Anybody up for Trading Meetup in Hong Kong


Established member
Hello Folks, I've been to a few of the meetups in London and left there 3 months
ago to move to Hong Kong and found them really worthwhile if just for making
new contacts.

Just seeing if there are any other people out there that would like to arrange a few
beers on a Thursday night or any night in fact and have a chat about trading in the next month or so.

Let me know

Ged 👍
kyahh i was in HK just a few weeks ago U_____u; shame, id have been up for a meet up :] how r u finding it over there? has the humidity drove you crazy yet? 😛 😛
kyahh i was in HK just a few weeks ago U_____u; shame, id have been up for a meet up :] how r u finding it over there? has the humidity drove you crazy yet? 😛 😛

Hi Pi,

Been here about 3 months now and the humidity doent feel as bad. It is as everyone says but you just get used to it. Absolutely love the place although it wont be for everyone. Heard somebody say the other day as tha HK is "New York on steroids" which i think fits the bill perfect.

Working as a Mortgage Broker over here buit was looking at what prope shops are around and there aint really that many and if there are they are all mainly chinese run and speaking and trading US stocks.
