This is my last mention on the subject as you are clearly an unreasonable and unplesant person.
I'm becoming increasingly curious of all the issues ever discussed you have taken this case of a two year old so much too heart? Baby P had the same effect on me.
I am not a communist or a capitalist.
Don't pigeon hole people ...
You are irrational - biggot comes to mind
Name calling others for simply their harmless opinion.
I knew a *billionaire* who'd lost a child to drugs, he was a broken man, he died a broken man, he said he'd happily go back in time to a 2 up 2 down terrace with a tenner in his pocket if he could have her back and make a better go of being a 'decent' husband and father..
Interestingly - the amount of $$$ you have does not make you happy.
In terms of wealth, what makes you happy is your wealth relative to those around you.
So - the wife of a multi-millionaire, living in a street of billionaires will be p1ssy as hell over their paltry 7 bedroom maison and their paltry 60 foot yaght.
Too true which is why many people don't realise they're rich. All 'rich' is to them is material things, cars, big houses etc.
But you can be very rich in family/love and poor in cash. Don't forget this because there are so many people in the world with lots of money hence cash rich but family/love poor and believe me their lives aren't that great although they can buy a new car or wardrobe anytime they want......
I'm solvent, not much debt and have a beautiful healthy family. wtf else matters eh? 🙂 I don't do status anxiety...
Your missus been moaning about your gaff again?
AMEN to that.
It's hard to imagine the fall from grace, and the speed with which it must have occurred. One day these people are part of a successful dynasty, probably proud members of the community, the next day everyone perceives them as common thieves.
Was it worth it Bernie?
Is labelling someone a "biggot" not the same as name calling and putting them in a pigeon hole ?
PS I have no view on the theme that is being discussed in this thread
So - the wife of a multi-millionaire, living in a street of billionaires will be p1ssy as hell over their paltry 7 bedroom maison and their paltry 60 foot yaght.
Plus, why would anyone want to be married to someone as materialistic and as dopey as that.
If it flies, floats or fornicates, rent it.