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cables frozen today?

Some really rubbish moves so far as my trade is concerned - it seems like the market is in a sadistic mode today(n)

Later on (at 19:00 BST) FOMC Meeting Minutes - so it could be something to do with it. I would expect few stops/targets to be hit at 19:00 with slippage of course. If I was not in this trade I wouldn't touch the platform till tomorrow. Whatever the case I won't move the stop.
i think there are quite a few things at interesting levels. Eurusd has gone through a triangle and is trying to restest an RBS line and could be set for a move up. Gbpusd is in a similar state as zen pointed out yesterday. And the audusd fell below its long ascending t/l and shot back up leaving a 4 hour pin behind. If it drops below the low it could fall a fair way.

Round and round she goes, and where she stops, no one knows...
Everything is umming and ahhing at the mo. :confused:


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(random post :) )

I`ve always found it interesting how people say (Btw, this isnt directed at anyone in particular on here, just something i`ve noted through the ventures of trading and something I read earlier today) how the specific market of choice isn't "acting" as normal, or "sitting out for now as its not trending as usual" etc.

For me, the markets, a market. We all make the price, I view consolidation, spikes or something irregular or unorthodox as completely normal. Reason being; because you can never foresee what happens next, so how can you predefine "normal" market behaviour...

I think this is a mentality based thing where if the market doesn't move fast enough, or react in a specific way you expected, then in your eyes its deemed unorthodox, strange etc.. when in reality, it is, what it is but others wont accept or and more importantly adapt to it, making it just another psychological hurdle to climb over to becoming consistent...

Just a random post to fill some space :)
The PA on my gbp/aud is worrying.Market spiked down only for a retrace,often a sign of strenght. Glad to have got some pips before that.Watch and hope now
Well missed the usdcad - either early or late on reversal trades. Always a tough cookie.

Two trades missed today which I had every intention of taking that turned out to be profitable.

Off for fish and chips...
Didnt call the entry bro ^ and didnt it hit 15643 before your entry? As you said you`d cancel it, should the price hit that area first.... (including spread it would have been lower)

Just saying.... :) lol.

PS Are you talking about gbp/usd? Lowest on my chart was 1.57643

PPS Maybe you should check it again before saying:)

Good work. I saw you write that order. Its probably a good idea just to hit "reply" on that post and then just put "entered".

That way we know if you followed the entry through so if trade goes against you its not a case of "oh no I never entered". Not saying you`re like that, just generally speaking!

Either way, good call of course. :)
Good work. I saw you write that order. Its probably a good idea just to hit "reply" on that post and then just put "entered".

That way we know if you followed the entry through so if trade goes against you its not a case of "oh no I never entered". Not saying you`re like that, just generally speaking!

Either way, good call of course. :)


I don't do that. If the price goes there (to my limit order), trade is triggered and that's it.

I said I would cancel it if it goes below my stop (which it didn't). Simple isn't it?

BTW You should check your charting package - some serious discrepancies there. On my chart (IB) the lowest bid was 1.57643 ( you don't add spread to the bid price if it's a stop for a long)

I even commented after my order was triggered (about how choppy the pa was) - check the post:

I don't do that. If the price goes there (to my limit order), trade is triggered and that's it.

I said I would cancel it if it goes below my stop (which it didn't). Simple isn't it?

BTW You should check your charting package - some serious discrepancies there. On my chart (IB) the lowest bid was 1.57643 ( you don't add spread to the bid price if it's a stop for a long)

I even commented after my order was triggered (about how choppy the pa was) - check the post:

That abacus has to go, DG...i think you've lost one of your beads.
Time to graduate to a ZX spectrum. :)

I guess its all over the fact I used to post orders in the past and was told to confirm entries aswell, that's all.

Doesn't need pages on this though? lol. It was a good trade, good call.
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