moderator initiated post deletion and stealth editing

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zupcon you have to do it without a reason for it to not show.

I guessed as much 🙂

At 3:17 I responded to your post.

At 3:18, 3:19 and 3:20 I was able to edit without changes being logged. Unfortunately I was then unable to edit until 3:24 due to distractions. At 3:24 , 7 minutes after my initial post, the fact that I'd edited was recorded, so if an edit is made a max of 7 mins you can get away with it.

Now lets take a look at Nines post made at 12:53. At 1:33 40 minutes after the post was made, I responded, and the original response is seen in my reply. Some time after this Nine's original post was modified, but there's indication that this was ever the case.

Are we saying that mods get over 40 minutes or so to change posts by stealth before there's an indication that an edit took place, whereas other members get 5 minutes ?, or can moderators actually edit posts "by stealth" as is being suggested ?
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I may be getting over-sensitive in my twilight years, but a few of the bods who used to dispense pearls of wisdom and were all-round good guys, became Advisors and now display a growing and worrying (to me anyway) sense of self-importance. As is well known in HR circles, it’s much cheaper to give someone a title than a raise, and their ego will appreciate it much more. It’s a shame.

Can't have been me, never said anything useful before either! 😆

You are less aware than you think.

If you amend your post reasonably quickly without adding an editing comment you will find that there is no "edited" notice. That's what I did, feeling that I was being unnecessarily personal. You might learn the same skill at some point.

Good luck to you and fxscalper on that.

hmm nine, wasn't or isnt that Zup's point re medicines though. A member has been banned for being judged as being too personal and you admit to it (the same offending behaviour ,being personal )yet remain without being immediately banned for 24 hours 🙂 NOW all well and good but if its an issue of a time delay, giving everyone time to reflect/retract , then how long does the member get before his head is chopped off ? MP's head is in the basket already.

Zup. Hmm and on the time of edits, yah 40 mins or so does sound materially different.

In fact In another thread that was closed ( I think) I noticed a post by The Bramble re appear or was slotted back in after the thread was shut about half hour or so later IIRC. no reason explaining it, not there one minute, then it was, but the thread had been shut already. I didn't lose sleep on it but thought, maybe my web browsers playing funny buggers or I shouldn't of had three for the road !
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If you thought that it was time to close a thread down, then you should have given ample notice before doing so.

To close one down, in the way that you did, this morning, was rude and unkind. Quite frankly, I would not have done it in the way that you did, It takes a certain type of person to be a moderator. I would not be one, especially, if I had to do the same unpleasant work in the way that you do. It takes all types to make a world.
1. Brambles posts were deleted because they insulted other members.
2. When the insulting posts were deleted he moved into rapid fire and broadened his targets.
3. To stop him posting (and as are the rules when you post two insulting posts in a row) he was banned.

Split. The thread was not shut down. Its still there because until it was hijacked by Bramble it was (and once again is) on topic. But to be honest, my response to your post is f*** you.

If the reasonable people on this board have that attitude to the mods then I don't wish to be one. So stick the job up your a@@@ split and good riddance.

Sharky, I can't be bothered wasting my time on this sort of stuff. It takes hours to deal with the spam and the s@@@ stirrers; I should have held to my resignation last time. Not my idea of fun or worth doing any more. Thanks, but no thanks. Please remove my moderator status. Ciao.
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