Max Strategy Drawdown %0.43

If it was TradeVector there be a lot more tex a lot more. In addition he would have an answer for everything. I don't know what his trading was like, but he could bloody write good

sun123 said:
I don't know what his trading was like, but he could bloody write good
Yes indeed ... very well put, Sun. And entirely fair comment, I think. 🙂
Are you 'the One' Currency King?

Currency King caught a whopper in you guys!

96% win rate. Ha! I've read interviews with the best traders ever and they don't have a 96% win ratio.

Of course he could be the One the oracle foretold would be coming.

What do you say Neo, er...Currency King?

It's always the same. Someone posts that they have the greatest system ever only they can't or won't tell you what it is,

Might as well spend my time catching Leprechauns as reading this thread. King Brian can trade Forex like no one's business :cheesy: LOL
Probably won't be long before someone develops a system with 107% success rate.

CurrencyKing: Looking at your backtest data for your always in system, do you trade 24/5? If so, when do you find time to sleep/eat/sh*t? Have you tried filtering out time for that? And have you actually been trading this method for long?


P.S. Looks like a promising concept. Send me a PM with your efs coding and I'll join up with you against the sceptics. Not sure about the colours though.
i was wondering what happened to our comrade in arms..

seems as though he has gone quiet over on moneytec too after everyone held out their hand wanting a freebie..

perhaps he is just away from his pc.

lets give him a chance first....

CAUTION NEWBIES: high snakeoil alert 😈

member claiming he found holy grail system, doesn't want to disclose only show off.

his system statisics indicate he will be more rich than bill gates in 2 and half years, assuming of course he has a starting balance of $2000.

member spotted on various forums, lurking around, waiting for your PM's.....