Metastock on MacBook Pro


Hi all,
I am currently running Metastock 10.1 on WIndows 7 but I'm looking at getting a MacBook Pro.
The MacBook Pro has a program called Boot Camp installed which I believe you can use to run Metastock on.
Is anyone doing that now and how is it running? Any problems?
Or should you use other software to run Metastock on a Mac? (Parallels Desktop for Mac orVMWare Fusion).
On the Metastock website, they suggest Boot Camp is the best way to go....
Is this what others are finding is the best?
Thanks for any suggestions.
smallcap 😕
Hi all,
I am currently running Metastock 10.1 on WIndows 7 but I'm looking at getting a MacBook Pro.
The MacBook Pro has a program called Boot Camp installed which I believe you can use to run Metastock on.
Is anyone doing that now and how is it running? Any problems?
Or should you use other software to run Metastock on a Mac? (Parallels Desktop for Mac orVMWare Fusion).
On the Metastock website, they suggest Boot Camp is the best way to go....
Is this what others are finding is the best?
Thanks for any suggestions.
smallcap 😕

My friend, IT's a big deal to run Windows applications on MacBook Pro. I bought one last fall and have a lot of troubles with windows. I love apple. They make awesome products, but if you have an option think about Sony or HP. They also make very good stuff, not as good as apple.

I honestly, can't believe that I'm typing something like this but. I have a MacBook for 9 month already and at work I have standard Windows laptop, it's is still not comfortable for me to work and do some stuff on my MacBook.
how did you get on with this in the end? - I am thinking of doing the same soon and was wondering if you had any issues