Member reputation system faults?

I agree charlton, the negativity of bad rep points for a post may not be in the interest of the T2W community, Sharky thought it a good idea and would spice things up a bit, so far not much is evident that anything bad has happened... rep wars didn't break out.

Last time this issue was discussed Sharky made the comment "I'm happy to go with whatever most members feel comfortable with. Personally I like the idea that reputation can fluctuate up and down, and it's not just one way. But others might feel differently..."

The thread itself degenerated into farce and had to be moderated, although the general feeling of the few members that participated in the discussion were I believe in favour of the new system, I will add that a private majority were against it.

I agree whole-heartedly with blades and Arb on Spam Mans posts, pure class of the highest order, deserving in every point earned... my particular faves, the classic Joe Ross "Hey Spam Man!" post.

The unforgettable insight in the "...after which things took a turn for the strange" post, in the "how to think correctly" thread. I just p!ssed myself reviewing that one again.


Pure classics!
I laughed my t!ts off at the "simultaneously long & short" post too mate:
'and I'm one of those people that has given Spam Man a few of his rep points"
me too !
Spam Man is a carbuncle on the derriere of the trading community and possibly even humanity itself. He should be slowly bludgeoned to death with his own lower intestines while being vigorously exfoliated with his own abrasive wit.

It’ll be a cold day in hell before he gets any rep from me.
Neither am I. But it's a good way to collect dots...

Paranoia and Alzheimer are a heady combination.

(btw Chump, can you take the 'h' off 'hisn't' - you sound like Lady Penelope's Chauffeur...)
the new rep system has "dissapprove" as well as "approve" - you may have noticed a small minority of people who have accrued RED dots. Presumably this is becuase a number of other members find their posts objectionable enough to vote them down.

it also works on existing rep - if a number of members dissapprove enough of a post to give it negative rep, then they lose score, and if they lose enough of it then they will lose dots too

Hi arb

while you are taking part on the subject, i may as well mention - you are one of the members i had noticed over the last couple of months, who one day had eg. 4-6 light green dots, then the next time i noticed, you were down to 2 light green dots. Was this as a result of many people dissapproving of one or more of your posts?😕

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you are one of the members i had noticed over the last couple of months, who one day had eg. 4-6 light green dots, then the next time i noticed, you were down to 2 light green dots. Was this as a result of many people dissapproving of one or more of your posts?😕


not that I'm aware of mate - i only recently acquired three light green dots, i've never had more that I know of.

Unlike Spam Man and the others, I dont often come out with profoundly pant wettingly witty posts very often, although I do try very hard... mostly it would seem to be just me laughing, though unfortunately I cant give myself good rep when that happens
Dots or no dots, let's not forget that arb was voted Most Helpful Member last year . . .

not that I'm aware of mate - i only recently acquired three light green dots, i've never had more that I know of.

Unlike Spam Man and the others, I dont often come out with profoundly pant wettingly witty posts very often, although I do try very hard... mostly it would seem to be just me laughing, though unfortunately I cant give myself good rep when that happens

Maybe it was a trick of my imagination, or there is another member with a username that reminds me of yours, who had the 4-6 light green dots!
That doesn't surprise me. In fact I imagine that the entire concept of contributing a mere 128 posts in any timeframe higher than half an hour is a source of utter mystery for you, my prolific friend.

Here is a little exercise you can do at home which may in some way aid you in your quest to become as popular and handsome as I am : Next time a half-formed thought or the germ of a daft idea springs unbidden into your head do not, I repeat, DO NOT!!! start a thread on T2W about it. I know it sounds impossible, but give it a try and let us all know how you get on.

😆 I acknowledge that i have started a diverse array of trading & non-trading related threads on T2W in my time. Some have generated a lot of interest, and have led to a lot being learned for all readers, others have fizzled out due to lack of interest. A few didn't receive any replies 😢 .
But on the whole, i hope my contribution to T2W, and the threads started by me on T2W have been more of a help than a hindrance for other members 🙂 .
But on the whole, i hope my contribution to T2W, and the threads started by me on T2W have been more of a help than a hindrance for other members 🙂 .
Why don't you start a poll and find out.

Invite the horse...
not that I'm aware of mate - i only recently acquired three light green dots, i've never had more that I know of.

Unlike Spam Man and the others, I dont often come out with profoundly pant wettingly witty posts very often, although I do try very hard... mostly it would seem to be just me laughing, though unfortunately I cant give myself good rep when that happens

Yes, a SOH isn't all that easy to convey in writing IMO.

I for example, have a good SOH in person IMO 😉 , sometimes but not always fairly dry. Making people laugh etc for me is often not due to something i say. It is often likely to be the way i say it, or a look or a facial expression, quick or delayed reaction to something, pause etc.
Originally Posted by Arbitrageur
not that I'm aware of mate - i only recently acquired three light green dots, i've never had more that I know of.

Unlike Spam Man and the others, I dont often come out with profoundly pant wettingly witty posts very often, although I do try very hard... mostly it would seem to be just me laughing, though unfortunately I cant give myself good rep when that happens

Originally Posted by JTrader
Yes, a SOH isn't all that easy to convey in writing IMO.

I for example, have a good SOH in person IMO , sometimes but not always fairly dry. Making people laugh etc for me is often not due to something i say. It is often likely to be the way i say it, or a look or a facial expression, quick or delayed reaction to something, pause etc.


Study the craft shown below...... and here's a tip.....don't be afraid to take the rip out of others 😆 and all for the sake of a cheap laugh.

Word of warning though ....if you can't take it...don't give it. 😆
What does a grey dot mean? I have a few positive comments but the dots are grey instead of green?
It means that the person giving you the rep hasn't had a positive feedback given to them yet...
Suggestion -

Besides approve & disapprove comment options, i think a 3rd neutral option is worthwhile.
Because sometimes you may not feel the post merits either of the presently available options, but you feel it would be worthwhile to add a little feedback regarding the members post, without adding or docking them points - as you may feel they don't deserve extra points, nor do they deserve points docked - for what they said!

The present options enable reward or punishment. Sometimes neither of these 2 options is appropriate! - but feedback would still be of value.

This thread has been silent for some time, but perhaps we should expand on the green dots? Seems like a lot of people are having the max number amount of dots (damn I'm even getting light green dots myself!), but above 1500 points there's no increase anymore.

Perhaps we should offer pink dots 😛