Mini dow ticker for Tradestation 2000i?

Hi guys
If you install the esignal pluggin you will lose the historybank option but i never use it any way i subscribe to esignal but only use it for historical data DynaLoader does work better than the esignal patch but again thats designed for esignal not history bank but using ib with tradestation and metaserver with esignal pluggin works fine once configured not sure where else you can find historical data .
regards mark
New ActiveX plug-in for TS2000i

eSignal as a Datafeed to TS2000i...

To all TS2000i users,

Tradestation TS2000i supports eSignal as a direct built-in datafeed of choice. Tradestation claims something like 25,000 units sold and continues to sell it internationally.

eSignal has been greatly expanding its global coverage of real time exchanges in Europe, Asia / Pacific, and Forex - now up to 75 and growing. In order to better support eSignal users of TS2000i we are launching a new ActiveX tool to load tick and history data on demand from eSignal's servers into the TS2000i product.

We are making this tool available for free with our eSignal service. A version of ActiveX for TS and the documentation is located here: Plugin for Tradestatation&groupid=135

All comments or suggestions should be directed to this thread on our

HyperServer Lite

If you are looking for good "middleware" to connect IB to Tradestation, take a look at Hyperserver Lite:
It's free, they only ask that you make a charitable donation.
I'm surprised of the lack of coverage on these boards of Hyperserver Lite, it works great for me and has saved me the hundreds of dollars I would have spent on Metaserver, On-demand, etc.
For historical TS data, I have a basic MyTrack subscription with the SierraChart add-in and I convert Sierra's mnd format into plain text (csv) using a Perl script and then import that into TS.

PM me if you'd like a copy of the mnd to csv script I use.

Might seem like a lot of work for the historical data, but I only track four index futures, so only occasionally have to fill a few gaps in my IB data. Cheap and cheerful data for TS 🙂

Thanks for this as I will definitely have a use for it. I do have a question though and that is I thought that TS would not import intra-day data in csv format ?

I have just been on the site and it is even better than I thought and I see now how you can import csv files into TS and vice versa. This really is very impressive for all TS users

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Hi Paul,
Yes, you can use HyperTools (available from the same URL above)to convert CSV to XPO and then import that using Globalserver.
Hi Folks,
Woww!! some great posts here.
Bdholmes - thanks for your Hypertrader suggestion for tradestation. It looks as good as any"middleware" i have seen .
I am using tradestation 4, my aim is to collect intraday data for 3 symbols(for 1 to 30 Min charts) using Interactive brokers live data and the suggested My Track data.

I hope you dont mind me asking, but can you please let us know how you have converted mytrack data to use with tradestation by using 'Perl Script' and then imported into tradestation.

Please can you explain how this process works - importing data from two different sources, to then work in Tradestation?
Is there some way to store the combined data on my pc's hard drive and thus access charts offline? That would be grrrreeeeaatt!!!
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Indi,
some interesting questions, I’m sorry I don't have the knowledge to help you, perhaps someone in this very knowledgeable group can assist. 😀
Hi Indi and co, for your interest, I’ve managed to configure hyperserver with IB and it works really well. It allows you to view charts almost straight away unlike using ‘on demand server’, which can take 15 minutes or longer even with broadband.
Also you can save intraday volume unlike ODS which doesn’t allow this.

If IB goes down, then you'll have gaps in the chart, so you'll need some other type of 'back fill' data. Not sure how this would work.

I’ve managed to get charts of YM, ES, but am still trying to workout how to bring up charts for the Bund (GBL), dax and Eurostoxx 50 (ESTX50).

Has anyone been able to achieve this?
Have you subscribed on IB to the exchanges that provide ESTX50 and Bund data ? If not then you will not be able to get charts up for them.

Hi Paul, thanks for your help.
Yes I’m a subscriber to the Eurex which provides the Eurostox and Bund data. I guess there’s got to be some kind of solution out there, I'll just have to keep on digging away for it 😀