"Mr Spread Betting: Maximum Profit, Low Risk Trading" Book ???

What use is this post? It doesnt make sense. This idiot has quoted me from 2 years back when I had just started trading and I jad just joined MrSpreadeBetting.co.uk. As a newbie to the world of trading at the time I would listen to and defend anyone that promised to make me rich. I was too naive at the time.

He doesn't realise that by constantly reacting like an idiot and posting his crap he is distracting people from the real issue here. I have explained it on post 83 page 11.

Black Swan could be working for David Robertson. Who knows. Maybe he's getting a cut from David's new program and it therefore is in his best interest to distract members form the real issue here which is code5forex.co.uk and Lisa Martin as explained on post 83 page 11.


Alps you did the right thing in bringing this to the attention of others and you can't be faulted for that. However if you want to get something out of all this that will improve your trading and take you forward then you would do well to listen to what black swan is trying to tell you in his own brutal but honest way.

Why, why, why are you still spending money on systems?????

you have been in this for 2 years as you say and your still buying systems from people you don't know on the internet who promise you the world yet none of them have even delivered a dime. It makes no difference if there is a money back guarantee. This is just a marketing ploy and you should know that by now. Why even risk the money when there are free systems all over the internet which are just as good and offer much more support.

If forex is your game go to this link and pick one of the 50 busy threads with 5 stars next to it.


If it makes you feel better you can send me 100GBP and i'll send it back to you when you have exhausted all your options in there.

Thats 50 systems for 100GBP and free life time support on every one of them!

Or you can just do it for free!

i'm not trying to be mean here, i just want you to realise how silly it is to buy systems even when there is a money back guarantee. Theres always going to be a DR out there waiting to rip you off because some people never learn.

Its time to stop putting your trust in vendors and realise that the only person that can make a REAL success out of this game is you and you alone.

Anyway thanks for attempting to warn other traders and i wish you the best of luck in your future trading adventures.
Hi Alps,

I wouldn't worry about Black Swan. He's a great member of this forum, indeed people like him are the heart and soul of it.

However, I would be amazed if he were a successful trader - everything in his posting style screams otherwise. He seems like a perfectly decent chap, but he's not someone I would want to take trading advice from.

I think he has a bit of a problem with the whole Mr Spreadbetting thing. The first reason is probably embarrassment, something he shares with a lot of long-standing members. It should have been immediately apparent to anyone who knew what they were doing that Mr SB was something to avoid - but many allegedly experienced and profitable traders fell for it. Very few, such as Zupcon, actually warned people, despite the fact that it was blindingly obvious. Mr SB actually got some senior members to write positive reviews for him, which is nothing short of hilarious - it was all such blatant garbage, I still struggle to believe that people fell for it (unless you really knew nothing about trading of course).

I also think that Mr SB claimed all sorts of things about Black Swan that he didn't like, and so perhaps he doesn't want to risk getting on his bad side. Which is fair enough, although I don't know why he doesn't just keep silent on the matter.

So I wouldn't bother getting involved with Black Swan on this - you can see the nature of his responses to you, dragging up an old post from when you were very new, as though you should be embarrassed by it. NOBODY knows anything at that stage, as you correctly pointed out, so there's nothing to be ashamed of, since you don't claim to be what you are not.

What worries me though is that you're still buying systems after so long. This will not lead you to success - quite the opposite. You need patience, discipline, experience and sound money management. In terms of techniques or tools, use the common ones that every one knows - price action, support and resistance, trend lines and so on.

In other words, learn to trade, stop trying to buy a ready-made system. Trading is a skill just like any other. Learn the basic techniques, then practice with them and develop your own style. It is no different to becoming successful at anything in life, like cooking or running a business. Whatever you do, please stop wasting your money on useless systems.
Hi Alps,

I wouldn't worry about Black Swan. He's a great member of this forum, indeed people like him are the heart and soul of it.

However, I would be amazed if he were a successful trader - everything in his posting style screams otherwise. He seems like a perfectly decent chap, but he's not someone I would want to take trading advice from.

I think he has a bit of a problem with the whole Mr Spreadbetting thing. The first reason is probably embarrassment, something he shares with a lot of long-standing members. It should have been immediately apparent to anyone who knew what they were doing that Mr SB was something to avoid - but many allegedly experienced and profitable traders fell for it. Very few, such as Zupcon, actually warned people, despite the fact that it was blindingly obvious. Mr SB actually got some senior members to write positive reviews for him, which is nothing short of hilarious - it was all such blatant garbage, I still struggle to believe that people fell for it (unless you really knew nothing about trading of course).

I also think that Mr SB claimed all sorts of things about Black Swan that he didn't like, and so perhaps he doesn't want to risk getting on his bad side. Which is fair enough, although I don't know why he doesn't just keep silent on the matter.

So I wouldn't bother getting involved with Black Swan on this - you can see the nature of his responses to you, dragging up an old post from when you were very new, as though you should be embarrassed by it. NOBODY knows anything at that stage, as you correctly pointed out, so there's nothing to be ashamed of, since you don't claim to be what you are not.

What worries me though is that you're still buying systems after so long. This will not lead you to success - quite the opposite. You need patience, discipline, experience and sound money management. In terms of techniques or tools, use the common ones that every one knows - price action, support and resistance, trend lines and so on.

In other words, learn to trade, stop trying to buy a ready-made system. Trading is a skill just like any other. Learn the basic techniques, then practice with them and develop your own style. It is no different to becoming successful at anything in life, like cooking or running a business. Whatever you do, please stop wasting your money on useless systems.

Blimey, that's some top quality trolling for your ahem *first* post, now then, would you like to list the previous names you've posted under? In your own time, the clock ticks 'til the next ban no doubt...😀
Blimey, that's some top quality trolling for your ahem *first* post, now then, would you like to list the previous names you've posted under? In your own time, the clock ticks 'til the next ban no doubt...😀

Thanks Black Swan, nice of you to give me a compliment 🙂. I am a great admirer of yours, hence my comment about the "heart and soul" of the forum.
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C'mon Black Swan bud, tbh I cba to argue with you. I'm sure we can both trade, how hard can it be fer fooks sake, and I know you've got your secret indicator combo.

How many "pips" did you grab trading crimbo eve bud? How's yer trading acadamy going ffs.

Thankyou Pazienza, Kcomplex, Barrie1000 and others for the good advise. My real aim is just to warn others of David Robertson's scam as explained on post 83 page 11.

Will be exploring forexfactory more. thanks for the link provided. No more purchasing ****ty systems.
LOL Why do so many posts go missing from this thread? 😆

Yeah, I've given up posting on T2W because most of my posts get deleted. Good to see Black Swan getting some flak; he seems to post such a lot of dross mostly intended to tell others how bad they are and how great he is. Mind you, with 3800 posts in a little over two years it must be hard to think of anything intelligent to say. Allowing for weekends and holidays he's knocking out 7 or 8 posts every single day, that's some workload!
Yeah, I've given up posting on T2W because most of my posts get deleted. Good to see Black Swan getting some flak; he seems to post such a lot of dross mostly intended to tell others how bad they are and how great he is. Mind you, with 3800 posts in a little over two years it must be hard to think of anything intelligent to say. Allowing for weekends and holidays he's knocking out 7 or 8 posts every single day, that's some workload!


Join Date: Nov 2008
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Re: Spread Betting Winning Strategy!!!


Hi All,

I bought this system after reading through some threads on here about it. Wan't sure if it would be money well spent or not but I figured £134 wasn't too big a loss if it ended up in the bin. I've not been using it for all that long but the results so far are pretty good. Of 6 trades I'm up on 5 and down on 1. Profit as of today is £442. I'm placing fairly small stakes on it at the moment with a maximum risk of £100 per trade. Obviously this could be beginners luck but the trades are a mix of long and short so I don't think the results have been effected by indice moves.

I've been trading for some years and never bought a system before, mainly because most look like a rip off. Clearly this hasn't worked for rob24hrs but I've certainly got my money's worth. Aside from the profit on the trades I've picked up some other useful info on the forums and in the manual.



LOL, with 3 posts to your name how many got deleted, 2? I dunno 5 posts a day whilst you wait for swing set ups aint too bad, some posts made from my HTC desire, some on PC..You still using Davey's system then?
"EARN £100,000+ per year trading the FTSE 100"

That's the title of the latest email I just received from Davie.

And for £165 the secret can be yours too. Looks like he's off to a flying start this year.
"EARN £100,000+ per year trading the FTSE 100"

That's the title of the latest email I just received from Davie.

And for £165 the secret can be yours too. Looks like he's off to a flying start this year.

Who cares, only the price of a decent meal for 2 or a night out eh? 🙄
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Apparently he's made loads and loads of money from flogging his trading books/dvds/etc. I honestly think that's where the money is!, lol

I'd rather be the broker or spread bet firm than us that's for sure. But you make a valid point. Consider Dan Arm who does a good job with fx 500club, or did as I'm not sure if it's still thriving. I hope it is he put in the effort and hours in, he's a good lad Dan. Anhyow, you get 500 folk to pay 100 quid a month...Them's some nice numbers...:whistling

IMHO that's where the gaps exist, selling memberships like Dan or Phil Newton, or selling systems such as Daveys or the Net Trapper etc. for a hundred quid a pop..
Who cares, only the price of a decent meal for 2 or a night out eh? 🙄

Its not the money, its the time people waste trying out this stuff which could be better spent doing....well practically anything really.


Still it's good to see Davie recruiting more cannon fodder.

Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 3
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View Jopester's Full Trading Profile
Re: Spread Betting Winning Strategy!!!


Hi All,

I bought this system after reading through some threads on here about it. Wan't sure if it would be money well spent or not but I figured £134 wasn't too big a loss if it ended up in the bin. I've not been using it for all that long but the results so far are pretty good. Of 6 trades I'm up on 5 and down on 1. Profit as of today is £442. I'm placing fairly small stakes on it at the moment with a maximum risk of £100 per trade. Obviously this could be beginners luck but the trades are a mix of long and short so I don't think the results have been effected by indice moves.

I've been trading for some years and never bought a system before, mainly because most look like a rip off. Clearly this hasn't worked for rob24hrs but I've certainly got my money's worth. Aside from the profit on the trades I've picked up some other useful info on the forums and in the manual.



LOL, with 3 posts to your name how many got deleted, 2? I dunno 5 posts a day whilst you wait for swing set ups aint too bad, some posts made from my HTC desire, some on PC..You still using Davey's system then?

LOL BS, you keep doing this - dragging people's old posts up from back when they were fairly new to everything. I seem to remember you being pretty keen on the alcoholic's "systems" at the time. You went sour on him but then stopped attacking him after he said he had access to your spread betting account figures or something? You had quite a conversion anyhow.

What is the big deal if a fairly inexperienced trader was taken in? It is the supposedly experienced and profitable ones that deserve the ordure flinging at them.

Your style gives you away BS - it would be a miracle if you could trade successfully. Still I do enjoy reading your posts that are deliciously stuffed with jargon and abbreviations that (presumably) you hope will make you look like you know what you're talking about.

Instead, it just makes you look like something you'd see on a door (knob, handle, knocker - you choose, it's all the same really).

tbh bud cba bless 🙄😉 etc etc etc etc
"EARN £100,000+ per year trading the FTSE 100"

That's the title of the latest email I just received from Davie.

And for £165 the secret can be yours too. Looks like he's off to a flying start this year.

LMAO! Please tell me that it's a "special price for a limited time only" or even better - the scammer's holiest of holies - "places are strictly limited, first come first served".
