Looking for a Junior Trader position in London/Hong Kong


Junior member
I know that getting a junior trading position is almost impossible now days, but despite my efforts i cant change the fact that the only thing i m passionate professionally is in financial markets/trading.

Please msg me if you would like to receive more info about my profile. I have a MSC in Economics, speak fluently 5 languages..worked in Madrid and London...28 years old..currently i m develepoing some algo trading strategies.

I would be also interested in some Trader who would like to outsource part of his tasks.

I hate the fact that destiny is pushing me into getting a job not related to the financial markets world, so would really appreciate if anyone could help.
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Perhaps it would be helpful if you mentioned some of the results of your algo strategy? Results are, at the end of the day, the most important indicator of performance in this industry.

You don't have to divulge the details of your system, however, if you find your system has a statistical edge, hedge funds and other asset management firms would not hesitate to take you on. I understand you may have a day job, but if you are finding it difficult to break into a trading position, then maybe it's time you take matters into your own hands:

1) Work on developing your own system through backtesting. If you find it works nicely, then proceed to step 2. If not, keep working on it.
2) Start playing with a small amount of capital on your system. Firms would be a great deal impressed if you were willing to invest your own hard-earned cash on it and hopefully, make a profit.
3) Market yourself and your system.

While earning advanced degrees, having fluency in multiple languages, and having a strong interest in trading is a good sign, the thing that most attracts talent is results.

Best of luck to you!
OnlySolo, "amit" tiene razón, si te interesa nosotros tenemos en marcha un proyecto muy sólido. Necesitaríamos saber de tus resultados, que es lo más importante. Buscamos gestores de cuentas con buena gestión del riesgo, resultados decentes, sostenibles, operaciones cortas, nada o poco de capital flotante. Los incentivos económicos para los traders son una participación en beneficios, y existe la posibilidad de incentivos adicionales si se involucran en la mejora de la empresa. Todas las opiniones se estiman y se tienen en cuenta. No doy muchos datos, no hace falta, poco a poco. Mi correo: santanatrading(at)hotmail(dot)com

For those don't understanding first and main language in the American Continent, I am just testing this guy skills. Thanks.
Hello Santana London, i don't consider my self a professional profitable trader as i never had the chance to prove it. All i offer at this moment is my own vision of the world economy , my passion about the financial markets and my desire to keep learning, this is why i m looking for a more junior position. Still working on my strategy.

Hola Sanatana London,

Te pongo lo mismo en español, hacer trading es lo unico que me motiva, asi que si buscais alguna persona con mucha energia para alguna posicion junior, estaria encantado de conoceros. Hecho trading por mi cuenta y estado en un hedge fund, llevo muchos años dando le vueltas a mi propia estrategia a corto y largo plazo pero aun no esta lista. Necesito volver a estar en el ambiente de los fondos y traders. Por eso te digo que si buscas a una persona con un track record yo no soy, Tu grupo tendria que arriesgar y apostar a por mi potencial.

Onlysolo, no queremos "primadonas" queremos gente coherente y responsable, sobre todo regulares, lo que podemos hacer, si estás de acuerdo, es abrir una cuenta demo visible y empezar a trabajar, tu elige el broker y la cuenta (para demo sirve cualquiera). Luego la conectas a https://www.myfxbook.com/ (o al servicio que quieras)y ya la vemos todos. Ahora estamos en proceso de migración, ya te diré cuando llevemos unos días, a ver si con el nuevo broker hay seriedad, que parece que sí. Saludos.

I am asking onlysolo to opena a demo account, so we could begin to monitor his work. Thanks.