Live Trading With Grey1 ( Monthly Members Only )

It seems to me Friday is more suitable to most traders...

The first session will be Friday 22nd of AUG .

Hope it is convenient to all


Great stuff Iraj, Friday 22nd is v good for me. Will look forward to this.

Thanks again

Thanks Grey!

I'll try to log on and kick off a recording prior to leaving for work. Hopefully the recording will work and turn out okay. If so, I'll make it available. I just install PaltalkScene, hopefully that's the correct one.

- E
I enjoyed as much of the session that I was able to attend. At around 4.00pm I suddenly got a message that there is no user defined for the Technical Trader Room and after that I couldn't find the room again. I tried logging off and on again but it made no difference.

Did anyone else get this or was it just me ?


Hi Paul, The Same Happened To Me, Cant Find The Room I Expect He's Off Line Due To Some Malfunction...,,or Its Just Us ?

I am back in now. You need to do a search for Technical and you will find the room


I am back in now. You need to do a search for Technical and you will find the room


Hi all

We had another winning day .. what can i say except that the crowd was awesome and trading very enjoyable

Hi all

We had another winning day .. what can i say except that the crowd was awesome and trading very enjoyable


your time and effort is much appreciated, (a very helpful day indeed)

who else would give up so much of there time to help other traders..

great stuff. looking forward to the next one..

Hi All,

Got stuck in the office today at the last minute so could not join in-Missed a good opportunity-I'm sure everyone (as usual) had another good day of learning and enjoyment- can anyone post the trades please (will help me and others who missed out immensly )?

Best wishes

Hey Raj,

I, myself, am still at the office. But before I left the house, I left it recording. Hopefully it went smoothly. If all's good, I'll make it available to everyone in TT. I'll update this thread once I find out.

- E
Another great learning experience. Made a few quid as well. Big thanks as always to Grey1.
