A video demonstration of how Metastock works in Linux


Hi there,

After much experimentation, I've finally figured out a way for Metastock to work flawlessly in Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS.

Watch a video of how it works here :

YouTube - Metastock works in Ubuntu Hardy Heron!

Here is a clear screenshot of my Ubuntu desktop with Metastock Professional 8 running inside it :

(Click on the image to enlarge it)

Now you can enjoy all the benefits of using Linux and yet still be able to use your favourite charting software.

For instructions on how to get this setup to work, visit this thread :
Technical Analysis (Sstock Charting) Software - Ubuntu Forums
That was an amazing post chartmansg, I'm definetively going to follow your advice as i am a keen user of ubuntu, i've tried wine but didn't really worked. Thank you very much
Hi. I've used the same procedure with VMware, which is another virtualization software and it worked well. It is a little hard to install, though.

Virtual box can be installed very easily in Kubuntu Hardy Heron just using the command:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox

I will now try Virtualbox to verify wich is faster.

Thanks for the hint.