micro brokers

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there's few brokers who allow u trade very little amounts, like 1$. as far as i know there's only 2: Oand A(ommit the space 😉 ) and GFT.
also some metaTrader based brokers allow to trade micro lots(0.01 Lot) instead of mini lot(0.1 Lot).
i invite everyone to introduce brokers who allows 1000$(=0.01lot) and lower position size.
the brokers i know allow this are: Neuimex(ch), FiboGroup(?)

pls share your knowledge 🙂

thanks in advance
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I don't see necessity for such small amounts (exept for trading as hobby, not for money). But trading doesn't looks like a good hobby anyway.
thnx for reply. i know what u mean zagreb. anyway i'm interested in such infomation, as it's a necessity to the way i trade 🙂

please note that with a 1k account, 0.1lot means using leverage 1:10 which is high leverage imo. the way i calculate leverage is how much money you control on the mkt, compared to your capital.
it always said leverage is a 2way sword, but i believe most of people use it more, on losing parts 🙁 resulting into 1 way sword 😆 . there's no wonder more than 90% of peopld feed 10% minority accounts. and believe me none of this 10% minority are mini accounts or using high leverage 😉

then to be rational, it's better to use micro lots with mini accounts(<10k). and when we acknowledge there's few brokers who allow clients to trade this low amounts, we might know they are prepared to eat up all mini client's money. which is a fact in forex market, sadly 🙁

zagreb said:
I don't see necessity for such small amounts (exept for trading as hobby, not for money). But trading doesn't looks like a good hobby anyway.

I can think of a few good reasons.
Granular risk management, specific strats such as grid trading, carry baskets etc.

And demo vs real trading...no matter how realistic the demo is, trading with "real" money, no matter how little, brings emotions into the equation that demo's don't.
"Granular risk management"

nice word you invented 😉. very wise beachie

ok please come to topic title guys. leave money management debates for it's proper forum.


ps. did u know there's a forum dedicated to MM? that info is like a gem imho: