Just starting



Starting off in FX wanted to know UK brokers who have low minimum trades.

I just wanted to start off with like £20, £30 trades.

Alpari micro lots 0.01, what does that mean? £1000 per trade??

any help would be great and details of brokers who have low minimums, no withdrawal fees, low deposits etc..

Thanks is advance...
1 lot = ~£5/pt, this varies on exchange rates. So 0.01 lot = 5p/pt roughly. You can work out the value of your trade based on your risk parameters.

Any other UK broker recommendation that have low minimums for trades, no withdrawal fees, low deposits etc..

If i may suggest, though hotforex is not a UK based broker, but they meet most of you criteria, I'm only recommending a broker that I'm using, minimum deposits are like 25 dollars with micro lots, no fees when withdrawing though withdrawals are done manually. if its for practice and you are only starting I'd say go with demo accounts first and set up your capital to be as close as the amount that you see your self trading, that way you can make mistakes without losing money, and yeah you might want to try the pipsology school (google it) its a free learning course yes free, you can get mosts of the basics there and its quite fun, best luck and welcome to the world of forex 🙂