Basicially I can't get a loan any less than 25% APR so I am really stuck, I most likely can get a loan through my mum which will cover living exspenses. I am still looking at firms who back you and talking with a potential backer.
I am wondering if I get backing can I trade through one of these brokers with an 8mb connection which runs more like 3.5mb, is this crazy? I have no idea, there seems alot of data to process surely you need a better connection, to trade the bund for example?
Going back into work sucks, because okay I can earn some money but I still won't get near the £30k margin I need put down to spread trade, can't really do it for less and if i did i would earn so little and spend a long time trying to size up, £15k is the least I would need. If a firm with cheap costs won't take me now then going back to software developing to obtain £10,000 in my bank account won't change much.
I don't really understand how I should have done better, which is what I read some guy say. My first couple of months were a really brutal time to start spread trading.. it cleared out loads of people on the floor, within 6 months about 75% of the floor had been replaced, I was the only one from my group and the groups behind me who had withdrawn money. I dunno what else I need to do to show I can trade.. give me more size and I can make more ^^.. anyway first 2 months of trading I barely netted anything so was doin 5k-8k months by the end.
I am starting to apply to some firms who pay a salary, just in trading generally not self employed etc.. 🙁