😱 babeny
Apologies - I actually tried to write the function and failed! I am sure there is a way to use the string variable to call a function but I can't figure it out
The only way to plot it that I can see is via the following( for a period ma of the fast and slow length rsi).
input: period(14),lenslow(14),lenfast(7);
if averagefc((rsi(close,lenfast)),period) crosses over
averagefc((rsi(close,lenslow)),period) then plot1 (high);
if averagefc((rsi(close,lenfast)),period) crosses under
averagefc((rsi(close,lenslow)),period) then plot2 (low);
subgraphs etc have nothing to do with it - they are simply a graphical representation of the plot.
Its the values you are trying to use.
I can't see how you can view different oscillators moving averages without using easy language in some form.
Go to tradestation world and look at the easy language forums there for more help (ps admin - i am not an employee of tradestation!)
Hope that helps.
babeny2001 said:
Cannot get it to work, but it will probably not help 🙁 There is no possibility to reference plots in different subgraphs? I would like to use also in strategies, and I don't want to setup indicator parameters (just to see) and strategy (crossover) parameters - twice, I would like to create indicator in subgraph 1 and then create strategy which is based on crosses in subgraph1. And in case I change parameters in indicator then strategy will be automatically adjusted - recalculated, is something like this possible ?