wish any trader the best of luck and I am happy to help regardless as with many traders and high volume which we have, as a majority lose through bad decisions/behaviour/emotions etc the business regardless will continue to profit.

It is bad enough traders need to beat the market, to have to beat an unfair broker too is out of order! I know if we continue providing top un-manipulated prices, and fast banking our success will grow massively.

Mr Stone
... My broker like every broker out there makes money based on total client losses system wide....

Nope. A bucket shop makes profits from it's clients losses. A brokers job is to "fill 'em and bill 'em". There is nothing wrong with being a bucket shop per se, as long as you are upfront about being one. A fool and his money are easily parted, as they say. Masquerading as a broker, though, is naughty... and being an unauthorised bucket shop is very naughty.

...We work 100% above board even without a regulatory badge of honour....


You are soliciting funds from retail investors without FSA authorisation. That, my friend, is 100% BELOW board.

For everyone else, the mid price of a binary option should be it's delta (95% sure on this). Don't **** around with 60 second binary options either, you might as well play roulette. Daily or Weekly binaries - if priced fairly - are legitimate trades to put on if you think you have an edge.

One more thing to add is there is a massive amount of counterparty risk involved in dealing with a one man band, be sure to account for it when appraising a price.
Wow again, being attacked for being upfont but there you go.

We are known as a Binary Option Broker platform so that is where the "broker" comes from. Don't accuse me of masquerading as I am not.

Making assumptions about a one man band is ludicrous also. albeit we are a small team but one person, you are sorely mistaken.

Again no comment on the fact I am winning trades or putting strategy out there which is what I wanted this thread all about.

As far as the FSA goes, we are a BVI registered company, therefore we dont HVE to have any approval from UK authorities. Before you jump on the bitch wagon, make sure you have all the facts straight. Binary Options or ALL OR NOTHING options are known as financial entertainment. I am not claiming them to be otherwise or pretending to have a buy/sell dealing desk.

Thanks for the feedback, even though it was pretty much a bunch of useless tosh.

Mr Stone
Still don't understand why a successful BO trader wouldn't just do that, rather than have the hassle of dealing with plebs like us.
Charnock you guys are not plebs. You have seen too many boiler room guys and the like to be anything but overly suspicious. I get that. I also get the fact that these forums are so full of traders wanting better service that it is in my best business interests to start building some kind of following/presence.

I am really trying to give you guys the real answers good or bad to whatever you all ask. The one thing really pissing me off however is that no one gives a monkey that I can actually also trade these binary options pretty damm well! Something I am actually bloody proud of! 🙂

Anyway, another day I'm about to wrap it up. I will crack out some more trades tomorrow and wish all of you reading this a good night and good luck with your trades.

Mr Stone
Still don't understand why a successful BO trader wouldn't just do that, rather than have the hassle of dealing with plebs like us.

I think you do know. Why risk your own money when a bunch of gullible fools will give you their money. The countdown to scam status has begun.
Can you guys have your little flirty arguments elsewhere perhaps?

I was under the impression you don't like my thread, so maybe go somewhere else? 🙂

Just saying, bit boring after a while....
Wow again, being attacked for being upfont but there you go.

I didn't actually attack you, or make anything close to an ad hominem argument (which, I suspect, is what you would like others to believe. Getting fishy now). I haven't accused you of screwing anybody over, giving bad fills, abusing client funds or anything of the sort. As far as I know you are the only honest guy on the street - but that doesn't change the law, and the position you occupy in the legislation.

We are known as a Binary Option Broker platform so that is where the "broker" comes from. Don't accuse me of masquerading as I am not.

You mean, you just added it in? Who underwrites the options you sell? If it is someone else, then you are a broker. If you yourselves are writing the options, then you are a bucket shop. At best you are a market maker, but that is a stretch to say the least.

Making assumptions about a one man band is ludicrous also. albeit we are a small team but one person, you are sorely mistaken.

So you have an accountant, an IT guy and a tea lady. That changes everything! Counterparty risk is an element of every OTC product out there. You do yourself no favors by taking things so literally, it comes across as quite unprofessional.

Again no comment on the fact I am winning trades or putting strategy out there which is what I wanted this thread all about.

My hunch is that nothing could be further from the truth, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

As far as the FSA goes, we are a BVI registered company, therefore we dont HVE to have any approval from UK authorities.

You're just plain wrong, pal. You are soliciting funds from UK citizens, particularly retail investors. It matters not one jot where you are domiciled, you need to be authorised by the FSA to do that, or satisfy the conditions of an exemption under the PERGs.

Before you jump on the bitch wagon, make sure you have all the facts straight. Binary Options or ALL OR NOTHING options are known as financial entertainment.

"Financial Entertainment" strikes me as a term you just made up to try and add credence to what you have to say.

If you want to set up a bucket shop, more power to your elbow. You can make a lot of money doing it. But don't mosey on up here pretending to be a serious outfit when you quite clearly don't know your @rse from your elbow.
If you lot actually looked at the site properly you would see that yes in fact we are the market maker and we put it in black and white. Providing a simple live price feed through our tech provider for any client of any type or skill level to be able to speculate on over 200 market assets. The price is provided for on a paid for live feed service. Clients therefore are speculating on the option price and we as the market maker are betting that the majority will fail, that is how the revenue is made, nothing more sinister than that.

Financial entertainment may not at this time be a well known phrase as most of these providers want to be known as strictly serious trading only. At the end of the day if you are just speculating on the market price you don't need to give a crap about the market or what is happening with the asset you are trading as you are not buying or selling it. It IS entertaining and a pure math game when trading binary as you only need to finish one decimal place in the right direction.

If you look at the trades I place you will see I am purely interested in the short term direction of price, and I am able clearly and in fact easily to hit out and win trades with it.

We are not a bucket shop. We are not filling orders. Clients trade on the option price listed on the screen when they want to. Expiry prices are worked out using a standard formula (ask+bid/2) therefore offering the most transparent and fair expiry price.

We offer tools such as charting, news, trading guides, help videos and more to bring people up to speed. In terms of soliciting funds we are able to take clients from any country in the world as to deposit the transaction when using a card is seen as on online purchase. When sending cash back the deposits are refunded back to the cards and profits sent via bank wire or to online wallets.

At this time we don't have a tea lady, she is still busy working for Peter Griffin, however we have what most would expect to see for online. Developers, coders, marketing, banking, affiliate management, sales teams and myself.

Again you all dispute the trades but I guarantee not one single one of you actually bothered to check any of them out. Instead you just assume its bull****. Get off your god damn high horse and check it out. Instead of putting words in my mouth do your best to actually see if the trades and what I am saying about binary trading makes sense or not. Really not bothered if you like what I preach or who I am, as I mentioned before the posts will continue to happen.

In terms of licensing and regs, obviously none of you have truly dealt with a position in terms of achieving licensing or regs. They make it ludicrously expensive and difficult. At the moment we may move down the simpler route of gaming licensing, as it is cheaper, simpler and easier to obtain. But again, even without a license we are keeping the operational side running as if we do have proper ASIC/FSA/CYSEC regs on board. If we operate like that with no hard complaints or problems getting a license/regs will always be made easier.

More trades to come later. Tired of all this argumentative speculative sarcastic answers from you lot but by all means keep it coming. Anything you throw in I will do my best to answer.

Mr Stone

So just opened up a sort term, mid term and longer term expiry with three positions;

See the trades here -

So I was harping on all week about a lower GOLD and EUR/USd to close out the week.
This morning we are much lower on both than we have been for the entire week. My feelings are simple here. Short term bounce back and retractment on GOLD and EUR/USd for the next hour or so, then a further drop off.

Also later on I will crack out some GOOGLE and APPLE trades. Feelings are clear there. GOOGLE after posting these inner working pictures have had massive exposure and so encouraging lots of purchases of the stock - therefore a nice rising price throughout US market time. As for APPLE they are getting mixed results with this samsung business, yesterday was bad news for them in the ongoing sage so I am betting the stock will drop off today hour by hour once it opens 🙂

As always I will be posting results as they come in a bit later.

Mr Stone out
So I dont have all my results in yet from the first three.
Unfortunately I got it MASSIVELY wrong on OIL and EUR/USD earlier and have lost those first two. The other gold trade for now is ITM by a couple of pips and looking nice still.

So to try and recoupe I just placed 3 short term cheeky CALLS on EUR/USD. It could be a big losing day for me if I miss on them, but the price action felt right to place them...

Here they are -

I will post the reulsts of all 6 trades made today as soon as they have all expired.

Mr Stone
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