Mr Charts Training

Where can I find out Mr Charts services and fees any ideas - can you recommend for a beginner Mr Charts for £950 and/or Alan Rich at £395 or Alan Rich at £445 - both prices quoted on this site - I'm confused would Alan be Teaching Level2 and Richard Joyson teachinfg trading US stocks direct or should I buy the beginners course for £150 from teaching spreadbetting thats 8 hours and covers all the basics - or their beginners workshop advertised here at £395 ? and What about Forex - from traderhouse at £500 per day - I'm told that's easier trades 24 hours and trends better - or should I pay for a system, Also what software? how much does it cost for all of these teachers? they give their prices but if they only teach on expensive platforms which cost an arm and a leg - with similar costs for data feed - where do you start? what are the hidden costs?? simple questions I think !!

If you lot were having your time over again with your knowledge of modern computers - where would you start?
Bonnie1000 said:
Where can I find out Mr Charts services and fees any ideas - can you recommend for a beginner Mr Charts for £950 and/or Alan Rich at £395 or Alan Rich at £445 - both prices quoted on this site - I'm confused would Alan be Teaching Level2 and Richard Joyson teachinfg trading US stocks direct or should I buy the beginners course for £150 from teaching spreadbetting thats 8 hours and covers all the basics - or their beginners workshop advertised here at £395 ? and What about Forex - from traderhouse at £500 per day - I'm told that's easier trades 24 hours and trends better - or should I pay for a system, Also what software? how much does it cost for all of these teachers? they give their prices but if they only teach on expensive platforms which cost an arm and a leg - with similar costs for data feed - where do you start? what are the hidden costs?? simple questions I think !!

If you lot were having your time over again with your knowledge of modern computers - where would you start?

Bonnie1000 said:
Where can I find out Mr Charts services and fees any ideas - can you recommend for a beginner Mr Charts for £950 and/or Alan Rich at £395 or Alan Rich at £445 - both prices quoted on this site - I'm confused would Alan be Teaching Level2 and Richard Joyson teachinfg trading US stocks direct or should I buy the beginners course for £150 from teaching spreadbetting thats 8 hours and covers all the basics - or their beginners workshop advertised here at £395 ? and What about Forex - from traderhouse at £500 per day - I'm told that's easier trades 24 hours and trends better - or should I pay for a system, Also what software? how much does it cost for all of these teachers? they give their prices but if they only teach on expensive platforms which cost an arm and a leg - with similar costs for data feed - where do you start? what are the hidden costs?? simple questions I think !!

If you lot were having your time over again with your knowledge of modern computers - where would you start?

Bonnie it's your choice as no one in the UK can give you advice unless they are FSA registered.

Here's a few thoughts:

1) If you want to day trade US Stocks then you need an account > $25,000 probably $40,000. Therefore it might be a waste of time seeing Mr Charts or Naz if you don not have funds of this magnitude

2) If you want to daytrade then you cannot have a job, day trading will be your full time job

3) Trading is hard, most people will not make it and will lose money. It may take years for you ro become competent (if at all)

4) Naz or Mr Charts do not sell software. You can trade their methods through any direct access broker. If you want level II a'la Naz then he may suggest certain platforms that may be better. For Mr Charts (I have recieved his coaching) any direct access broker will do, but you will need live charts and a subscription to Using would give you free live charts and direct access.

5) Day trading if done well can offer higher rewards than system trading, but you have to put the hours in rather than let the system 'do it' for you.

6) Most systems do not work or experience large periods of drawdown. Can you handle this?

7) Which system or systems would you use? They have costs. For example any system that runs on Tradestation will cost you $99 per month just to have TradeStation even if you use them as your broker.

Hi Jonny,

7) Which system or systems would you use? They have costs. For example any system that runs on Tradestation will cost you $99 per month just to have TradeStation even if you use them as your broker.

When you say system, is this in addition to IB's trading platform?

Spot On has no other costs other than the £250 12 month licence providing you have an IB account and pay there brokering charges.

Where do I start from Bonnie1000

If I were starting out today - oh how I wish, with all thats available!!!

Check all the posts on this site for information regarding charting packages, courses, and glean as much information as you can from this.

Go on FREE introductory courses; there are many, but one in particular comes to mind by Robert Newgrosh (, many of the spread bet firms run FREE courses, as well as others. You can then decide whether you wish to pay the necessary fee to join a more thorough course, be it one to one or a small group - I would avoid those where you just sit as part of audience with the tutor on stage. Get yourself a proprietary charting package - see reviews on this site (I am a devotee of Metastock), or alternatively use a brokers package.

Familiarise yourself with what charting is all about. Paper trade your preferred method of trading be it end of day or intraday - yes i know many on this board do not advocate paper trading, but my view is it is helpful before commiting real money.

Have a plan and stick to it. Trading is very much a game of patience - do not be mislead into thinking there is any one system that will guarantee results, for, my friend, at the end of the day you are master of your own destiny, regardless of what tutors may impart or what charting package you use. Tutors impart knowledge, and charting packages are mere tools for you to work with.

Do not rush into anything, be it a course or a trade.


Thanks Boys !

Thanks very good replies - and very sensible - greatly appreciated - I have had a private message from -offerinf services £500 !! anybody heard of them cant find any info on this site - is it connected to T2W as the web address seems similar? no reference from any users on his site!! He's in Scotland which helps!
Bonnie 1000, that is great and unbiased advice from uncle............4get about all the course peddlers 4 starters, at least, until u understand the basics of trading properly.

I have not sent you a private message touting for your business as I have done my utmost to keep quiet about any service I may offer from this website. I have now found out who has and I can see why you may think there were similarities. It is someone who came to my home a while ago on a couple of occasions for trading tuition and who I told about this website. During one of the breaks they signed up here and needed an email address to register so I setup an internet one with 333 on the end.

They have since told me that they did contact you and someone else which was and is against my wishes. I have been contacted by over 20 people from this site asking for tuition and I have not gone back to any of them saying that I do it. If I were looking for business they would be the first people I would go for and yet I havent as I did not want to be labelled as a coach. I wouldnt contact a newcomer for business as that is not how I operate and also because I simply dont need to.

I apologise that this has happened.

I also agree with Grubs50.

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I have been away for a few days to the US so have been unable to respond to the posts here. However frankly I think that there is not much point responding to people who dont have anything constructive to say and yet seem to have achieved Legendary Member status by spewing one line retorts which are not to the point of a particular thread. They know who they are...

However I feel that I should respond however to a couple of posts.

Tim, I dont quite understand your analogies and it seems that you dont either! You say that you have been to Naz's training. You keep putting up practical analogies yet the kind of training that Mr C gives is not practical - just in case you didnt quite see that, i said NOT PRACTICAL. First of all practical means (oxford dictionary) 'concerned with practice rather than theory'. So you tell me whether sitting down with a bunch of papers and looking at a few charts is practical or theoretical? I ask you: What is the point of Richard travelling and jet setting around the world? He may as well just send people the notes through the post and take them through the notes over the phone. Suffice to say that there is no point talking about this further since you have already admitted that you are not profitable with Richard's strategies! THerefore your analogies are meaningless!

Richard, there is no point making excuses all the time when arguments dont suit you. You say you cant show live because there just arent resources. I assume you have a laptop. I can get bet you right now that 99% of people who you train these days have broadband. I put it to you that IT IS EASY to show live. And I can send you a list of training companies that will come round with a laptop to show you PRACTICALLY. You keep saying that the markets have changed which is why your strategies have changed. Well I dont fall for this because you keep showing big profits. Well I put it to you that maybe you should STOP training or maybe STOP to change your training instead of training people with material you admit does not suit today's markets...

Lastly I would like to say that I say all this in hindsight. I have been at that place where I was once lost and did not know what to do. I fell for snake oil and paid for it too! If I can I would like to stop people getting ripped off. This week I am going away for a while on a world travelling holiday and hopefully will be back in October. I will then be concentrating on full time trading and helping people if any one needs help.

Having been through what seemed an uphill path via what people term snake oil training my mentor has shown me VERY QUICKLY that trading the markets can be profitable. I now pull in more money than Richard Joyson can dream about while he he is training. NO ITS NOT WITH RICHARD's STRATEGIES LOL!!!
Marketmaker...........3 posts in 4 that rate thou will never become a legend on this Board!!!!

However, i would have thought you had a laptop and kept up with the threads, for you do seem to have something of interest to impart to T2W members. So ok your going on a world holdiday trip - good luck to you, and glad you have the resources to achieve such - but I still think you will be keeping an eye on any opportunity that comes you way, so please do keep in touch.

Uncle - I have have no desire to become a veteran or better still a legend! There is more to life than lurking on these boards wouldnt you say?

I dont know what you mean by looking for opportunities. I say for the record that if I give any information away it is and will be FREE. I have no desire or any no need to charge anything.

I simply don't understand the negative (personal) nature of some (the minority) of the posts on T2W. I have been 'lurking' for a while now and find this site to be an invaluable source of information imo for anyone connected with trading.
Trader 333, just doing a search of posts from your good self is enough in itself to give a good grounding in a number of aspects of trading. i don't think you need to feel guilty about being labelled a 'coach.' There are good ones and bad ones.
Just a quick question from someone who used to trade for a company thinking of trading from home:
The depth of knowledge on this site indicates many of you could trade for companies managing much more capital than you can possibly do trading for yourselves (at least at the start before the millions start rolling in!). For me the idea of deciding what and when i trade without all the politics of working in an office seems highly desirable and outweighs the loss of capital power. But then again i haven't tried yet!! How do others see it?

Hopefully more contributing than lurking in future!!

In my view the key advantage is that you work your own hours and these can be almost to suit yourself, ie the afternoon or evening. For those who work full time, it is just too risky to give up a full time wage to immediately trade full time. This is why trading US markets has a big advantage because you can trade in the evening and test and develop your own trading competence without the pressure of having to make a living. If it doesnt work out you can carry on working and if it does work out then you can decide to go full time at that stage.

This " Mr Charts Training" thread has proven to be a highly popular thread for one reason or another.

Has anyone considered starting a thread entitled " Naz Training " ?

That too would, I feel, be highly interesting.
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All this is very simple.
The great majority cannot grasp anything that is explained to them in great detail.
They do not want detailed explanations.
They want to achieve without having to have gained understanding.
They view the effort in gaining understanding as unnecessary and tedious.
They see the whole excercise as boring or irrelevant to them, because of course, they know better !
Now they start to grumble and complain because they see themselves as perfect and all else as imperfect.

But the really bright ones, who are open minded and clever, are able to grab it all in seconds,
and then go off and use it and benefit greatly from it, and do not want to be pestered by the dunces,
and will go to extreme lengths to hide their success, so they will remain very quiet, or even go to the extreme of pretending to have given up or even failed.......anything.....not to be pestered by what they view as parasites.

And so it is, and if it were not so obvious everyone would be able to do it. But the truth is very few can.
Those of us who can, can. Those of you who can't , can't.
And there you have it. And it is not fair to pester eilther of them just because they are very
talented, and if all of you do not recognise it, I do.

And because I feel really generous, I am willing to expand on this further.
Now the tutor becomes exasperated with the unjustified bad behaviour of his detractors,
and what happens next is that he submerges and puts his attention on his trading. This is not selfish, it is a natural professional attitude to take.

And then the detractors continue to churn out malice, but the quiet ones, the really clever ones who have grabbed it and are using it, remain in a charmed circle and continue to be helped and their friends as well, whereas the detractors remain punished by their greatest own achievements.

And now everyone realises the value of what they are missing, but it is too late, as the door has been slammed shut on any new aspirants, who have to pay the penalty for the bad behaviour of the others, which is both tragic and funny at the same time.

You are therefore advised not to test their patience and goodwill too much as you might all be destined to suffer the fate you are not aware of but with the benefit of hindsight you ought to have most dreaded.

That is all.
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But the really bright ones, who are open minded and clever, are able to grab it all in seconds,
and then go off and use it and benefit greatly from it, and do not want to be pestered by the dunces,
and will go to extreme lengths to hide their success, so they will remain very quiet, or even go to the extreme of pretending to have given up or even failed.......anything.....not to be pestered by what they view as parasites.

And so it is, and if it were not so obvious everyone would be able to do it. But the truth is very few can.
Those of us who can, can. Those of you who can't , can't.

Is it fair to assume, on the basis of the prolixity of your posting, here and elsewhere, that you are one of the ones who cant?

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Thread exhaustion?

LevII said:
Is it fair to assume, on the basis of the prolixity of your posting, here and elsewhere, that you are one of the ones who cant?


Do you think he cares what you assume? 🙄