Message For Ftse Traders......

looking like it got way oversold today.there is an upward column that is giving a vertical target of that puts us back into the decision zone again
the decision zone.we can have temporary moves out of this zone.when there is a lot of volatility
the decision zone is is where the daily chart neither looks bullish nor we can still get a rally on the obama bounce
Interesting to look at the FTSE heavyweights...

Banks down ~10%
Mining down ~9%
Oil&Gas down ~5%

2009. The new 2008.

You scare me 🙂

I would be looking to get out of a big chunk of that anywhere near 4200.

Where is your stop?

Dont have a stop, il keep ploughin in until im at least at scratch!

They call me the Running Man! (and prob 'the worlds biggest idiot' behind my back)
All I can say is "Wow", shorted the markets before the US economic figures came out... Next thing I know I have made record gains on both US and UK markets. Anyone think the US will recover by tonight, or break again under 8130?
All I can say is "Wow", shorted the markets before the US economic figures came out... Next thing I know I have made record gains on both US and UK markets. Anyone think the US will recover by tonight, or break again under 8130?

I think it'll drop long term, but I'd close out rather than risk it, personally, especially if you're thinking short term.
I think it'll drop long term, but I'd close out rather than risk it, personally, especially if you're thinking short term.

Hmm, I feel to hold onto it for tomorrow as more figures are due out, I'm hoping for a sneak release of figures from a company today, it would make sense to release bad figures now as they will just blend in, anyone due to announce important figures today?
Dont have a stop, il keep ploughin in until im at least at scratch!

They call me the Running Man! (and prob 'the worlds biggest idiot' behind my back)

You will eventually lose vast sums of money. The only analysis left is to decide if the excitement/enjoyment you are getting from 'trading' is worth that.

Not being rude, just calling it how I see it (and have seen it again and again).

I think it'll drop long term, but I'd close out rather than risk it, personally, especially if you're thinking short term.

The best approach (although not good at taking my own advice!) is not a case of deciding to jump or not but to have the stop/limit in the place that minimises loss and maximises potential gain.

Here endeth today's annoying and patronising lesson 🙂
lo and behold.we are still in an uptrend.we have retraced to the trendline as shown on the chart.the pattern is negative and if it goes back up then the pattern is called a shakeout.marc rivalland the p/f chartist aka as the trader in investors chronicle gives the pattern up to 3 box below the bottom of the pattern.if the pattern fails then we get a descending either way it looks like a good time to be in
the pattern was named by earl blumenthal,who usually said that it happens after the first bullish signal in an watch for a move up or down
chart is eod size 50 points.hilo data.3 box reversal.some auto vertical counts put in.these are all bullish
lets wait and see what the market has to offer


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a slightly different veiw.price is in an uptrend/just
data is eod /close size is 50,points./3 box 150 points.the uptrend on this chart has entered the death might come alive or get totally killed off


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compare the dow to the ftse.slghtly less bullish.ftse has had 2 false brekouts on the daily to 4650.dow has not
notice we have hit a major support area at 8200
any good or bad news items due out soon/big ones.apart from the obama inauguration.then please let us all know.?


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s & p 500 at a major support area also.
which way do we go.??


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hi there are only bad news items due out..

the rally is over, bull is far far away, we have also a long way before we see the bottom..
my 2p worth
ftse 100.daily data.50pts box size / 3 box reversal.hilo data
i have put on some bollis.these are 13 ema.2 std dev
interestingly,the bollis have not turned down as yet,particularly the lower fact they are starting to turn upwards
bollis on p/f are calculated from the middle of the its the 13 ema of the mid point of the last 13 columns.2 std dev from the 13 ema is the midline
however,price is below the 13 ema


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tell me about it my friend...........I am long 837!!

also long FTSE 4160 stop loss 4140 !! just hope i dont get spiked out like this morning!!
agreed,that there is only bad news to come.but buyers might think the market has been oversold.
who cares what they think so long as we make money out of it
your charts are good,
i am a rookie btw, so i can just about decipher your charts..🙂
i just cant see how this would fit into the current economy..
You will eventually lose vast sums of money. The only analysis left is to decide if the excitement/enjoyment you are getting from 'trading' is worth that.

Not being rude, just calling it how I see it (and have seen it again and again).


I know, ive been there time and time again. Im not gonna put my house on it, i only gamble what i can lose...not happily, but it wont break me (hopefully)
