Mr Charts' Course

dvdh said:
I thought we were gonna stay on topic TradeSmart. It's really silly to do these kind of things. Grow up!
Steady on Dave. Where did you get elected to police this thread? Frugi, quite sensibly, realised whenever this particular member comes up as a topic it draws a lot of negative comment. It's unfortunate, but there you have it. Frugi's caution was to assess the trainings Richard has given and not the man's character. Which is entirely fair in my view.

There has been a great deal of extraneous (to peugot's very specific original question) chat. None particularly negative, but extraneous all the same. So if you're going to cry 'off topic' on this thread, then do so consistently. References to 'lifelong dentist' and 'caring, respectful fellow' - although positive and welcome, are just as off-topic as the post you're attacking.

As Richard is clearly back on the boards, surely he could be allowed to defend himself, or simply ignore this - as could you. Unless you've also elected yourself his personal defender. I'm not having a dig, but your actions serve only to heat things up further. Please just let it go.

You're the only person who has posted a direct response to peugots 'query', with an informed opinion, and have as a result of one phone session with Richard, improved your trading 100%. Which is great. And I am sure there are many, many others with equally remarkable achievements after just one training with Richard.

But please, enough of these spurious threads from members who haven't posted for months all suddenly interested in others' views of Richard's trading courses and why Richard hasn't posted for a while. It could all so easily be misconstrued.
TheBramble said:
Frugi, quite sensibly, realised whenever this particular member comes up as a topic it draws a lot of negative comment. It's unfortunate, but there you have it. Frugi's caution was to assess the trainings Richard has given and not the man's character. Which is entirely fair in my view.

Good point Tony - and surely the easiest and most objective way to assess the merits of any trainer / coach / mentor is to have a review section where those who have attended can post their views for the benefit of prospective 'students' trying to make up their minds? I have to say that I am VERY surprised that no one has answered my post and that of timaru69. This is especially odd given that there are two mods patrolling this thread! Fran and Jon - I don't want to force your hand(s) or anything, but . . .

TheBramble said:
As Richard is clearly back on the boards, surely he could be allowed to defend himself, or simply ignore this - as could you. Unless you've also elected yourself his personal defender. I'm not having a dig, but your actions serve only to heat things up further. Please just let it go.
Bad point Tony - and somewhat unfair. You're assuming that Richard is 'back on the boards' because an earlier poster had received a PM from him (Richard that is). Richard may have been alerted to the fact that this is the second thread devoted to him within a week. If you were in his shoes, wouldn't you want to read what was being said about you? However, this is a very different kettle of fish to actively participating and contributing to the forums.

One of the things I've always liked about Richard is that he's a down to earth 'ordinary' bloke. He's told me more than once "if I can do this (trading) - you definitely can too". Not only do I believe him but, more importantly, I believe that he means what he says. Laugh away, I don't care. I realise fully that cynics will say that I'm a mug and that this is precisely the sort of thing that fake gurus / coaches will say to get their grubby hands on wannabe traders money. And they're right, of course; only Richard isn't a fake guru, he's the real deal which is all that dvdh has been trying to say in a very honest, straightforward, no nonsense way. You claim that you're 'not having a dig' at him, but that's not how it looks from my perspective. With respect Tony, perhaps you are the one who should 'just let it go'.
timsk said:
Good point Tony - and surely the easiest and most objective way to assess the merits of any trainer / coach / mentor is to have a review section where those who have attended can post their views for the benefit of prospective 'students' trying to make up their minds? I have to say that I am VERY surprised that no one has answered my post and that of timaru69. This is especially odd given that there are two mods patrolling this thread! Fran and Jon - I don't want to force your hand(s) or anything, but . . .

Bad point Tony - and somewhat unfair. You're assuming that Richard is 'back on the boards' because an earlier poster had received a PM from him (Richard that is). Richard may have been alerted to the fact that this is the second thread devoted to him within a week. If you were in his shoes, wouldn't you want to read what was being said about you? However, this is a very different kettle of fish to actively participating and contributing to the forums.

One of the things I've always liked about Richard is that he's a down to earth 'ordinary' bloke. He's told me more than once "if I can do this (trading) - you definitely can too". Not only do I believe him but, more importantly, I believe that he means what he says. Laugh away, I don't care. I realise fully that cynics will say that I'm a mug and that this is precisely the sort of thing that fake gurus / coaches will say to get their grubby hands on wannabe traders money. And they're right, of course; only Richard isn't a fake guru, he's the real deal which is all that dvdh has been trying to say in a very honest, straightforward, no nonsense way. You claim that you're 'not having a dig' at him, but that's not how it looks from my perspective. With respect Tony, perhaps you are the one who should 'just let it go'.
Thanks Tim. You know how to say it in a more polite way.

I have no idea if this guy does this or not.( so nothing personal intended).....but i wouldnt pay a penny to anyone unless they teach you while they trade live , on their own account with decent amount's.....& obviously running the numbers,makes a fair profit with sound logic you can understand.

for anybody thinking about a course, think about live....thats what counts. anyone can teach with hindsight especially trading. would you take music lessons form someone you have never heard play live....I might but you will be wasting your money, they could teach you the theory.....but without the'll sound crap.

just worth thinking about for anybody looking for a course/teacher

timsk said:
Good point Tony - ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I have to say that I am VERY surprised that no one has answered my post and that of timaru69. This is especially odd given that there are two mods patrolling this thread! Fran and Jon - I don't want to force your hand(s) or anything, but . . .

Thanks TIMSK

Thought I was missing something.........................
Is anyone going to answer the question?

Does anyone trade profitably following this man's teachings or not?
I have deleted some posts; a response to some issues raised and clarification of policy is on its way ...

Tim / timaru,

The reason nobody has answered your question regarding the reviews section is because - with Sharky and the team away at the Traders' Expo - we are simply not sure of the answer. The mods are not necessarily fully aware of site content policy.

However I believe it was pulled because it was being abused. I remember some bogus 5* reviews appearing almost simultaneously for the Secker course and a similar batch of suspicious negative reviews for a course I forget. However I think Sharky may have plans to restore it to the Knowledge Lab in a slightly different form at a later date. I hope he will comment on this when he's back from NY.


The site guidelines regarding the use of signatures has confused a lot of people, including the mods, because there was a total policy U-turn last year which I admit may not have been clearly broadcasted.

At one stage (as barjon says above) we thought it was a good idea for coaches such as Mr Charts to have "Coach" appended to their signature, so that members would know they had a commercial interest.

However as increasing numbers of members started to use their signatures purely to advertise a product or service for free (to the detriment of paying advertisers) the site guidelines were changed and a blanket ban on any mention of products/services in the signature effected.

Here is the current relevant section:

9.2 It is not permitted to use the signatures to advertise. Signatures may not include any link, identifiable URL or email address. Identifying your company name or type of business is not permitted UNLESS the principal reason for using the site is the representation of the company to address members’ questions and support issues. Members may include details of their website and profession in their personal profiles.

I am sorry if this policy reversal has offended you and if we have failed to be as clear as we should have been regarding the new rules. I'd also be grateful if you wouid remove the "Trading Mentor" part of your signature. Once we would have insisted on its inclusion, now we insist on its removal. Times change, rules change, I know it's a pain but such is site life.

I believe the team is working on a way of flagging up commercial interest, perhaps from within member profile, but they have to work out exactly what constitutes this and how to flag it without offending paying advertisers.
frugi said:
I have deleted some posts; a response to some issues raised and clarification of policy is on its way ...
This thread started with the question

Does anyone have an informed view on how good Mr Charts course is? I took it myself several years ago but I didn't really have the mentality to trade over such a short term frame so I developed my own style of trading. What I would like to know is of those who decided to persevere with this methodology, how many became successful?
I posted the question "Is anyone going to answer the question - is anyone trading profitably using this man's teachings" (or words to that effect).

I cannot see anything offensive to anyone in that.

Why has it been deleted when the original question remains on the thread.?

Answer on the open forum please not by PM or email thank you.
Deleted posts? Clarification of Policy? Be nice to know why this is necessary, wouldn't it?

This is just another thread on a bulletin board, surely?

It's a simple question LevII has apparently asked...and had his original post pulled. When it seems he was just refocussing us on the original poster's question.

What's being hidden here?

Why is it deemed necessary for heavy moderation to be exercised?

If things were left to run their course and clear the air, it would be a lot more sensible IMO. This constant bias serves no positive purpose. Mods should, IMHO be impartial.

No doubt I'll get another swathe of hate-mail, but it's water off a ducks back.
TheBramble said:
Deleted posts? Clarification of Policy? Be nice to know why this is necessary, wouldn't it?

This is just another thread on a bulletin board, surely?

It's a simple question LevII has apparently asked...and had his original post pulled. When it seems he was just refocussing us on the original poster's question.

What's being hidden here?

Why is it deemed necessary for heavy moderation to be exercised?

If things were left to run their course and clear the air, it would be a lot more sensible IMO. This constant bias serves no positive purpose. Mods should, IMHO be impartial.

No doubt I'll get another swathe of hate-mail, but it's water off a ducks back.

Given that you've used all of this only as an opportunity/excuse to take further swipes at Richard, and given that whatever clearing you believe needs to be done was clouded largely by your interference, your post only adds further bloat to a thread that is already only marginally on-topic.

The original question had to do with people who'd taken the course. Have you taken the course? If you haven't, then what contribution do you have to make? Didn't you learn anything at all from having been banned? Yes, you have problems with Richard. Get over it. Move on. Grow up.
dbphoenix said:
Given that you've used all of this only as an opportunity/excuse to take further swipes at Richard, and given that whatever clearing you believe needs to be done was clouded largely by your interference, your post only adds further bloat to a thread that is already only marginally on-topic.

The original question had to do with people who'd taken the course. Have you taken the course? If you haven't, then what contribution do you have to make? Didn't you learn anything at all from having been banned? Yes, you have problems with Richard. Get over it. Move on. Grow up.
What precisely does your post add to the topic of this thread or are you yourself using it as an opportunity for your own swiping? I ask this only as a device to hopefully aid your further introspections.

My posts on this thread have been entirely supportive of Richard. #16 welcoming his return to the boards. #21 an attempt to prevent precisely the mindless discussion 'on' Richard rather than 'about' his trainings. And #24 as a puzzled response to Tim's post. The post you refer to was my continuing attempt to prevent what might be construed by some as bias. You'd have to have an awfully skewed personality to see it in a negative light. So I can hardly be accused of taking a swipe at anyone.

I have absolutely no problems at all with Richard and my banning was nothing to do with Richard, as you well know. While on the subject of banning - can I ask you the same question? What have you learned? You're very close to being where you were on Elite before Baron banned you. So what is the real purpose of your post?

Can I suggest you use some other process for your personal problem resolution and not the latest 'hot' thread. It would be good to get some more informed opinion on Richard's trainings - preferably positive ones. That excludes you and me from any further discussion on this thread if we are serious in our desire to have it stay on topic.
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Blah, blah, Tony. The thread is about Richard's course. Have you taken it? No. Instead you use it for the opportunties I've already mentioned.

If you don't get over your obsession with Richard, you're going to end up in the same situation you were before. Move on.
Erm anyway...............does anybody know where the reviews section for "seminars" has gone?

In relation to the question on "is anybody making money after taking Mr Charts course" perhaps the following points should be considered,

Assuming that the training does give you an "edge" surley it is in your best interest to keep that fact to yourself, why share the fact that you make money with Mr Charts methods, in fact assuming you joined T2W to find some answers/guidance (for free) , having found it why bother to post on T2W at all? Your'e happily making money..............


I don't see anybody complaining that they have lost money, have learnt nothing, or wholesale slating of Mr Charts methods (assuming that these these posts haven't been edited by admins). Compare VS and DW

I'm not trying to defend Mr Charts but just expressing an opinion



Please see my post #28 which I have edited, although it's not much help I'm afraid.

I will remove (or split off into another thread) all the off-topic posts in due course.
timaru69 said:
Erm anyway...............does anybody know where the reviews section for "seminars" has gone?

In relation to the question on "is anybody making money after taking Mr Charts course" perhaps the following points should be considered,

Assuming that the training does give you an "edge" surley it is in your best interest to keep that fact to yourself, why share the fact that you make money with Mr Charts methods, in fact assuming you joined T2W to find some answers/guidance (for free) , having found it why bother to post on T2W at all? Your'e happily making money..............


I don't see anybody complaining that they have lost money, have learnt nothing, or wholesale slating of Mr Charts methods (assuming that these these posts haven't been edited by admins). Compare VS and DW

I'm not trying to defend Mr Charts but just expressing an opinion



I don't know why no one has answered this question:

Anyone who wants to rant about courses in general or Richard in particular can open up a thread to do so. In the meantime, why can't the mods delete all the posts to this thread that have nothing to do with the original question, including this one? That would reduce the length of the thread by about 30 posts.

Edit: Search with "Mr(space)Charts" as the keyword and either martinwalker, zenda, or felix as the member name.
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With the amount of b**ching, posting, training , back Stabbing, Back slapping, ego stroking.... & moderating....

I dont know where people find the time to trade🙂
& have a life, meet some friends, eat , play some golf, go down the gym................................................
Finlayson said:
& have a life, meet some friends, eat , play some golf, go down the gym................................................
I go to the gym in the morning. Prepare for trading in the afternoon. When that's done, check out the boards and post some. Then trade untill duldrums and then check out the forum again. LOL. Enough time to trade though.
