LIVE intra-day trading with Grey1 July 9th ( Third Leg)

Excellent stuff Iraj. You are no doubt one of the best traders around, so its very useful
you are prepared to answer so many questions on how you do it.


what an awesome day with calling short market and people making $$$ ( likeTrader333) from the call.. Also few American friends making $$ from trading futures.Market fell 80 points from the call even though the market had problem to break down but Technical Trader Group took a short view and kicked ass .

Good trading guys. Hope u all enjoyed it

a very informative afternoon, where the Dow was called as Overbought, and confining trades to the downside.

The bits at the tail end, were about trading swing TFs (where the real money is made), which were only glossed over, so I am eager to learn about them, such as sector-rotation.

first off, practice calling market direction!!
(bit upset at his ravaging of MAs, though I understand why, when seen in context of MACCI)

Thanks again, especially as he went over his 2-hrs, and all the time was information-packed.
Looking forward to next broadcast.

EDIT: mention was made of sending out current list of stocks, and emails were wanted for that. (hope I didnt get that wrong) as I thought FinWiz (??) was used for that
As I missed the last webinar, the "2 hours" today was really great. I'm sure I'm well behind many in terms of success, but I feel real progress has been made in my trading journey since I joined the TT forum.
Thanks Grey1.

As expected and explained short IGT and AXP trading near low of the day and market tanking fine style ,,,

Muchas gracias


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Many thanks to Iraj once again for another great live trading session. The recordings are complete but are very large (200 MB). I may reduce the compression to reduce the size as we don't need CD quality and it will be much quicker to upload for me and download for everyone else. I should have it done by Thursday morning.

Thanks very much for another informative session Iraj and cheers to Paul for making the recording.
Hi Everyone,

Here is the link to the webpage to download the web seminar that Iraj gave on July 9th. I will leave this up for about 4 weeks then will remove it. It is in zip format and is about 100MB so may take a while to download.

I have removed the silence from it and I did lose my connection for a couple of minutes but nothing of significance was missed.

I hope everyone enjoys it


thank you iraj for once again taking the time to give all of us a great seminar! unfort for me I had to leave early before the big sell off :(

and a special thanks to paul for providing the recorded session

what an awesome day with calling short market and people making $$$ ( likeTrader333) from the call.. Also few American friends making $$ from trading futures.Market fell 80 points from the call even though the market had problem to break down but Technical Trader Group took a short view and kicked ass .

Good trading guys. Hope u all enjoyed it


Thank you again for the session Iraj and for directing it at the questions I raised in my earlier post.

Thanks also Paul for your rapid response.

i wonder if anyone is able to send me a copy of the text of the session. My Paltalk crashed while I was in the process of cutting and pasting it into Notepad so I have nothing to link Paul's audio to. If anyone can - thanks in advance.

I would have included the text but I had the same problem. When I tried to save the text from the session I got nothing so was not able to include it.

Thanks for another extremely informative session Grey1, much appreciated!

And thanks for the recording Paul, great work!
Thank you Iraj and Paul,
for your hard work,time and effort ,in putting all this together, as always it was fun, informative and educational, I enjoyed it enormously
much appreciated ...excellent session.......
1min and 5 min pointing up, 10min, 30 min and 60 min are all down and below -100. Am I correct in saying that we are waiting for 10 min and 30 min to turn up then we go long.
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how many people would go long now before 30 min has turned up as 30min and 60min are both around -120macci.