Motivation to keep going when you thought of quitting - View Link

spy74: Now thats how you motivate people. Regarding the Alec Baldwin macho crap ... thats SOO 80's. If anyone talked to me like that, I'd knock their head clean off their freaking shoulders ...

Theres more to life than just making money. There is an almost spiritual/zen like side to trading (i.e. overcoming yourself etc). To the OP. Take a break from trading if need be, try to remember what is that first attracted you to trading - what are you trying to achieve (trading is a means to an end, not the end in itself) - and also don't be too hard on yourself. take a break, renergize yourself by doing what you really love doing ... and then STUDY the markets (and yourself) carefully to find out and eliminate the mistakes you have been repeating. Then start trading small, to rebuild your confidence.
spy74: Now thats how you motivate people. Regarding the Alec Baldwin macho crap ... thats SOO 80's. If anyone talked to me like that, I'd knock their head clean off their freaking shoulders ...

Theres more to life than just making money. There is an almost spiritual/zen like side to trading (i.e. overcoming yourself etc). To the OP. Take a break from trading if need be, try to remember what is that first attracted you to trading - what are you trying to achieve (trading is a means to an end, not the end in itself) - and also don't be too hard on yourself. take a break, renergize yourself by doing what you really love doing ... and then STUDY the markets (and yourself) carefully to find out and eliminate the mistakes you have been repeating. Then start trading small, to rebuild your confidence.

um......thanks for that? i guess
Regarding the Alec Baldwin macho crap ... thats SOO 80's. If anyone talked to me like that, I'd knock their head clean off their freaking shoulders ...

I tried that with the market for many years,
but Im happy to say that I now fully understand, belief and know that it is
to appoach the market shrewdly receptive, patient and obidient.
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Well done sandpiper. I am aware of this video. It inspired me when I was down and out, living in a caravan, scraping by just to feed my family. It along with "The Secret" gave me the strength to get back up and fight when all was lost. It should be there for all to see. I have even used it in trading seminars since and it hit everyone that was there.
Lets keep it on page one as long as possible and give this amazing man the chance to help change so many peoples thinking. A lot of us on here have become grumpy old men with so much negativity it is frightening.
Here's my idea of motivation.

Yeah! now we're talking

spy74: Now thats how you motivate people. Regarding the Alec Baldwin macho crap ... thats SOO 80's. If anyone talked to me like that, I'd knock their head clean off their freaking shoulders ...

Theres more to life than just making money. There is an almost spiritual/zen like side to trading (i.e. overcoming yourself etc). To the OP. Take a break from trading if need be, try to remember what is that first attracted you to trading - what are you trying to achieve (trading is a means to an end, not the end in itself) - and also don't be too hard on yourself. take a break, renergize yourself by doing what you really love doing ... and then STUDY the markets (and yourself) carefully to find out and eliminate the mistakes you have been repeating. Then start trading small, to rebuild your confidence.

I do agree with this statement. There is much more to life than making money. The Universe in boundless in terms of what we can conceive and when we are ready then we will all be given more than we think is ever possible. In the meantime, work hard to learn the trading world, but remember to give time to your family, others, and yourself...

Hi Everyone,

I assume we all have have bad Trading Days and thought of quitting, hope the below link helps to keep things in perspective.

YouTube - Nick Vujicic



wat?! he cheated!!

he blatantly used those books and his bonce to wiggle forward into a sorta hunch before pushing back off them.

WHAT are BOOKS doing on a TABLE with a guy with no arms and legs?? How is he going to read them when he cant turn the f*cking pages??? WHAT ABOUT THAT PHONE? HOW IS HE GOING TO CALL SOMEONE??


wat?! he cheated!!

he blatantly used those books and his bonce to wiggle forward into a sorta hunch before pushing back off them.

WHAT are BOOKS doing on a TABLE with a guy with no arms and legs?? How is he going to read them when he cant turn the f*cking pages??? WHAT ABOUT THAT PHONE? HOW IS HE GOING TO CALL SOMEONE??



LOL I think it's meant to illustrate that he cannot do the simple things most people are able to do (like reading books and making phone calls).