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The strange thing about the cad is that although the dollar is losing strength against the other majors this is not being reflected in the cad up to now anyway.
Flash, Take comfort from the fact that that we might have had 20 odd trades but unfortunately they have not been doing well.

I wont be taking any comfort if you have not being doing well.The thread is infectiousness,if one does well, it often follows that others do. im currently at about b/e for two days work on the trade
I wont be taking any comfort if you have not being doing well.The thread is infectiousness,if one does well, it often follows that others do. im currently at about b/e for two days work on the trade

That is most gracious of you Flash,
After a loss on my big account yesterday due to complete boredom I switched to my smaller account so the losses are palatable. I am only trading as its chucking it down out there and and its freezing cold as well.
Lets hope things get better tomorrow.
I also have noticed as you point out that good fortune is infectious.
hmm,i have a clear sell line going back to july on the eur/usd. it would go against m cad trade but i may take it
I have trades in contrary directions so I am sort of hedged and must rely on cad out performing euor.I was looking at a eur/cad trade but the lines are clearer as I am
Ive gone large on this euro trade, it looks clear to me while its below 1.2990 and could be a significant move
Ive gone large on this euro trade, it looks clear to me while its below 1.2990 and could be a significant move

12945 should easily be on the cards, out of interest Flash, what's the max you risk on any trade as % of your account. I'm on 2%, once stop is BE on a currency pair then I'm open to risk a further 2%. The stop size then lets me determine size..
12945 should easily be on the cards, out of interest Flash, what's the max you risk on any trade as % of your account. I'm on 2%, once stop is BE on a currency pair then I'm open to risk a further 2%. The stop size then lets me determine size..

its very hard to answer directly like that as I dont keep all my capital in one trading account and just put in more when I need it, but my stakes are generally quite consistent and a large trade is probably be about 20% of my account balance but as I said its not a true reflection as I have no intention of leaving too much excess capitol in my trading accounts. I use 2 accounts to get better spreads. What your are doing with the 2% is fine. When I enter I generally have a 30 pip stop so know the stakes can be consistent.
I do sometimes increase after a loss as i believe I have the edge so increasing after a loss will only increase the advantage I have as Im sure to bag a winner sooner rather than later. If I have 3 full x 2 losers then things get costly and run into the 1000s and that happens every couple of months,but a couple of winners and Im back on track. ive gone off on one a bit,but hope what Ive said makes sense. Money management is what changed things for me.
its very hard to answer directly like that as I dont keep all my capital in one trading account and just put in more when I need it, but my stakes are generally quite consistent and a large trade is probably be about 20% of my account balance but as I said its not a true reflection as I have no intention of leaving too much excess capitol in my trading accounts. I use 2 accounts to get better spreads. What your are doing with the 2% is fine. When I enter I generally have a 30 pip stop so know the stakes can be consistent.
I do sometimes increase after a loss as i believe I have the edge so increasing after a loss will only increase the advantage I have as Im sure to bag a winner sooner rather than later. If I have 3 full x 2 losers then things get costly and run into the 1000s and that happens every couple of months,but a couple of winners and Im back on track. ive gone off on one a bit,but hope what Ive said makes sense. Money management is what changed things for me.

Yep, makes perfect sense. I hear you about not keeping all funds in an account, I've heard too many stories about people getting shafted (if you open an account as a retail trader and you then get labeled as a professional trader, you land up worst off!)

Over many years I found out 2% is my the level of tolerance where I can keep my head after losing trades and still take sensible positions to get back profit, sounds like you're in the same place...
real dilemmas what to do with these trades. Would like to take some pressure off by taking off 1/2. Euro is set to take 1/2 off at +20 and cad at +25.i dont want to leave both full trades running overnight
eur/cad has fallen,maybe i should have taken that instead of usd/cad and eur/usd,still surviving in both at moment
morning all

still in both trades,cad has moved 25 pips in 62 hrs so far and it looks like im having the same affect on the euro,i have removed my 1st target on the euro as I may go for more