and here is a free machine learning tool for trading
Did anybody tried it already ??
Hi Krzysztof,
I did download TSSB to see the manual and try a few examples... Wow...
For me as a new student in Machine Learning...all the new info and concepts...verging on being almost overwhelming for me...and it's going to take time to learn it.
The two authors have done a tremendous job...making powerful TSSB machine learning available to all of us...and for free...!
However Solas has a good point...while the program is free...the support costs for TSSB are pretty expensive for the average person...
But to be fair to the authors...compared to industry consultants for Machine Learning with 6 figure consulting fees...those support costs for TSSB are relatively cheap...
Also the cost of the book is far less than any college course on Machine Learning...and I consider that a big positive.
I mentioned in an earlier post here that I was starting to play with Deep Thought...
Both TSSB and Deep Thought present a fairly huge learning curve for me as a novice...and both have huge pros and cons.
I was able to do a quick comparison of Deep Thought with TSSB...and there were two main criteria for me in choosing which one I wanted to start with...
(1) Ease of use (faster learning curve)...
(2) Immediate connections to MT4 (most important)...
For the first reason...Deep Thought...while challenging and complex in it's own comparison to feeling much easier for me to start with...
The second reason is definitely the most important reason for me...
Deep Thought interfaces directly with MT4...right out of the box. This is really amazing...
It has ready-made MT4 EA templates and an MT4 CSV import indicators built-in...
I can get right to work learning and using them...and that's a huge plus...!
TSSB said they do not have any MT4 inter-connectivity yet...and if someone wants to pay them to develop it for MT4...they may consider developing it later.
Deep Thought offers me the opportunity to jump start real applications with Machine Learning and MT4 immediately.
TSSB does look very powerful and I may go back and learn a little more about TSSB after I learn more of the basics for Deep Thought.
In the meantime...thanks for the TSSB suggestion and your other link to the TSSB/Hurst video... Very interesting stuff...!
Take care,