Problems with EOD from Paritech


Established member
Hi All,

Can anyone help me? 😢

Since 02-12-05, I have been experiencing major problems with missing data.

The data I'm using is UK Stocks EOD from Paritech.

Below are just a small handful of the stocks which show missing data. These ones only have data up to 02-12-05.

NLR Neteller
CASH Cardpoint
FAO First Africa Oil
SBT Sporting Bet
SBE Sibir Energy
RPT Regal Petroleum

Can anyone who uses Paritech for UK Stocks EOD confirm whether they are also expereincing similar problems with the above stocks. I have contacted Paritech but to date, have not received a reply :-(

Any feedback from this bb would be gratefully received......


Sorry for the slow reply. My Paritech data feed is just about to expire, and I have checked NLR and SBT and find that I too have a problem with missing data on these (I checked another FTSE 100 stock and it was OK)
I'll phone them up this afternoon and let you know what I find out.
Do you know of any decent alternative suppliers?

Thanks for highlighting this problem.

I spoke to Bill at Paritech. Apparently the problem was something to do with a stock re-classification. If you have a word with him, he'll be able to arrange for you to be able to download prices for 3/12/05 to 12/12/05 inclusive, and this should fix the data,

JohnD said:
I spoke to Bill at Paritech. Apparently the problem was something to do with a stock re-classification. If you have a word with him, he'll be able to arrange for you to be able to download prices for 3/12/05 to 12/12/05 inclusive, and this should fix the data,


Cheers John.....

I spoke to him a few weeks ago and managed to download the data in the end. Messed up my trading for a week or so but I guess these things happen from time to time. However, with the exception of this incident, I have found Paritech to be on the whole quite good and have recently renewed my subscription.

Maybe its a case of better the devil you know but........ 😉

All the best,

Hi, can anyone help me with linking Metastock EOD (commodities, FOREX, metals etc [ basically, the commodities as supplied by CFTR goldbars] ) with CRB Powerlink data feed.
Problem since computer crash 2 months ago. Bill helpful as poss, but have trouble getting hold of him sometimes.
Many thanks
Ian (newbie)
[email protected]