ok-with you now.
I personally preferred trading my own account from home.
The main disadvantages that I have found with trading at a prop firm are the shorter TF mentality that you get. It has taken me a very long time - in fact many years - to build the patience and discipline to wait for the moments when I have a high probability of winning before I trade.
At a prop firm you are surrounded by the buzz and activity of shorter TF trading. I am not saying that everyone here trades short term but it is certainly true that the MAJORITY too.
I am personally not a scalper. I don't trade off the bid-offer, I don't care about what is happening on the 1m, 3m, 5m charts but that's what I have found myself thrown into: "Cut risk - keep stops tight. It's better to take 5 ticks 10 times than 50 ticks once etc."
At the same time I am encouraged to concentrate on one market rather than a group which is what I used to do. This has affected my bottom line severely because it could be days and sometimes weeks before I get a setup on one market and then the pressure to TRADE for the sake of TRADING occurs. The traders around me appear dumbfounded if I say that I've done 1 round trip in a day and even that feels way too much for me.
Then you've got the news. I always made money by IGNORING the news. But here, 1 minute before the figure its heart hammering in your chest time, fully loaded, ready to go - there's the figure - REACT, QUICK...the news is good, the markets going up...hit the bid with a 5 lot...now it's turned and I'm offside...People shouting and cursing. Sometimes I wonder why they do it. I know it's not for me...
So, on the whole, joining a firm has been detrimental to my trading so far.
So why do I stay? Because I don't have the capitalisation to MAKE A LIVING trading from home. Not yet. To do that without any pressure that affects your trading requires a huge deal of capital. It would take tens of thousands of pounds to be able to trade once or twice a week and still make enough to put you on an even keel with most 30 year olds...
The other main advantage of an office for me is that it has the social environment - I found trading from home very lonely and would go so far as to say it made me depressed. Sitting at home all day with no one to talk to when you are a naturally social person is something I found very, very hard.
on Friday 11Apr I was short bonds just before GE announced their much worse than expected earnings. I was on a trading floor and knew this news was due out so I pulled all my orders. As I watched my news screen I saw the results and immediately coverred my position within 3 ticks. Two more ticks later I was long.
The point here is that technically there was nothing wrong with being short as I was on-side and loooking at new lows with possibility of stops sending us lower. The reality was that the NEWS instantaneously changed everything and if I had been at home trading I think I would have lost a mint instead of making it.
I post this so that some of you home traders who baulk at costs of trading fom office and make excuses to skimp, will eventually realise thats a false economy. Because of my trading environment I paid for the equivalent of about 4 years desk fees yesterday because I trade in Professional Environment
Have you tried trading other contracts whilst keeping your longer TF trades on the table?
I just got the UK CPI DATA at exactly 9:30 the time it was released,
How many seconds past 9.30am did you get this as even 10 seconds can be too long ?
I think there is one US indicator which you can pay for and get it 10 mins before the market but it is a private survey and not a massive market mover.
That's the thing mp, too simple.while you discuss whether or not and when to get into a news trade, did you notice the prior price movement ? Since i was in the trade hours ago, that makes me faster than the fastest gun in town ! (LOL)
Im blue in the face from talking about it, but it sure does work and tell you which way the market is gonna move.
all i ever ask, since i GIVE this information away, is you LOOK first and be negative later !
its just all so simple !
That's the thing mp, too simple.
What might be even more useful to some is for you to give a specific example ahead of time. There's so much news coming out most days I imagine some folk get over-burdened with watching too many pairs.
If you focus on past lead-ups to news and price action and show them how it develops and gets pulled up (or down) to where they want it so forth, you'll be accused of cherry picking.
So, if you want to really hit home to those stragglers what it is you're suggesting they look at, there's nothing quite like one that's about to start it's gyrations and follow it through to its reasonably obvious conclusion. Just a thought.
did that post just get chopped?
That's the thing mp, too simple.
What might be even more useful to some is for you to give a specific example ahead of time. There's so much news coming out most days I imagine some folk get over-burdened with watching too many pairs.
Bramble, I have delivered fishing rods to everyone so that I dont have to give them a fish --- i tell them to watch the LRC which will tell them everything I KNOW, and if they do so, they will know whats happening in advance.
If you focus on past lead-ups to news and price action and show them how it develops and gets pulled up (or down) to where they want it so forth, you'll be accused of cherry picking.
I dont know what "cherry picking" means, aside from taking the best and leaving the rest !
I posted about GU either sunday or early monday or BOTH so that WAS my heads up, but it was PROBABLY DELETED BY "WHATS HIS NAME", THE MODERATOR ! (NOT nine)
just look at GU starting last week and leading up to this weeks news and as far as HOW MUCH NEWS IS DELIVERED, let them find ONE currency and play that exclusively, although i wouldnt recommend GU as a learning experience ---- I TOLD EVERYONE TO LOOK AT AN H1 CHART FOR THE SMOOTHEST MOVING CURRENCY, AND THEN TO TRADE THAT AND BE AWARE OF THE TIMES THE CURRENCIES REVERSE PRICE MOVEMENT (BUT RARELY TREND) and to notice that one should NOT take counter trades on the first day of a large momentum move. Ive told people a "run" usually lasts 2.5 days, AND IM GETTING FRIGGEN TIRED OF SAYING IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER.
I know you guys across the pond have decent schools, at least decent enough to read and comprehend --- so why doesnt someone besides Grim and a few others prove me right about your educations ?
So, if you want to really hit home to those stragglers what it is you're suggesting they look at, there's nothing quite like one that's about to start it's gyrations and follow it through to its reasonably obvious conclusion. Just a thought.
Once she starts shaking and wiggling, I get interested also and I keep the wolf from the door by TRADING, and not by publishing "how to do it" manuals ---- ALL I EVER SAY IS TO READ WHAT I SAID AND THEN WATCH THE MARKET --- if one read what i said, and then followed GU last and this week, ANYONE would have been ready to trade it correctly, and if you CANT then the title "trader" is not to be worn !
When i came up with my "equity system" I did EXACTLY WHAT YOU ADVISED ABOVE, but I had to stop trading for close to 3 months to gather the screen shots, write the copy and edit the danged thing ---- Im a trader and not a writer and while i may do that ONCE in my life, a second time for something i dont even charge for is much too much an undertaking at my age !
o and for record straight
you mis quoted me the other day
I have never said I need any help trading the News, or trading full stop. I do ok for a weedhopper and do not trade the News that much different to what your winding on about mp, thats why I have given you the odd reppppppy pt 🙂