Best Thread Live Trading and General Chat Lounge

thanks,they look good when you get them spot on. I did it yesterday with ej trade only to give the 2nd 1/2 back.I just dont seem to get much follow through this last couple of months,but managing to survive with the bits and pieces and hopefully the real biggies will be along before xmas

Yes! Know what you mean and for this reason have started closing off completly when i get a good run.
I keep meaning to implement a trailing stop but keep forgetting to do so
We both closed off our jpy trades But I see unless we had a pretty big trailing stop we would have closed off with a smaller profit than taken.
FFS ive waited for this euro to fall for two days and seriously failed to takeadvantage of it. I took the trade and for once got out early and look what happened,it went all the way over 100 pips. The ones i stayed in this week didnt. Still ive had a good week so far,just angry at a silly emotional based dicision
Myself,Wacky and BP need to share a bottle this xmas,weve all been here since day one and previous to that on other live call threads.
Last of the summer wine eh BP ( its a uk sit com about three old gits trying to relive their youth).
Good to have the thread recognized and hope it has served a purpose to some.I really hope you other guys stick around.
Myself,Wacky and BP need to share a bottle this xmas,weve all been here since day one and previous to that on other live call threads.
Last of the summer wine eh BP ( its a uk sit com about three old gits trying to relive their youth).
Good to have the thread recognized and hope it has served a purpose to some.I really hope you other guys stick around.

The only thread that keeps many people visiting T2W(y)