metastock and eod data feeds


Active member
Hello (new here, first post)

I'm thinking about purchasing metastock. I'm not sure if it is worth buying it with the data feed included, as provides the data feed for free. My question is:

what are the differences in the data provided between eoddata and paritech, for example?
Does paritech include data not included in the free data feed? I received the demonstration cd and they say that I have to pay an extra £99 if I want to add the fundamentals. What do you exactly receive with paritech that you don't receive with eoddata?

Thanks a lot,

silviaic said:
Hello (new here, first post)

I'm thinking about purchasing metastock. I'm not sure if it is worth buying it with the data feed included, as provides the data feed for free. My question is:

what are the differences in the data provided between eoddata and paritech, for example?
Does paritech include data not included in the free data feed? I received the demonstration cd and they say that I have to pay an extra £99 if I want to add the fundamentals. What do you exactly receive with paritech that you don't receive with eoddata?

Thanks a lot,


Hi Silvia, welcome.

Firstly I think MS is great and a good chose. Buying directly from the developers will save you a bundle about $100. are the developers/promoters, they are currently retailing version 9 at $499, paritech is £330 which is $620. They also have an interesting MS unlimited access monthly lease at $59/mo or $599/yr. I bought MS direct from equis and it arrived on the doorstep a couple of days later , no probs.

If you are looking for only stocks EOD, may be the way to go. If you are interested in Futures, indices and the like that route will be insufficient..

good luck
Some of the reasons you might want to pay for the data include:

1. You don't get any free historical data from eoddata, it costs $50 per exchange to get 5 years worth. The free stuff only goes back about 1 month, and you have to download each day separately.

2. I would imagine that Paritech provides a downloader application which integrates with Metastock, making it very easy to download the latest quotes. Also the data will be fully managed, i.e. it will keep track of missing quotes, gaps in downloading, data errors, adjustments for splits/renames etc. Also the data should be structured into industry groups/sectors etc. with the sector indices. And there should be a support phone number too for when things go wrong as they inevitably do. I don't know about the Metastock/Paritech combination but I have used a similar OmniTrader/QData setup which did this. Whereas with eoddata you will have to manually goto the Web site, login, download the data as an Ascii file and import it into Metastock, which gets to be pretty tedious. And you'll need to check and fix the data yourself. One example - since Securicor became Group 4 Securicor and changed its ticker from SCR to GFS earlier this year, eoddata have not provided any quotes for this stock, despite my repeated e-mails to them.

Don't let me put you off using free data - I use it myself with AmiBroker, but it's only for keeping an eye on my position trades, not short term trading.


Thanks a lot!

ERA, I didn't bother to check the price after conversion to pounds, as I assumed it will be the same (I got to the paritech website through clicking on resellers)!!
knorrie, I suppose that your point 2. is where the difference is (support). I sent an e-mail to them asking for different things and they replied very efficiently. They seem to have a good support team.

Anyway, what I found out up till now (may be it is useful for someone else with the same interests):
eod from eoddata can be downloaded in metastock format, but it's true that you have to log on everytime and that can be annoying after a while. The data seems to be the same. Paritech provides OHLC and volume, same as eoddata. I should still check how many markets are included in the package, but it seems to be more than just LSE. (Getting different markets from eoddata can become annoying as you have to download one by one). Also as you say, knorrie, if the data is not well weeded, that can make you waste some time. About historical data: paritech sells a historical data cd, and I suppose must be the same historical that you get with the annual subscription, it costs £50. They proposed me a free trial of the data for 14 days, I'll take it and if someone is interested I'll let you know. That will let me know exactly how many markets are covered, etc. (I'm not sure the data comes organized by sector or other stuff, it seems to be just the OHLC and volume).

Thank you again! 😀
