Looking for a Mentor? (DT)


Hi, I am looking for a mentor. Here's a bit about me, and what I am looking for.

I am a french canadian, from Montreal. I started to trade within a year ago, and love it. I know trading is the exception, to be able to make money out of it is something out of ordinary, but this is who I am, someone that usually go off the record. I've been reading about trading for a little bit, and learned that my plan is mostly trends, I trade mostly stock option. I've been doing ok! So why do I want a mentor? To see the life of a real Day Trader! Also to see better plan and methedologies, I am looking for a specific plan, I know this game can't be winning without a specific plan, wich I don't have yet. also I want to see the reality of it, to think the way a trader thinks, to see what he sees, to feel what he feels.

I know MANY things can't be teach, but most of them, I already know. The psychology way, I have it. I really want the things that can be teach.

Mentor I am looking for? First of all, I'll go anywhere in the planet to find a mentor. If I get the opportunity for one in Australia I'll jump on a plane and head right to you. I am 22 years old, and starting to trade as young as I am can get me to awesome places later on, I know it. This is why I have to start seriously now!

Now, I started on stock market, but I will trade anything. Like if the mentor is a Forex/option trader, I will go in there... I've been looking at them all, tried to find a model, but I need to see it really well....

Also, I know practice is better than anything. But having a mentor will guide me in a path, wich is the thing I've been trying to find since the beginning. The mentor I seek must be a full time day trader. MUST NOT BE CASUAL, it must be your life! So either you are near retirement and want someone to pass away your knowledge, or you are young and doing very good and a helper/apprentice would make sense to you? A young but VERY brilliant man trying to break trough a world that's barely open, where simply keeping your head above the surface is an exception, and I do know it, but he still KNOWS he can make it.

Send me private messages if interested. Thank you very much!