Ahh another classic pboyles, digging up an old thread to keep bad mouthing all companies except Amplify Trading.
I thought you only dealt in facts ? If you look properly you will see that he received increases in February AND April... even though he is losing money... just check the balances on his statement. It's right there in front of you... oh wait, you don't care you just like to make stupid comments.
So this suggest that the company are SUPPORTING HIM whilst he is learning and losing...
What other companies are you aware of that give more money when a trader is below the company funded amounts?
Here's a quote direct from the LST site...bottom of page.
Proprietary Trading Opportunities - Proprietary Trading | Become a Trader | Trading London | Prop Trading | Income From Trading
"Learning to become a consistent trader is a skill that will be finely tuned throughout your career. Some may find it takes a few months, some may find that it takes years to achieve their goals. London Stone Trading will provide the knowledge, support and training.."
So, LST haven't lied, haven't recruited under false pretences and have supported Nev financially whilst he's learning. Sounds good to me. As you correctly rant on about on these forums for 14 hours a day, it might take people years, if ever, to learn to trade. At least this company are helping and not just getting rid. ALL other companies, Savi, Amplify (which you know about well...) would have gotten rid of Nev and taken the 3k and got rid.