May the force be with us

everything out of sync now-no position imminent.
off out for a tennis match shortly.
Made a bit on Nzd/Usd

The markets have been about as droopy as the priest's pecker.
ill pm you later mate -i agree with you -just 1 trade-walk away if you are wrong-no trying to get the money back or overtrading if you lose.2 pips is a coffee mate enjoy😎

do you now what? I soon as I closed my trade, market moved (I guess Draghi's speech had something to do with it)......a classic. 😆
Good Luck.

At a thread with a real trader.

Star Wars Trading Concepts

There is one all powerful force that binds the entire universe together. It is "an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together". This is a concept that most traders of the world concur with. Some refer to it as their deity, some refer to it as a life force, but the one thing nearly all traders agree with, is that there exists a single unifying force.

There are 2 sides to the force, the dark side and the light side. "Beware of the dark side... The dark side leads to fear. Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering". Good versus Evil is a common element through most traders. The issues of good versus evil, right versus wrong permeate through the doctrines of all traders. Most traders attempt to state what is right and wrong, to establish their moral code. Sometimes traders make codes that don't reach a great consensus. Outsiders, and sometime insiders, begin to judge their trader code by something more powerful, something more innate, an innate ability to know what is right and wrong. This is the Jedi's belief, that morality, good and evil, are all axioms of the force, and that we must listen to the force so that we will know the right thing to do.

Can good exist without evil? The Jedi believe that good and evil are only axioms of the all powerful and unifying force. The force contains all that is good and all that is bad. We all are free and sentient beings who have the capability to do good or evil. It is our choice of direction that determines if we do good or evil. The existence of good and evil is necessary for freewill.

So in summary, listen to the force, and beware the dark side!
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Off out soon .When i come back ill talk about yesterday.(a bit of hindsight lol)
dow futures down slightly
ftse dax up-looking good for around 4pm.same plan as yesterday unless we have another rollercoaster day
it's good to look at things from a Celestial perspective in trading...seeing the greater picture -- too many people look at things using micro signals and variables.

Just like the Patek Philippe Celestial 5102J watch,
it's good to look at things from a Celestial perspective in trading...seeing the greater picture -- too many people look at things using micro signals and variables.

Just like the Patek Philippe Celestial 5102J watch,

Nice a Patek.....

my favourites:


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The fiendish plan was set based on what i thought the market was going to do.
Looking at yesterdays morning action it appeared as though the dow was very strong early on during the morning(futures).The ftse was also up due to this fact.A little later the dow futures dropped and the ftse also dropped to reflect this.This is what you are hoping for-A period of consolidation before the next rise.You can then hop aboard the ftse at about 4pm and ride the move hoping that the dow will keep on rising.You have then caught the momentum into the close.the position is then closed after the ftse auction at about 4.35.You can close earlier if you have a decent profit of say 20. If you are sitting on a loss then you have to make a judgement call based upon how the dow is doing.Remember that you always have a stop on for protection.
Yesterday was a complete rollercoaster so all bets were off.
I was out from about 4 yesterday but i noticed that when i came back the ftse had closed down.It would be interesting to know what the dow was when the ftse closed.If the dow was turning it can sometimes be beneficial to place a very small long position on the ftse hoping for the BOUNCE.You are obviously wanting the dow to rise but if it is turning you are going with the momentum.If things become stale i suggest closing quickly.
So you enter the position but if you have doubts you get out.You obviously have to give it some leway hence the stop.I would place the stop 50 away just for peace of mind and incase of chaos in the market.More later about position size etc-may the force be with you all
just back in after a walk with the dog.
everything looking ok for 4pm-very strong day which is a bit mad pending the big news on wed.