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Everyday? wow, ok as a newbie to the room, is there any password? also, what charts should i have up generally, i'll be using 2000i,any vets can answer. Any help will kindly rewarded with beers!!

see u guys monday
Thanks Iraj for sharing with us today. Only 1 losing trade- fantastic- shame i only actually entered the one that lost- gotta be a lesson in that somewhere for me! Thanks for your patience and explaining things when i should be reading up on them instead (i will do so now so i understand what is going on!).
Thanks Iraj for sharing with us today. Only 1 losing trade- fantastic- shame i only actually entered the one that lost- gotta be a lesson in that somewhere for me! Thanks for your patience and explaining things when i should be reading up on them instead (i will do so now so i understand what is going on!).

yes it was a good day and took RIMM , HPQ after you went both wins. Very difficult daythough as sentiment and technicial were NOT confirming and this is the worse case scenario

JAY JAY made $600 on YM and BSD $450 for the day

bad luck with that trade Donna,, you should have stayed longer

Thanks Iraj for sharing with us today. Only 1 losing trade- fantastic- shame i only actually entered the one that lost- gotta be a lesson in that somewhere for me! Thanks for your patience and explaining things when i should be reading up on them instead (i will do so now so i understand what is going on!).

Well. I only ****ed up once, Grey said about shorting GD and I thought he said GE...

I thought it didn't look ready to roll over and die. 😎
Thanks Grey1, a fantastic day.
Up about $350 also with very little drawdown and only a $6 loss on one trade I did not exit quick enough.
Mucho moocho gracias
shame i only actually entered the one that lost- gotta be a lesson in that somewhere for me!

What trade was that and on which instrument as I understand that you trade using IG ?

It was fun for sure & I came out $400 on top - trading the YM because I had a bunch of other stuff running on TS & didn't want radar screen slowing it all down.

Thanks Iraj !
Thanks grey, i was only watching, as i was havinf computer problems, but well done , hoepfully i'll have my tradestation up and running tuesday
Good day with an average of $350 win for the day



Just wanted to say thanks for accepting my request to join the forum a couple of days ago, and for the informative session yesterday afternoon. I didn't put any trades on myself as I am still getting to grips with the methodology and would like to build up a better understanding of it first.

However if today's results are anything to go by then I look forward to hopping on the bandwagon in the near future 👍
program trade


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another winning day with an average trader making $250

The average win is based on those traders who have taken all my trades and not missed any trades..

very difficult day but this is how it goes

I was $328 up on the day - it was 1:30am when I went to bed - I must set myself a cut-off time otherwise I'm going to be up all night doing this.

There's a lot of valuable info coming out in the seminars which is worth more than the money we are making in my opinion. My intention really was to just tune in & listen - but if the opportunity to make money is there as well - it's hard to justify not taking it.

On the down side, I have had to tell the girlfriend that if there are any of my 'evening services' required that day - she needs to get into & out of that market before 8:30pm.
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