No it has not been answered.
You're not fooling anyone with your bullsh1t.
OK, I will try one last time, if you don't get a grip of what I'm saying then I will have to assume your animosity is not borne from anxiety over an overt attempt to garner money from members of this site but instead is just dumb ignorance on your part.
Originally Posted by Mycroft Algoman View Post
The example I gave above regarding the events at and around 10.10 to 10.16 show clearly the underlying market working in collusion with the SB boards.
So the Middle Market that mediates the Underlying and the New is alerted to a huge change in the flow from within, the Fanfare price was all set to drop to make money for the UM and MM and there was a conflict of interest.
With me so far?
Dropping 20 or 30 points can be requested and then paid for... and it is, quite often in order to cull a tranche of bets that would cost too much to pay out.
Yes, but this was not called for by the New Market yesterday, this was caused by what I outlined in my previous paragraph, the Middle Market, you have conflated the two.
Still with me?
No contradiction, just your errant conflation of instances.
So the players in the Big6 are not in themselves influential but they do create the landscape on the route map, your singular pound or two is not here nor there, they are just money centres to be used to track a course.
Again this is correct, as individuals we play little singular part, but as outlined in either my first or second post in this thread, when you or I make a judgement we won't be alone so each player only becomes influential when grouped together, but that influence is contrarian to intent, it promotes a downfall as the profit is in moving against that larger body of money (taking it) and just paying out to the smaller body that went the other way.
Still with me I'm hoping!
These cores of money are there to be utilised by the Algorithms in much the same way as an ape will traverse a jungle swinging from branch to branch to get to a certain place.
Without the presence of the Boards there would be fewer branches to swing on and therefore fewer opportunities to make money... that 'money' is all lovely new stuff, fresh meat you might say to feed the ever hungry beast that runs the show.
The Parasite that kills its host is destined to die itself if it is too aggressive, it has to nurture or at least keep the body corporeal around long enough to move on, we act as hosts in this analogy.
If you still harbour doubts about my intentions in being here then I can't think of much more I can do to quell the anxiety you have... except keep on answering your questions (even if they are faulted with errant conflations) as best I can.